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Compute bounding box precision and recall against ground truth


[precision,recall] = bboxPrecisionRecall(bboxes,groundTruthBboxes) measures the accuracy of bounding box overlap between bboxes and groundTruthBboxes. Precision is a ratio of true positive instances to all positive instances of objects in the detector, based on the ground truth. Recall is a ratio of true positive instances to the sum of true positives and false negatives in the detector, based on the ground truth.

If the bounding box is associated with a class label, precision and recall contain metrics for each class. If the bounding box is also associated with a confidence score for ranking, use the evaluateObjectDetection function.


[precision,recall] = bboxPrecisionRecall(bboxes,groundTruthBboxes,threshold) specifies the overlap threshold for assigning a given box to a ground truth box.


collapse all

Create two ground truth boxes.

groundTruthBoxes = [2 2 10 20; 80 80 30 40];

Create three boxes for evaluation.

boundingBoxes = [4 4 10 20; 50 50 30 10; 90 90 40 50];

Plot the boxes.

hold on
for i=1:2
for i=1:3

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 5 objects of type rectangle.

Evaluate the overlap accuracy against the ground truth data.

[precision,recall] = bboxPrecisionRecall(boundingBoxes,groundTruthBoxes)
precision = 
recall = 

Define class names.

classNames = ["A","B","C"];

Create bounding boxes for evaluation.

predictedLabels = {...
    categorical("A",classNames); ...
bboxes = {...
    [10 10 20 30]; ...
    [60 18 20 10; 120 120 5 10]};
boundingBoxes = table(bboxes,predictedLabels,'VariableNames',...

Create ground truth boxes.

A = {[10 10 20 28]; []};
B = {[]; [118 120 5 10]};
C = {[]; [59 19 20 10]};
groundTruthData = table(A,B,C);

Evaluate overlap accuracy against ground truth data.

[precision,recall] = bboxPrecisionRecall(boundingBoxes,groundTruthData)
precision = 3×1


recall = 3×1


Input Arguments

collapse all

Bounding boxes, specified as one of the following. M is the number of bounding boxes.

  • For single-class bounding boxes, bboxes can be an M-by-4 matrix, or a table with M rows and one column. Each row of the matrix or element in the table represents a bounding box, specified in the format [x y width height], where x and y correspond to the upper left corner of the bounding box.

  • For multi-class bounding boxes, bboxes is a table with M rows and two columns. Each element in the first column represents a bounding box, specified in the format [x y width height]. The second column contains the predicted label for each box. The label must be a categorical type defined by the variable (column) names of the groundTruthBboxes table.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32

Ground truth bounding boxes, specified as one of the following. M is the number of ground truth bounding boxes.

  • For single-class bounding boxes, groundTruthBboxes can be an M-by-4 matrix, or a table with M rows and one column. Each row of the matrix or element in the table represents a bounding box, specified in the format [x y width height], where x and y correspond to the upper left corner of the bounding box.

  • For multi-class bounding boxes, groundTruthBboxes is a table with M rows and multiple columns. Each column represents a different class, and the column name specifies the class label. Each element in the table has the format [x y width height].

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32

Overlap threshold for assigned a detection to a ground truth box, specified as a numeric scalar. The overlap ratio is computed as the IoU (intersection over union).

Output Arguments

collapse all

Precision, returned as a numeric scalar for single-class bounding boxes, or a numeric vector consisting of metrics for each class for multi-class bounding boxes. The class order follows the same column order as the groundTruthBboxes table.

Recall, returned as a numeric scalar for single-class bounding boxes, or a numeric vector consisting of metrics for each class for multi-class bounding boxes. The class order follows the same column order as the groundTruthBboxes table.

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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