Detect checkerboard pattern in image
Single Image Checkerboard Detection
detects the keypoints
of a checkerboard calibration pattern in a single image, a set of images, or
stereo image pairs. The function returns the detected points
= detectCheckerboardPoints(I
, and dimensions of the checkerboard
detects a checkerboard pattern in a set of input images, provided as an array of
file names.imagePoints
= detectCheckerboardPoints(imageFileNames
detects a checkerboard pattern in a set of input images, provided as an array of
grayscale or truecolor images.imagePoints
= detectCheckerboardPoints(images
Stereo Pair Checkerboard Detection
detects a checkerboard pattern in stereo pairs of images, provided as cell
arrays of file names.imagePoints
= detectCheckerboardPoints(imageFileNames1
detects a checkerboard pattern in stereo pairs of images, provided as arrays of
grayscale or truecolor images.imagePoints
= detectCheckerboardPoints(images1
Optional Arguments
uses additional options specified by one or more imagePoints
= detectCheckerboardPoints(___,Name,Value
pair arguments. Unspecified properties have default values.
Input Arguments
Output Arguments
[1] Geiger, A., F. Moosmann, O. Car, and B. Schuster. "Automatic Camera and Range Sensor Calibration using a Single Shot," International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), St. Paul, USA, May 2012.
Extended Capabilities
Version History
Introduced in R2014a