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Compute bounding boxes from outputs returned by MATLAB interface object for OpenCV Rect class

Since R2021b


    bbox = rectToBbox(input) computes bounding box values from the outputs returned by a MATLAB® interface object for OpenCV Rect class. The OpenCV Rect class creates rectangles on an input image. This function maps the zero-based indexing in OpenCV to one-based indexing in MATLAB.



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    Draw a rectangle on an image by using the prebuilt MATLAB interface for the OpenCV function cv::rectangle. Compute the corresponding bounding box values in MATLAB to use to crop the image region.

    Add the MATLAB interface to OpenCV package names to the import list.

    import clib.opencv.*;
    import vision.opencv.util.*;

    Read an image into the MATLAB workspace.

    img = imread("highway.png");

    Create interface objects for the OpenCV Mat and InputOutputArray classes to store the input image.

    [inputMat,ocvArray] = createMat(img,"InputOutput");

    Define Rectangular Region

    Call the OpenCV function cv::Rect2i using MATLAB, and specify the coordinates and dimensions for the rectangle. Display the values.

    rec = cv.Rect2i(140,60,100,100)
    rec = 
      Rect2i with properties:
             x: 140
             y: 60
         width: 100
        height: 100

    Draw Rectangle and Display Results

    Specify the properties of the line to use for drawing the rectangle. Set these values:

    • Color of the line to red. To set this value, use the OpenCV function cv::Scalar.

    • Thickness of the line to 2.

    • Line type to 4.

    • Shift to 0.

    color = cv.Scalar(255,0,0);
    thickness = 2;
    lineType = 4;
    shift = 0;

    Draw the defined rectangle on the image by using the OpenCV function cv::rectangle.


    Read and display the output image.

    outputImg = getImage(ocvArray);

    Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

    Compute Bounding Box

    Use the utility function rectToBbox to compute the bounding box value from the values returned by OpenCV function cv::Rect2i.

    bbox = rectToBbox(rec);

    Display the bounding box values. Notice that the bounding box values in the MATLAB workspace have one-based indexing.

    bbox = 1x4 int32 row vector
       141    61   100   100

    Crop the region within the bounding box by using the imcrop function and display the cropped image.

    croppedImg = imcrop(img,bbox);

    Figure contains an axes object. The hidden axes object contains an object of type image.

    Input Arguments

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    OpenCV class for rectangles, specified as one of these values:

    • Rect__unsignedChar_ interface object — This MATLAB interface object is a representation of the OpenCV class cv::Rect_<unsigned char>.

    • Rect2d interface object — This MATLAB interface object is a representation of the OpenCV class cv::Rect_<double>.

    • Rect2f interface object — This MATLAB interface object is a representation of the OpenCV class cv::Rect_<float>.

    • Rect2i interface object — This MATLAB interface object is a representation of the OpenCV class cv::Rect_<int>.

    • Rect2i interface object — This MATLAB interface object is a representation of the OpenCV class cv::Rect_<int>.

    Output Arguments

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    Bounding box values, returned as a four-element row vector of the form [x y width height].

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021b

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