Search image set for similar image
returns the image identifiers imageIDs
= retrieveImages(queryImage
that correspond to images within
that are visually similar to the query image. The
are returned in ranked order, from the most to least similar
returns the similarity scores used to rank the image retrieval results.
The imageIDs
= retrieveImages(queryImage
output contains the corresponding
scores from 0 to 1.
returns the visual words in imageIDs
= retrieveImages(queryImage
that are
used to search for similar images.
additional options specified by one or more imageIDs
,___] =
arguments, using any of the preceding syntaxes.
Search Image Set Using Query Image
Create an image set of book covers.
dataDir = fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'),'visiondata','bookCovers'); bookCovers = imageDatastore(dataDir);
Display the data set.
thumbnailGallery = []; for i = 1:length(bookCovers.Files) I = readimage(bookCovers,i); thumbnail = imresize(I,[300 300]); thumbnailGallery = cat(4,thumbnailGallery,thumbnail); end figure montage(thumbnailGallery);
Index the image set. This step may take a few minutes.
imageIndex = indexImages(bookCovers);
Creating an inverted image index using Bag-Of-Features. ------------------------------------------------------- Creating Bag-Of-Features. ------------------------- * Selecting feature point locations using the Detector method. * Extracting SURF features from the selected feature point locations. ** detectSURFFeatures is used to detect key points for feature extraction. * Extracting features from 58 images...done. Extracted 29216 features. * Keeping 80 percent of the strongest features from each category. * Balancing the number of features across all image categories to improve clustering. ** Image category 1 has the least number of strongest features: 23373. ** Using the strongest 23373 features from each of the other image categories. * Creating a 20000 word visual vocabulary. * Number of levels: 1 * Branching factor: 20000 * Number of clustering steps: 1 * [Step 1/1] Clustering vocabulary level 1. * Number of features : 23373 * Number of clusters : 20000 * Initializing cluster centers...100.00%. * Clustering...completed 5/100 iterations (~1.24 seconds/iteration)...converged in 5 iterations. * Finished creating Bag-Of-Features Encoding images using Bag-Of-Features. -------------------------------------- * Encoding 58 images...done. Finished creating the image index.
Select and display the query image.
queryDir = fullfile(dataDir,'queries',filesep); queryImage = imread([queryDir 'query3.jpg']); imageIDs = retrieveImages(queryImage,imageIndex);
Show the query image and its best match, side-by-side.
bestMatch = imageIDs(1);
bestImage = imread(imageIndex.ImageLocation{bestMatch});
Search Image Set for Specific Object Using ROIs
Search an image set for an object using a region of interest (ROI) for the query image.
Define a set of images to search.
imageFiles = ... {'elephant.jpg', 'cameraman.tif', ... 'peppers.png', 'saturn.png',... 'pears.png', 'stapleRemover.jpg', ... 'football.jpg', 'mandi.tif',... 'kids.tif', 'liftingbody.png', ... 'office_5.jpg', 'gantrycrane.png',... 'moon.tif', 'circuit.tif', ... 'tape.png', 'coins.png'}; imds = imageDatastore(imageFiles);
Create a search index.
imageIndex = indexImages(imds);
Creating an inverted image index using Bag-Of-Features. ------------------------------------------------------- Creating Bag-Of-Features. ------------------------- * Selecting feature point locations using the Detector method. * Extracting SURF features from the selected feature point locations. ** detectSURFFeatures is used to detect key points for feature extraction. * Extracting features from 16 images...done. Extracted 3680 features. * Keeping 80 percent of the strongest features from each category. * Balancing the number of features across all image categories to improve clustering. ** Image category 1 has the least number of strongest features: 2944. ** Using the strongest 2944 features from each of the other image categories. * Creating a 2944 word visual vocabulary. * Number of levels: 1 * Branching factor: 2944 * Number of clustering steps: 1 * [Step 1/1] Clustering vocabulary level 1. * Number of features : 2944 * Number of clusters : 2944 * Initializing cluster centers...100.00%. * Clustering...completed 1/100 iterations (~0.03 seconds/iteration)...converged in 1 iterations. * Finished creating Bag-Of-Features Encoding images using Bag-Of-Features. -------------------------------------- * Encoding 16 images...done. Finished creating the image index.
Specify a query image and an ROI. The ROI outlines the object, an elephant, for the search.
queryImage = imread('clutteredDesk.jpg'); queryROI = [130 175 330 365]; figure imshow(queryImage) rectangle('Position',queryROI,'EdgeColor','yellow')
You can also use the imrect
function to select an ROI interactively. For example, queryROI = getPosition(imrect)
Find images that contain the object.
imageIDs = retrieveImages(queryImage,imageIndex,'ROI',queryROI)
imageIDs = 12x1 uint32 column vector
Display the best match.
bestMatch = imageIDs(1); figure imshow(imageIndex.ImageLocation{bestMatch})
Geometric Verification Using estimateGeometricTransform2D
Use the locations of visual words to verify the best search result. To rerank the search results based on geometric information, repeat this procedure for the top N search results.
Specify the location of the images.
dataDir = fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'),'visiondata','bookCovers'); bookCovers = imageDatastore(dataDir);
Index the image set. This process can take a few minutes.
imageIndex = indexImages(bookCovers);
Creating an inverted image index using Bag-Of-Features. ------------------------------------------------------- Creating Bag-Of-Features. ------------------------- * Selecting feature point locations using the Detector method. * Extracting SURF features from the selected feature point locations. ** detectSURFFeatures is used to detect key points for feature extraction. * Extracting features from 58 images...done. Extracted 29216 features. * Keeping 80 percent of the strongest features from each category. * Balancing the number of features across all image categories to improve clustering. ** Image category 1 has the least number of strongest features: 23373. ** Using the strongest 23373 features from each of the other image categories. * Creating a 20000 word visual vocabulary. * Number of levels: 1 * Branching factor: 20000 * Number of clustering steps: 1 * [Step 1/1] Clustering vocabulary level 1. * Number of features : 23373 * Number of clusters : 20000 * Initializing cluster centers...100.00%. * Clustering...completed 5/100 iterations (~1.60 seconds/iteration)...converged in 5 iterations. * Finished creating Bag-Of-Features Encoding images using Bag-Of-Features. -------------------------------------- * Encoding 58 images...done. Finished creating the image index.
Select and display the query image.
queryDir = fullfile(dataDir,'queries',filesep); queryImage = imread([queryDir 'query3.jpg']); figure imshow(queryImage)
Retrieve the best matches. The queryWords
output contains visual word locations information for the query image. Use this information to verify the search results.
[imageIDs, ~, queryWords] = retrieveImages(queryImage,imageIndex);
Find the best match for the query image by extracting the visual words from the image index. The image index contains the visual word information for all images in the index.
bestMatch = imageIDs(1); bestImage = imread(imageIndex.ImageLocation{bestMatch}); bestMatchWords = imageIndex.ImageWords(bestMatch);
Generate a set of tentative matches based on visual word assignments. Each visual word in the query can have multiple matches due to the hard quantization used to assign visual words.
queryWordsIndex = queryWords.WordIndex; bestMatchWordIndex = bestMatchWords.WordIndex; tentativeMatches = []; for i = 1:numel(queryWords.WordIndex) idx = find(queryWordsIndex(i) == bestMatchWordIndex); matches = [repmat(i, numel(idx), 1) idx]; tentativeMatches = [tentativeMatches; matches]; end
Show the point locations for the tentative matches. There are many poor matches.
points1 = queryWords.Location(tentativeMatches(:,1),:);
points2 = bestMatchWords.Location(tentativeMatches(:,2),:);
Remove poor visual word assignments using estimateGeometricTransform2D
function. Keep the assignments that fit a valid geometric transform.
[tform,inlierIdx] = ... estimateGeometricTransform2D(points1,points2,'affine',... 'MaxNumTrials',2000); inlierPoints1 = points1(inlierIdx, :); inlierPoints2 = points2(inlierIdx, :);
Rerank the search results by the percentage of inliers. Do this when the geometric verification procedure is applied to the top N search results. Those images with a higher percentage of inliers are more likely to be relevant.
percentageOfInliers = size(inlierPoints1,1)./size(points1,1); figure showMatchedFeatures(queryImage,bestImage,inlierPoints1,... inlierPoints2,'montage')
Apply the estimated transform.
outputView = imref2d(size(bestImage)); Ir = imwarp(queryImage, tform, 'OutputView', outputView); figure imshowpair(Ir,bestImage,'montage')
Modify Search Parameters For Image Search
Use the evaluateImageRetrieval
function to help select proper search parameters.
Create an image set.
setDir = fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'),'visiondata','imageSets','cups'); imds = imageDatastore(setDir, 'IncludeSubfolders', true, 'LabelSource', 'foldernames');
Index the image set.
imageIndex = indexImages(imds,'Verbose',false);
Tune image search parameters.
imageIndex.MatchThreshold = 0.2; imageIndex.WordFrequencyRange = [0 1]
imageIndex = invertedImageIndex with properties: ImageLocation: {6x1 cell} ImageWords: [6x1 vision.internal.visualWords] WordFrequency: [0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.3333 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.5000 0.3333 0.1667 0.3333 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.3333 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 0.1667 ... ] (1x1366 double) BagOfFeatures: [1x1 bagOfFeatures] ImageID: [1 2 3 4 5 6] MatchThreshold: 0.2000 WordFrequencyRange: [0 1]
queryImage = readimage(imds, 1); indices = retrieveImages(queryImage,imageIndex);
Input Arguments
— Input query image
M-by-N-by-3 truecolor image | M-by-N 2-D grayscale
Input query image, specified as either an M-by-N-by-3 truecolor image or an M-by-N 2-D grayscale image.
Data Types: single
| double
| int16
| uint8
| uint16
| logical
— Image search index
Image search index, specified as an invertedImageIndex
object. The indexImages
function creates the invertedImageIndex
object, which
stores the data used for the image search.
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: 'NumResults'
the 'NumResults'
property to 25
— Maximum number of results
(default) | numeric value
Maximum number of results to return, specified as the comma-separated
pair consisting of 'NumResults
' and a numeric
value. Set this value to Inf
to return as many
matching images as possible.
— Query image search region
[1 1 size(queryImage,2) size(queryImage,1)]
(default) | [x y width height] vector
Query image search region, specified as the comma-separated
pair consisting of 'ROI
' and an [x y width height]
— Similarity metric
(default) | 'L1'
Similarity metric used to rank the image retrieval results, specified as
or 'L1'
Output Arguments
— Ranked index of retrieved images
M-by-1 vector
Ranked index of retrieved images, returned as an M-by-1 vector. The image IDs are returned in ranked order, from the most to least similar matched image.
— Object for storing visual word assignments
Object for storing visual word assignments, returned as a visualWords
The object stores the visual word assignments of queryImage
their locations within that image.
[1] Sivic, J. and A. Zisserman. Video Google: A text retrieval approach to object matching in videos. ICCV (2003) pg 1470-1477.
[2] Philbin, J., O. Chum, M. Isard, J. Sivic, and A. Zisserman. Object retrieval with large vocabularies and fast spatial matching. CVPR (2007).
[3] Gálvez-López, Dorian, and Juan D. Tardos. Bags of binary words for fast place recognition in image sequences. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 28.5 (2012): 1188-1197.
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Version History
Introduced in R2015a
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