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Display standard errors of stereo camera parameter estimation


displayErrors(estimationErrors,stereoParams) displays the standard errors of stereo camera parameter estimation, as well as the estimated parameters, from the calibration of a pair of stereo cameras.



collapse all

Specify two sets of calibration images.

imageDir = fullfile(toolboxdir("vision"),"visiondata", ...
leftImages = imageDatastore(fullfile(imageDir,"left"));
rightImages = imageDatastore(fullfile(imageDir,"right"));

Detect the checkerboards.

[imagePoints,boardSize] = detectCheckerboardPoints( ...

Generate the world coordinates of the corners of the squares. Square size is in millimeters.

squareSize = 108;
worldPoints = patternWorldPoints("checkerboard",boardSize,squareSize);

Calibrate the stereo camera system. Here, both cameras have the same resolution.

I = readimage(leftImages,1); 
imageSize = [size(I,1) size(I,2)];
[params, ~, errors] = estimateCameraParameters(imagePoints,worldPoints, ...

Display standard stereo calibration errors.

			Standard Errors of Estimated Stereo Camera Parameters

Camera 1 Intrinsics
Focal length (pixels):   [ 1038.0285 +/- 0.6533     1037.9143 +/- 0.6389  ]
Principal point (pixels):[  656.0840 +/- 0.3408      485.5485 +/- 0.2639  ]
Radial distortion:       [   -0.3617 +/- 0.0008        0.1866 +/- 0.0026  ]

Camera 1 Extrinsics
Rotation vectors:
                         [    0.1680 +/- 0.0007       -0.0271 +/- 0.0006        3.1125 +/- 0.0001  ]
                         [    0.1995 +/- 0.0006       -0.0523 +/- 0.0005       -3.0991 +/- 0.0000  ]
                         [    0.4187 +/- 0.0005       -0.1061 +/- 0.0004       -3.1113 +/- 0.0001  ]
                         [    0.5239 +/- 0.0005       -0.0604 +/- 0.0004       -3.0552 +/- 0.0001  ]
                         [    0.6807 +/- 0.0006       -0.0306 +/- 0.0005       -3.0331 +/- 0.0001  ]
                         [    0.3513 +/- 0.0007       -0.0993 +/- 0.0006       -3.0334 +/- 0.0001  ]
                         [    0.0212 +/- 0.0007       -0.1179 +/- 0.0007       -3.0833 +/- 0.0000  ]
                         [   -0.2765 +/- 0.0008       -0.0847 +/- 0.0007       -3.0943 +/- 0.0001  ]
                         [   -0.4407 +/- 0.0007       -0.1119 +/- 0.0006       -3.0652 +/- 0.0001  ]
                         [   -0.2537 +/- 0.0008       -0.1334 +/- 0.0007       -3.1039 +/- 0.0001  ]

Translation vectors (mm):
                         [  708.4193 +/- 0.4914      227.0500 +/- 0.4002     1492.8669 +/- 1.0127  ]
                         [  368.4410 +/- 0.5228      191.7200 +/- 0.4094     1589.9144 +/- 0.9987  ]
                         [  226.3712 +/- 0.5173      191.1430 +/- 0.4030     1578.4777 +/- 0.9575  ]
                         [   49.5378 +/- 0.5183      196.7496 +/- 0.4030     1580.5402 +/- 0.9493  ]
                         [ -172.4000 +/- 0.7003      150.9911 +/- 0.5406     2119.3251 +/- 1.2532  ]
                         [   10.7779 +/- 0.6784      176.8786 +/- 0.5276     2066.8341 +/- 1.2907  ]
                         [  295.4842 +/- 0.6616      167.8676 +/- 0.5158     2010.7710 +/- 1.2738  ]
                         [  614.2340 +/- 0.6457      166.2017 +/- 0.5153     1968.1796 +/- 1.2722  ]
                         [  767.0158 +/- 0.6106      165.5373 +/- 0.4991     1868.3331 +/- 1.2395  ]
                         [  953.8135 +/- 0.7336      -14.7980 +/- 0.6039     2255.6166 +/- 1.5106  ]

Camera 2 Intrinsics
Focal length (pixels):   [ 1042.4815 +/- 0.6644     1042.2690 +/- 0.6534  ]
Principal point (pixels):[  640.5974 +/- 0.3305      479.0652 +/- 0.2633  ]
Radial distortion:       [   -0.3614 +/- 0.0007        0.1822 +/- 0.0022  ]

Position And Orientation of Camera 2 Relative to Camera 1
Rotation of camera 2:         [   -0.0037 +/- 0.0002        0.0050 +/- 0.0004       -0.0002 +/- 0.0000  ]
Translation of camera 2 (mm): [ -119.8720 +/- 0.0401       -0.4005 +/- 0.0414       -0.0258 +/- 0.1750  ]

Input Arguments

collapse all

Estimation errors, specified as a stereoCalibrationErrors object.

Stereo parameters, specified as a stereoParameters object.

Version History

Introduced in R2014b

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