Handling parameter group information in a timetable format allows significantly faster processing of J1939 network data across a wide array of workflows.
takes the input messages as an array of J1939 parameter group objects and returns a J1939
parameter group timetable. The timetable contains the decoded data (PGN, Priority, Data,
etc.) from the input J1939 traffic. Use this function to convert J1939 information received
as objects in earlier versions of the toolbox to the preferred timetable data type.j1939PGTT
= j1939ParameterGroupTimetable(msg
takes the input messages as either a CAN message timetable, an ASAM MDF CAN message
timetable, an array of CAN message objects, a CAN message structure from the CAN Log block,
an array of J1939 parameter group objects, or an existing J1939 parameter group timetable
and returns a J1939 parameter group timetable. If CAN messages are input, the database is
used to transform the CAN messages into J1939 parameter groups. If J1939 parameter groups
are input, the database is used to re-decode the J1939 parameter group signals.j1939PGTT
= j1939ParameterGroupTimetable(msg
All CAN message information given as input must originate from a J1939 network. If the provided J1939 database does not contain the information needed to decode the input CAN messages, the output J1939 parameter group timetable is empty.
Input Arguments
Output Arguments
Version History
Introduced in R2021a