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Wavelet time scattering filter banks


filters = filterbank(sf) returns the filter banks used in the computation of the scattering coefficients. filters is a cell array of structure arrays with norder elements, where norder is the number of scattering orders. The first element of filters contains the scaling filter, phift, used in the computation of the 0th-order scattering coefficients. Subsequent elements of filters contain the wavelet filters, psift, and scaling filter, phift, for the corresponding filter banks of the scattering decomposition.

The precision of phift and psift depends on the precision specified in the scattering network sf.

[filters,f] = filterbank(sf) returns the frequencies corresponding to the DFT bins in the psift and phift fields of filters. If you specify a sampling frequency in the construction of sf, f is measured in hertz. Otherwise, f is measured in cycles/sample.

[filters,f,filterparams] = filterbank(sf) returns the filter parameters for each element of filters. filterparams is a cell array with norder elements. Each element of filterparams is a MATLAB® table.


[___] = filterbank(sf,order) returns the filter banks used to compute the specified order scattering coefficients. order is an integer between 0 and nfilters inclusive, where nfilters is the number of filter banks in the scattering network. These input arguments can be used with any of the output syntaxes shown previously.


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Create a wavelet time scattering network for a signal sampled at 25 Hz.

sf = waveletScattering('SamplingFrequency',25)
sf = 
  waveletScattering with properties:

          SignalLength: 1024
       InvarianceScale: 20.4800
        QualityFactors: [8 1]
              Boundary: 'periodic'
     SamplingFrequency: 25
             Precision: 'double'
    OversamplingFactor: 0
          OptimizePath: 0

Obtain the filter banks, DFT frequency bins, and filter bank parameters.

[filters,f,fparams] = filterbank(sf);

Plot the wavelet filters used in computing the first-order coefficients. Plot the wavelet center frequencies as well.

coefOrder = 1;
wvFilters = filters{coefOrder+1}.psift;
wvcenFrq = fparams{coefOrder+1}.omegapsi;
hold on
cf = plot(wvcenFrq,max(wvFilters),'rx');
grid on
title('Wavelet Filters')
legend(cf,'Center Frequencies')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Wavelet Filters, xlabel Hz, ylabel Magnitude contains 42 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers This object represents Center Frequencies.

Input Arguments

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Wavelet time scattering network, specified as a waveletScattering object.

Order of scattering coefficients, specified as a positive integer between 0 and nfilters inclusive, where nfilters is the number of filter banks in the scattering decomposition sf.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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Filter banks using in the computation of the scattering coefficients, returned as a cell array of structure arrays. filters has norder elements, where norder is the number of scattering orders. The first element of filters is a structure with the single field phift. phift contains the scaling filter used in the computation of the 0th-order scattering coefficients. Subsequent elements of filters contain the wavelet filters, psift, and the scaling filter, phift, for the corresponding filter banks of the scattering network in the structure fields.

The precision of phift and psift depends on the precision specified in the scattering network sf.

Frequencies corresponding to the DFT bins in the psift and phift fields of filters. If you specify a sampling frequency in the construction of sf, f is measured in hertz. Otherwise, f is measured in cycles/sample.

Data Types: double

Filter bank parameters for each element of filters, returned as a cell array. filterparams has norder elements, where norder is the number of scattering orders.

The first element of filterparams is a MATLAB table with the following variables:

  • boundary — The signal extension used in the filters, returned as either 'periodic' or 'reflection'.

  • precision — The precision used in the filters, returned as 'double' or 'single'.

  • sigmaphi — The time standard deviation of the scaling function, returned as a scalar. If you specify a sampling frequency, sigmaphi is in seconds. Otherwise, sigmaphi is in samples.

  • freqsigmaphi — The frequency standard deviation of the scaling function, returned as a scalar. If you specify a sampling frequency, freqsigmaphi is in hertz. Otherwise, freqsigmaphi is in cycles/sample.

  • phiftsupport — The frequency support of the scaling function, returned as a scalar. If you specify a sampling frequency, phiftsupport is in hertz. Otherwise, phiftsupport is in cycles/sample.

  • phi3dBbw — The 3-dB bandwidth of the scaling function, returned as a scalar.

Subsequent elements of filterparams include additional variables for the wavelet parameters:

  • J — The integer number of logarithmically spaced wavelet filters in the scattering filter bank.

  • omegapsi — The center frequencies for the wavelet filters in descending order (highest to lowest), returned as a vector. The omegapsi variable includes the center frequencies for any linearly spaced filters.

  • freqsigmapsi — The wavelet frequency standard deviations, returned as a vector.

  • timesigmapsi — The wavelet time standard deviations, returned as a vector.

  • psi3dBbw — The wavelet 3-dB bandwidths, returned as a vector.

  • psiftsupport — The wavelet frequency supports, returned as a vector.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2018b

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