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Multisignal 1-D decomposition energy distribution


    [e,pec,pecfs] = wdecenergy(dec) returns the energy e (L2-norm) of each decomposed signal dec, the percentage of energy pec for each wavelet component (approximation and details) of each signal, and the percentage of energy pecfs for each coefficient.


    [e,pec,pecfs,idxsort,longs] = wdecenergy(dec,"sort") returns pecfs sorted (by row) in ascending order and an index vector idxsort. longs contains the lengths of each family of coefficients.

    • Replacing "sort" by "ascend" returns the same result.

    • Replacing "sort" by "descend" returns pecfs sorted in descending order.

    [e,pec,pecfs] = wdecenergy(dec,optsort,idxsig) returns the values for the signals whose indices are given by idxsig.

    [e,pec,pecfs,idxsort,longs] = wdecenergy(dec,optsort,idxsig) also returns the indices idxsort and lengths of each family of coefficients longs.


    collapse all

    Load the 23 channel EEG data Espiga3 [1]. The channels are arranged column-wise. The data is sampled at 200 Hz.

    load Espiga3

    Perform a decomposition at level 2 using the db2 wavelet.

    dec = mdwtdec("c",Espiga3,2,"db2")
    dec = struct with fields:
            dirDec: 'c'
             level: 2
             wname: 'db2'
        dwtFilters: [1x1 struct]
           dwtEXTM: 'sym'
          dwtShift: 0
          dataSize: [995 23]
                ca: [251x23 double]
                cd: {[499x23 double]  [251x23 double]}

    Compute the energy distribution.

    [e,pec,pecfs] = wdecenergy(dec);

    Display the total energy and the distribution of energy for each wavelet component (A2, D2, D1) in the second channel.

    idx = 2;
    ans = 
    perA2D2D1 = pec(idx,:)
    perA2D2D1 = 1×3
       99.0583    0.8535    0.0882

    Compare the coefficient energy distribution for signal 1 and signal 10. Because most of the energy is in the approximation coefficients, zoom in the x-axis by the number of approximation coefficients.

    sigA = 1;
    sigB = 10;
    pecfsA = pecfs(sigA,:);
    pecfsB = pecfs(sigB,:);
    hold on
    hold off
    grid on
    xlim([0 size(,1)])

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type line. These objects represent pecfsA, pecfsB.

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Wavelet decomposition, specified as a structure. dec is the output the mdwtdec. dec has the following fields:

    • dirDec — Direction indicator: 'r' (row) or 'c' (column)

    • level — Level of wavelet decomposition

    • wname — Wavelet name

    • dwtFilters — Structure with four fields containing the filter coefficients: LoD, HiD, LoR, and HiR

    • dwtEXTM — DWT extension mode

    • dwtShift — DWT shift parameter (0 or 1)

    • dataSize — Size of the multisignal whose decomposition is dec.

    • ca — Approximation coefficients at level level

    • cd — Cell array of detail coefficients, from level 1 to level level

    The coefficients ca and cd{k}, for k from 1 to level, are matrices and are stored in rows if dirdec = 'r' or in columns if dirdec = 'c'. For more information, see mdwtdec.

    Sorting method to apply to pecfs, specified as one of the following values:

    • "none" — No sorting

    • "sort" — Ascending

    • "ascend" — Ascending

    • "descend" — Descending

    Signal indices, specified as a real-valued vector. The wdecenergy function returns the values for the signals specified by idxsig.

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Energy (L2-norm) of each decomposed signal in dec, returned as a real-valued vector. e(i) is the energy of the ith signal.

    Percentage of energy for each wavelet component (approximation and details) of each signal.

    • pec(i,1) is the percentage of energy for the approximation of level maxlev = dec.level of the ith signal.

    • pec(i,j), for j=2,...,maxlev+1, is the percentage of energy for the detail of level (maxlev+1-j) of the ith signal.

    Percentage of energy for each coefficient, returned as a real-valued matrix. pecfs(i,j) is the percentage of energy for jth coefficient of the ith signal.

    Index vector for the sorted matrix pecfs.

    Lengths of each family of coefficients, returned as a vector.


    [1] Mesa, Hector. “Adapted Wavelets for Pattern Detection.” In Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications, edited by Alberto Sanfeliu and Manuel Lazo Cortés, 3773:933–44. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2012a

    See Also


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