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Link configuration of WLAN MLD

Since R2024a


    Use the wlanLinkConfig object to set the link configuration of an IEEE® 802.11be™ (Wi-Fi® 7) multilink device (MLD).



    mldLinkCfg = wlanLinkConfig creates a default link configuration object for a WLAN MLD.

    mldLinkCfg = wlanLinkConfig(Name=Value) sets the properties of the link configuration object by using one or more optional name-value arguments. For example, TransmissionFormat="VHT" sets the physical layer (PHY) transmission format to very high throughput (VHT).



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    Operating frequency band and channel number, specified as an N-by-2 matrix. N specifies the number of wlanLinkConfig objects, and must be greater than or equal to 1. The first value in each row is the operating frequency band, specified as 2.4, 5, or 6. The second value in each row is the channel number, specified according to the constraints in this table.

    Operating Frequency Band Channel Number


    Integer in the range [1, 14]


    Integer in the range [1, 200]


    Integer in the range [1, 233]

    When creating a wlanLinkConfig object, configure multiple links simultaneously by setting this property as a name-value argument. Once you create the object, you can configure a single wlanLinkConfig object at a time by setting this property.

    Data Types: double

    PHY transmission format for unicast data frame, specified as "Non-HT", "HT-Mixed", "VHT", "HE-SU", "HE-EXT-SU", or "EHT-SU". To set this property to "EHT-SU", you must set the MACFrameAbstraction property of the wlanNode object associated with the MLD configured by the wlanLinkConfig object to true. Note that the broadcast data frame transmissions always use the "Non-HT" PHY transmission format, regardless of the value of this property.

    Data Types: char | string

    Channel bandwidth in Hz, specified as 20e6, 40e6, 80e6, 160e6, or 320e6. The possible values for this property depend on the BandAndChannel and TransmissionFormat properties.

    • If you set the first entry of the BandAndChannel to 2.4, this property supports 20e6 Hz and 40e6 Hz.

    • If you set the TransmissionFormat property to "Non-HT" or "HE-EXT-SU", this property supports only 20e6 Hz.

    • If you set the TransmissionFormat property to "HT-Mixed", this property supports 20e6 Hz and 40e6 Hz.

    • If you set the TransmissionFormat property to "VHT" or "HE-SU" this property supports 20e6 Hz, 40e6 Hz, 80e6 Hz, and 160e6 Hz.

    • If you set the TransmissionFormat property to "EHT-SU", this property supports all channel bandwidths.


      Links operating on the same center frequency must specify an identical value to this property.

    Data Types: double

    Modulation and coding scheme (MCS), specified as an integer in the range [0, 13]. For unicast data frame transmissions, the set of values that this property can take depends on the TransmissionFormat property.

    • When TransmissionFormat is "Non-HT" or "HT-Mixed", the range of values is [0, 7]. When TransmissionFormat is "HT-Mixed", the given value in the range [0, 7] maps to a value in the range [0, 31] using the calculation MCS + (NSTS – 1) × 8, where NSTS is the value of the NumSpaceTimeStreams property.

    • When TransmissionFormat is "VHT", the range of values is [0, 9]. The set of possible values additionally depends on the ChannelBandwidth and NumSpaceTimeStreams properties.

      • When ChannelBandwidth is 20e6, you can set the MCS value to 9 only when NumSpaceTimeStreams is set to 3 or 6.

      • When ChannelBandwidth is 80e6, the MCS value 6 is not supported when you set the NumSpaceTimeStreams property to 3 or 7. The MCS value 9 is not supported when you set the NumSpaceTimeStreams property to 6.

      • When ChannelBandwidth is 160e6, the MCS value 9 is not supported when NumSpaceTimeStreams is set to 3.

    • When TransmissionFormat is "HE-EXT-SU", the range of values is [0, 2].

    • When TransmissionFormat is "HE-SU" the range of values is [0, 11].

    • When TransmissionFormat is "EHT-SU", the range of values is [0, 13].

    Note that the MCS value for broadcast data frame transmissions is always 0, regardless of the value set for this property.

    Data Types: double

    Number of transmit antennas, specified as an integer in the range [1, 8]. The link uses the same number of antennas for reception.

    If you specify the EnhancedMultilinkMode property of the corresponding wlanMultilinkDeviceConfig object as "EMLSR", the link also uses this number of antennas to listen for an initial control frame (ICF). When the link is active, it aggregates the NumTransmitAntennas values of all the links in the wlanMultilinkDeviceConfig object and uses this value for transmission and reception. The aggregate must be less than or equal to eight. An EMLSR link at a STA is active when it initiates a frame exchange sequence with an AP MLD or responds to an ICF to continue a frame exchange sequence initiated by an AP MLD. (since R2024b)


    • All the links operating in simultaneous transmit and receive (STR) mode in the network must have the same value for this property.

    • If an EMLSR STA has i links with NumTransmitAntennas values of N1, …, Ni, its associated AP must have a NumTransmitAntennas value of N1 + ⋯ + Ni for each link.

    Data Types: double

    Number of space-time streams, specified as an integer in the range [1, 8]. The value of this property must be less than or equal to the value of the NumTransmitAntennas property. If you set this value as less than the NumTransmitAntennas value, the node uses Fourier spatial mapping to transmit unicast data frames. This property is applicable only for transmitting unicast data frames. The number of space-time streams for broadcast data frame transmissions is always 1, regardless of the value of this property.

    If you specify the EnhancedMultilinkMode property of the corresponding wlanMultilinkDeviceConfig object as "EMLSR", when the link is active, it aggregates the NumSpaceTimeStreams values of all the links in the wlanMultilinkDeviceConfig object and uses this value for data frame transmission. (since R2024b)

    Data Types: double

    High throughput (HT) MAC protocol data unit (MPDU) aggregation selection, specified as a logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). To create an aggregated MPDU (A-MPDU) by concatenating multiple MPDUs, set this property to true.


    To enable this property, set the TransmissionFormat property to "HT-Mixed".

    Data Types: logical

    Maximum number of MPDUs in an A-MPDU, specified as an integer in the range [1, 1024]. The set of values that this property can take depends on the TransmissionFormat property:

    • When TransmissionFormat is "HT-Mixed" and the AggregateHTMPDU property is true, the range of values is [1, 64].

    • When TransmissionFormat is "VHT", the range of values is [1, 64].

    • When TransmissionFormat is "HE-SU" or "HE-EXT-SU", the range of values is [1, 256].

    • When TransmissionFormat is "EHT-SU", the range of values is [1, 1024].

    This property does not apply when TransmissionFormat is "Non-HT", or when TransmissionFormat is "HT-Mixed" and AggregateHTMPDU is false.


    All MLDs in the network must have the same value for this property.

    Data Types: double

    Threshold for RTS transmission, specified as an integer in the range [0, 6500631]. If the size of a MAC frame exceeds the value of this property, the node uses the request to send/clear to send (RTS/CTS) mechanism.


    To enable this property, set the DisableRTS property to false.

    Data Types: double

    RTS/CTS mechanism selection, specified as a logical 0 (false) or 1 (true). To disable the RTS/CTS mechanism in the simulation, set this property to 1 or true.

    This property does not apply to multi-user request to send (MU-RTS) ICF transmissions from an AP to an EMLSR STA.

    Data Types: logical

    Disable acknowledgements selection, specified as a logical 0 (false) or 1 (true). To disable the transmission of acknowledgements in response to data frames, set this property to 1 or true.

    Data Types: logical

    Minimum range of the contention window for the four access categories (ACs), specified as a four-element vector of integers in the range [1, 1023]. The four entries are the minimum ranges, in slots, for the Best Effort, Background, Video, and Voice ACs, respectively.

    Maximum range of the contention window for the four ACs, specified as a four-element vector of integers in the range [1, 1023]. The four entries are the maximum ranges, in slots, for the Best Effort, Background, Video, and Voice ACs, respectively.

    Arbitrary interframe space values for the four ACs, specified as a four-element vector of integers in the range [1, 15]. The entries of the vector represent the AIFS values, in slots, for the Best Effort, Background, Video, and Voice ACs, respectively.

    • If the Mode property of the wlanMultilinkDeviceConfig object is "AP", each element of this vector must be in the range [1, 15].

    • If the Mode property of the wlanMultilinkDeviceConfig object is "STA", each element of this vector must be in the range [2, 15].

    Transmission opportunity (TXOP) duration limit, specified as a vector of four integers in the range [0, 1023]. The four integers are the TXOP limit values for the Best Effort, Background, Video, and Voice ACs, respectively. The limits are in units of 32 microseconds. If you specify a vector element as 0, the object disables multiple frame transmissions within a TXOP for the AC that corresponds to that element.


    The value of this property must be [0 0 0 0] in these cases:

    Control frames rate of 6 Mb/s, specified as a logical 0 (false) or 1 (true). To use a data rate of 6 Mb/s for control frames, set this property to 1 or true.

    Data Types: logical

    Non-HT data rates supported in the basic service set (BSS), specified as a vector that is a subset of these values: [6 9 12 18 24 36 48 54]. The mandatory data rates are 6, 12, and 24. The stations associated with an AP use the same basic rates as the AP.


    To enable this property, set the Mode property of the wlanMultilinkDeviceConfig object to "AP".

    Data Types: double

    Transmit power in dBm, specified as a real scalar.

    Data Types: double

    Transmit gain in dB, specified as a real scalar.

    Data Types: double

    Receive gain in dB, specified as a real scalar.

    Data Types: double

    Receiver noise figure in dB, specified as a nonnegative scalar.

    Data Types: double

    Beacon interval in TU, specified as an integer in the range [1, 254]. A TU is a measurement of time equal to 1024 microseconds. At the end of each beacon interval, the beacon frames contend for medium access by using the voice access category. The MAC internally sets the service set identifier (SSID) in a beacon frame to "WLAN". To differentiate beacons of different APs in a packet analyzer tool, such as Wireshark, use the MAC address of the AP transmitting the beacon.


    To enable this property, set the Mode property of the wlanMultilinkDeviceConfig object to "AP".

    Data Types: double

    Time offset specified for the first beacon transmission in TUs, specified as a nonnegative integer or a nonnegative vector of form [MinTimeOffset MaxTimeOffset]. A TU is a measurement of time equal to 1024 microseconds.

    • If you specify this value as a scalar, this object assigns this value to the initial time offset.

    • If you specify this value as a vector, this object assigns a random initial time offset between MinTimeOffset and MaxTimeOffset. MinTimeOffset must be less than MaxTimeOffset.

    Each element of this property must be an integer in the range [0, 254]. If you enable beacon transmission, the default value is [0, BeaconInterval]. Otherwise, the default property is an empty array ([]).


    To enable this property, set the Mode property of the wlanMultilinkDeviceConfig object to "AP" and the BeaconInterval property of the wlanLinkConfig object to a finite value.

    Data Types: double

    This property is read-only.

    Channel center frequency in Hz, specified as a numeric scalar. This value specifies the operating center frequency of the link corresponding to the value that you set using the BandAndChannel property.

    Data Types: double


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    Simulate an IEEE 802.11b (Wi-Fi 7) multilink operation (MLO) in the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz bands.

    Using this example, you can:

    1. Create an 802.11be network consisting of an access point (AP) MLD and a station (STA) MLD.

    2. Configure the AP MLD and STA MLD to operate in the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz bands.

    3. Associate the STA MLD with the AP MLD, and add full buffer downlink (DL) and uplink (UL) application traffic between them.

    4. Simulate the network and get the statistics.

    The example creates, configures, and simulates this scenario.

    DL and UL full buffer traffic scenario between AP MLD and STA MLD across 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz bands.

    Check if the Communications Toolbox™ Wireless Network Simulation Library support package is installed. If the support package is not installed, MATLAB® returns an error with a link to download and install the support package.


    Specify the simulation time in seconds. Initialize the wireless network simulator

    simulationTime = 1;
    networkSimulator = wirelessNetworkSimulator.init;

    Create an MLD link configuration object, specifying the operating frequency bands as 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz and 6 GHz.

    mldLinkCfg = wlanLinkConfig(BandAndChannel=[2.4 6; 5 36; 6 1]);

    Create a WLAN node with an AP MLD configuration.

    mldAccessPointCfg = wlanMultilinkDeviceConfig(Mode="AP",LinkConfig=mldLinkCfg);
    mldAccessPointNode = wlanNode(Name="AP",DeviceConfig=mldAccessPointCfg)
    mldAccessPointNode = 
      wlanNode with properties:
                        Name: "AP"
                    Position: [0 0 0]
       Read-only properties:
         MACFrameAbstraction: 1
        PHYAbstractionMethod: "tgax-evaluation-methodology"
                DeviceConfig: [1x1 wlanMultilinkDeviceConfig]
                          ID: 1

    Create a WLAN node with an STA MLD configuration.

    mldStationCfg = wlanMultilinkDeviceConfig(Mode="STA",LinkConfig=mldLinkCfg);
    mldStationNode = wlanNode(Name="STA",DeviceConfig=mldStationCfg)
    mldStationNode = 
      wlanNode with properties:
                        Name: "STA"
                    Position: [0 0 0]
       Read-only properties:
         MACFrameAbstraction: 1
        PHYAbstractionMethod: "tgax-evaluation-methodology"
                DeviceConfig: [1x1 wlanMultilinkDeviceConfig]
                          ID: 2

    Associate the STA MLD with the AP MLD, and add full buffer DL and UL application traffic between them.


    Add the nodes to the wireless network simulator.

    addNodes(networkSimulator,[mldAccessPointNode mldStationNode])

    Run the network simulation for the specified simulation time.


    Retrieve and display statistics of the AP MLD and STA MLD. For more information about the MLO statistics, see WLAN System-Level Simulation Statistics.

    mldAccessPointStats = statistics(mldAccessPointNode)
    mldAccessPointStats = struct with fields:
        Name: "AP"
          ID: 1
         App: [1x1 struct]
         MAC: [1x1 struct]
         PHY: [1x1 struct]
        Mesh: [1x1 struct]
    mldStationStats = statistics(mldStationNode)
    mldStationStats = struct with fields:
        Name: "STA"
          ID: 2
         App: [1x1 struct]
         MAC: [1x1 struct]
         PHY: [1x1 struct]
        Mesh: [1x1 struct]

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a

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