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Characteristic information about multipath fading channels


s = info(chan) returns a structure containing characteristic information about the specified multipath fading channel System object™.



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Create a WLAN TGax multipath fading channel System object with default property values.

chan = wlanTGaxChannel;

Return and display the characteristic information of the TGax channel.

s = info(chan)
s = struct with fields:
           ChannelFilterDelay: 7
    ChannelFilterCoefficients: [17x22 double]
                   PathDelays: [0 5.0000e-09 1.0000e-08 1.5000e-08 2.0000e-08 2.5000e-08 3.0000e-08 3.5000e-08 4.0000e-08 4.5000e-08 5.0000e-08 5.5000e-08 6.0000e-08 6.5000e-08 7.0000e-08 7.5000e-08 8.0000e-08]
             AveragePathGains: [0 -2.7143 -5.4287 -8.1431 -2.5162 -4.2194 -5.8905 -7.5358 -9.1603 -10.9595 -12.5105 -14.0616 -15.6126 -17.1637 -18.7147 -20.2657 -21.8168]
                     Pathloss: 0

Create a WLAN TGay multipath fading channel System object with default property values.

chan = wlanTGayChannel;

Return and display the characteristic information of the TGay channel.

s = info(chan)
s = struct with fields:
     ChannelFilterDelay: 7
    NumSamplesProcessed: 0
           NumTxStreams: 1
           NumRxStreams: 1
          NumTxElements: 4
          NumRxElements: 4

Input Arguments

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Multipath fading channel, specified as a wlanTGnChannel, wlanTGacChannel, wlanTGahChannel, wlanTGaxChannel, or wlanTGayChannel object.

Output Arguments

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Characteristic information, returned as a structure whose fields depend on the multipath fading channel you specify in the chan input.

This field applies to all channel objects.

FieldValuesDescriptionData Types
ChannelFilterDelayPositive integerChannel filter delay in samplesdouble
PathDelaysNonnegative-valued row vectorMultipath delay, in seconds, of the discrete paths

These fields do not apply to the wlanTGayChannel object.

FieldValuesDescriptionData Types
ChannelFilterCoefficientsReal-valued matrixChannel fractional delay filter coefficientsdouble
AveragePathGainsNonpositive-valued row vectorAverage gains, in dB, of the discrete paths
PathLossNonnegative scalarPath loss, in dB, between the transmitter and receiver

These fields apply only to the wlanTGayChannel object.

FieldValuesDescriptionData Types
NumSamplesProcessedNonnegative integerNumber of samples the channel processed since its last resetdouble
NumTxStreamsPositive integer Number of transmitted data streams
NumRxStreams Number of received data streams
NumTxElementsNumber of elements in each transmit antenna array
NumRxElementsNumber of elements in each receive antenna array
AnglesOfDepartureReal-valued matrix

Azimuth and elevation angles of departure in degrees. Each element of this matrix contains the angles of departure for the corresponding for each pair of transmit and receive antennas.

To enable this field, lock the TGay channel.


Azimuth and elevation angles of arrival in degrees. Each element of this matrix contains the angles of arrival for the corresponding pair of transmit and receive antenna elements.

To enable this field, lock the TGay channel.

DopplerShiftsReal-valued row vector

Doppler shifts in Hz. Each element of this vector contains the Doppler shift for the corresponding pair of transmit and receive antenna elements.

To enable this field, lock the TGay channel.

Data Types: struct

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2015b

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