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Create antenna array configuration object for 802.11ay channel model


The wlanURAConfig object is a uniform rectangular array (URA) configuration object. It models a URA consisting of isotropic antenna elements. Use a wlanURAConfig object to specify the TransmitArray and ReceiveArray properties of the wlanTGayChannel System object™.



URA = wlanURAConfig creates a URA object, URA, to be used as the transmit and receive antenna arrays of a wlanTGayChannel System object.

URA = wlanURAConfig(Name,Value) sets properties using one or more name-value pairs. Enclose each property name in quotation marks. For example, wlanURAConfig('Size',[4 4]) creates a 4-by-4 URA.



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This property is read-only.

Array element, specified as 'isotropic'.

Data Types: char

Antenna array size, specified as a 1-by-2 vector of positive integers. Each element in the vector specifies the number of antenna elements along an axis of the Cartesian coordinate system (x,y,z). The first element specifies the number of elements along the y-axis. The second element specifies the number of elements along the x-axis. The normal to the antenna array points along the z-axis.

When one of the elements in Size is 1, the array is a uniform linear array (ULA). When Size is [1 1], the antenna array is a single antenna element.

Data Types: double

Spacing between array elements, in meters, specified as a 1-by-2 vector of positive scalars. Each element in the vector specifies the spacing between antenna elements along an axis of the Cartesian coordinate system. The first element specifies the spacing between antenna elements along the y-axis. The second element specifies the spacing between antenna elements along the x-axis.

Data Types: double


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Create a 3-by-3 URA with an element spacing of 0.5 m for use with a WLAN TGay channel model.

Create a configuration object for a 3-by-3 URA with an element spacing of 0.5 m.

URA = wlanURAConfig('Size',[3 3],'ElementSpacing',[0.5 0.5]);

Create a WLAN TGay channel System object, specifying the URA as the transmit array.

tgay =  wlanTGayChannel('TransmitArray',URA);
  wlanURAConfig with properties:

              Size: [3 3]
    ElementSpacing: [0.5000 0.5000]

   Constant properties:
           Element: 'isotropic'

Create an eight-element ULA for use with a WLAN TGay channel model.

Define an eight-element ULA along the x-axis by creating a configuration object for a 1-by-8 URA. Specify the element spacing as 0.1 m.

ULA = wlanURAConfig('Size',[1 8],'ElementSpacing',[0.1 0.1]);

Create a WLAN TGay channel System object, specifying the ULA as the receive antenna array.

tgay = wlanTGayChannel('ReceiveArray',ULA);
  wlanURAConfig with properties:

              Size: [1 8]
    ElementSpacing: [0.1000 0.1000]

   Constant properties:
           Element: 'isotropic'

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2019a

See Also


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