Humusoft Data Acquisition and Control Boards
Fast data acquisition and control boards compatible with Simulink Coder
- Eight single-ended 14-bit analog input channels
- Eight 14-bit analog output channels
- Eight digital inputs and eight digital outputs
- Four quadrature encoder inputs
- Four counters and timers
- Drivers for Simulink Real-Time and Simulink Desktop Real-Time

MF624, MF634, and MF644 are multifunction I/O cards used in process control and measurement applications. The boards offer A/D conversion, D/A conversion, digital input, digital output, quadrature encoder input, timers, counters, PWM, pulse, and frequency measurements. The boards contain eight 14-bit analog input channels with simultaneous sample and hold circuits and very short conversion time, eight 14-bit analog output channels, eight digital inputs and eight digital outputs, four encoder inputs with differential line receivers, and four counters or timers. The encoders and counters are 32-bit wide.
All Humusoft data acquisition boards have 32-bit architecture for maximum performance. Analog inputs and outputs offer bipolar ranges +/-10 V, which suits most measurement and control applications.
Bus Types:
MF 644: Thunderbolt
MF 634: PCI Express
MF 624: PCI
Because of their small size and low power consumption, Humusoft boards can be used not only for desktop computers, but also for portable computers and notebooks with docking stations.
The boards are integrated with Simulink Coder™, which allows users to acquire data into their Simulink® models running in real-time on PC-based hardware. In addition to the required products listed, developers can choose either Simulink Desktop Real-Time™ or Simulink Real-Time for their rapid prototyping run-time environment. Drivers for both are included with the boards.
Explore selected hardware support for Humusoft products.

Pobrezni 20
Praha 8, 186 00
Tel: +420-2-84011730
Fax: +420-2-84011740
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Product Type
- Data Acquisition Systems
- Embedded Hardware - MCU, DSP, FPGA
- Rapid Prototyping and HIL Systems
- Control Systems
- Data Acquisition or Import
- Process Control and Monitoring
- Real-Time Systems
- Vibration Analysis and Control
- Motion control
- Aerospace and Defense
- Automotive
- Industrial Automation and Machinery
- Technical Services and Consulting
Related Connections Views: Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Control Systems, Data Acquisition or Import, Data Acquisition Systems, Embedded Hardware - MCU, DSP, FPGA, Industrial Automation and Machinery, Process Control and Monitoring, Rapid Prototyping and HIL Systems, Real-Time Systems, Technical Services and Consulting, Vibration Analysis and Control