Deep Learning Toolbox


Deep Learning Toolbox

Design, train, analyze, and simulate deep learning networks

Photo of a PCB titled “Predicted Defects” with three annotations labeled “missing_hole.”

Deep Learning for Engineers

Create and use explainable, robust, and scalable deep learning models for automated visual inspection, reduced order modeling, wireless communications, computer vision, and other applications.

Three screenshots that show virtual sensor modeling using deep learning and one screenshot of a line graph plotting the variables truth, EKF, deep learning - FNN, and deep learning - LSTM.

Deep Learning in Simulink

Use deep learning with Simulink to test the integration of deep learning models into larger systems. Simulate models based on MATLAB or Python to assess model behavior and system performance.

Flowchart showing that you can import models from TensorFlow, ONNX, and PyTorch, and you can export models to TensorFlow and ONNX.

Integration with PyTorch and TensorFlow

Exchange deep learning models with Python-based deep learning frameworks. Import PyTorch, TensorFlow, and ONNX models, and export networks to TensorFlow and ONNX with a single line of code. Co-execute Python-based models in MATLAB and Simulink.

Diagram showing MATLAB and Simulink code generation for deploying deep learning models and the target devices the code can be deployed to.

Code Generation and Deployment

Automatically generate optimized C/C++ code (with MATLAB Coder) and CUDA code (with GPU Coder) for deployment to CPUs and GPUs. Generate synthesizable Verilog® and VHDL® code (with Deep Learning HDL Toolbox) for deployment to FPGAs and SoCs.

Four images of the same road scene that represent the test image, semantic segmentation, Grad-CAM of the road, and Grad-CAM of the pavement.

Explainability and Verification

Visualize training progress and activations of deep neural networks. Use Grad-CAM, D-RISE, and LIME to explain network results. Verify the robustness and reliability of deep neural networks.

The start page of the Deep Network Designer app showing options for importing pretrained models, including models from PyTorch and TensorFlow, and image networks, including SqueezeNet, GoogLeNet, and Res-Net-50.

Network Design and Training

Use deep learning algorithms to create CNNs, LSTMs, GANs, and transformers, or perform transfer learning with pretrained models. Automatically label, process, and augment image, video, and signal data for network training.

Screenshot of the Deep Network Designer app depicting a network with dozens of layers.

Low-Code Apps

Accelerate network design, analysis, and transfer learning for built-in and Python-based models by using the Deep Network Designer app. Tune and compare multiple models using the Experiment Manager app.

Screenshot of the Deep Network Quantizer showing three separate sections: a net layer graph, calibration statistics, and a validation summary.

Deep Learning Compression

Compress your deep learning network with quantization, projection, or pruning to reduce its memory footprint and increase inference performance. Assess inference performance and accuracy using the Deep Network Quantizer app.

Two graphs of training progress show accuracy and loss for training and validation. Accuracy has an upward trajectory and loss has a downward trajectory.

Scaling Up Deep Learning

Speed up deep learning training using GPUs, cloud acceleration, and distributed computing. Train multiple networks in parallel and offload deep learning computations to run in the background.

​“This was the first time we were simulating sensors with neural networks on one of our powertrain ECUs. Without MATLAB and Simulink, we would have to use a tedious manual coding process that was very slow and error-prone.”

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