IVI - MATLAB IVI - Instrument Control Toolbox - MATLAB

Instrument Control Toolbox

IVI Instrument Drivers and MATLAB

MATLAB supports the use of IVI-C instrument drivers through Instrument Control Toolbox and the Instrument Control Toolbox Support Package for IVI and VXIplug&play Drivers. You can use MATLAB software to control instruments, make measurements, analyze data, and build test systems. Once data is in MATLAB, you can analyze and visualize that data for tasks such as signal processing, statistical analysis, digital filtering, and curve fitting.

The IVI standard defines an open driver architecture, a set of instrument classes, and shared software components. IVI instrument drivers often ship with an instrument or are available from the manufacturer’s Web site.

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Working with IVI Instrument Drivers from MATLAB

While you can work with all IVI drivers directly from Instrument Control Toolbox, some IVI drivers require you to generate a MATLAB IVI instrument driver. Certain IVI instrument drivers do not require this step and can be used directly from MATLAB. Before generating a MATLAB IVI instrument driver, search for preconfigured MATLAB IVI instrument drivers and check the product documentation.

Communication Protocols

If an IVI driver is not available for your instrument, you can communicate with your instrument either by using a VXIplug&play instrument driver or by directly communicating with the instrument over any of these communication protocols:


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