About Bug Reports - MATLAB & Simulink

About Bug Reports

Frequently Asked Questions

Which bug reports do you publish?

Published bug reports are for bugs that have been reported in this system that may be of interest to customers, based on general use of our products. Bug reports are updated by the development team as more information or a new release becomes available. Updated information could include provisions for any known workarounds or file replacements. A bug report is available for each bug that either exists in or has been fixed in Release 14 SP2 or later. Information is not available for all bugs, known or unknown, including bugs in prior releases. Go to bug reports.

Quick Facts

  • What is the cost? 
    Free, however a sign in is required. You can create a MathWorks Account without having a MathWorks product license. The process takes just a few minutes. See the full list of benefits of having a MathWorks account.
  • Which releases are covered?
    R14SP2 and later. Bug report information is available for bugs that either exist in or were fixed in Release 14 SP2 and subsequent releases. Information is not available for all bugs.
  • What can I do?
    You can:
    • Search for a keyword, Bug Report number, topic, or a part of an error message in a specific release.
    • Apply filters to search by release (exists in or fixed in), type (bugs related to a specific classification), product (bugs in a specific product), and other criteria .
    • Sort by modification date, search relevance, and Bug Report ID.
    • Save your search to receive notifications about bugs that meet those criteria.
    • Open the bug report in a separate browser tab to view the full description, workarounds, and fix options for each affected release.
    • Follow a specific bug report to receive notifications when updated information becomes available.

How do I determine which product release and version I am using?

Go to What is ver?

What do the bug statuses mean?

Exists In

Either the bug exists in the specified Release or the MathWorks is currently investigating this bug or working on a fix.


The bug has been fixed in the shipped release and version specified.

How can I be alerted of important security information or issues?

Select ‘Security Issue’ from ‘Type’ facet on top left column of the page to view bug reports related to only ‘Security Issue’ for selected release. To monitor bug reports related to security issues, click on the top right section of search results page and save the search criteria. Similarly, you can also click on the Information Banner. For more information about reporting security issues to MathWorks review the Vulnerability Disclosure Policy for Security Researchers.

How can I create a watchlist to be kept apprised of new bugs or bug updates?

  • For a search you have run: You can save and enable notifications for a search you have run. After selecting “Security Issue” or “Incorrect Code Generation” or "Accessibility Issue" from the ‘Type’ facet, click on the top right section of the search results page. This action allows you to retain the search for quick reference in the future and to receive e-mail notifications for updates that occur to any of the bugs in your saved search.
  • For individual bugs: Click Follow. To view all the bugs you are following, navigate to Manage Followed Bugs and select the Followed Bugs tab.
  • Set email notification preferences: By default, notification emails are sent when changes occur to the individual bugs you are following or to the bugs matching your saved searches.  A notification is also sent when a bug report is published that matches your saved search. On the Communication Preferences tab under Manage Followed Bugs, you can opt out of receiving emails.

Why aren't all bugs shown? Why isn't the bug I reported showing up?

Bugs reported in this system are those that may be of interest to customers, based on general use of our products. Bugs are updated by the development team as more information and releases become available. This includes provisions for any known workarounds or file replacements. Bug report information is available for releases beginning with Release 14 SP2. Information is not available for all bugs, known or unknown, including bugs in prior releases. If you feel your bug should appear in this table, contact technical support and ask that your bug be nominated as a bug report.

Does this interface include information on enhancement requests?

This interface communicates information only on bugs that The MathWorks is aware of and that are likely to be of interest to customers. You can search the knowledge base for information on enhancements.

How are the bugs sorted in the table view?

Bugs are sorted first by the date modified. You can sort them by bug ID or  search relevance.

How can I search for individual bugs?

You can search by any of the fields on the detail page for an individual bug. This means you can use any combination of search terms, including product and release as well as keywords, to perform a search. You can also search on the exact bug report ID.