Getting Started with the Avnet Ultra96
This four-part video series takes you through a complete process of prototyping, exploring, and deploying a color detection algorithm onto an Avnet® Ultra96 board using Xilinx® Model Composer. In this project, an algorithm processes a video input file and detects street signs based on color.
Learn where to find the hardware and software products needed for the project. Download MATLAB and Simulink from MathWorks, plus Model Composer and Vivado Design Suite from Xilinx.
Become familiar with the project workflow and simulate a color detection algorithm. Change system conditions and view simulation results. Create a final IP block and testbench.
Import IP and Validate the Design Using Vivado
Import a color detection IP block and testbench into Vivado and perform design validation. Then create a standalone design, validate the design and run behavioral simulation.
Program the Design onto an FPGA Using Vivado
Synthesize, implement, and program the color detection algorithm onto the Avnet Ultra96 hardware using Vivado.