Course Materials - MATLAB & Simulink

Teach with MATLAB and Simulink

Featured Courseware

Explore interactive teaching content and examples developed by MathWorks and educators from leading universities.

Virtual Labs

Electrical Engineering


Virtual labs for DC circuit analysis; topics such as mesh analysis, RLC circuits, and op amps are covered

Includes: Code, Models, Assignments, Video

Electrical Engineering

Douglas Jussaume, University of Tulsa

Eight power labs and assignments that mimic hardware lab operation; the typical lab requires students to connect the power circuit, run and record data, and submit a lab report

Includes: Models, Assignments

Electrical Engineering

Zekeriya Aliyazicioglu, Cal Poly Pomona
Dennis Dahlquist, Sacramento State University

Introduction to the fundamental laws of electric circuits; applications to circuit analysis using MATLAB live scripts and Simscape

Includes: Code, Models, Assignments

Electrical Engineering

Lee C. Potter and Yang Yang, The Ohio State University

Laboratory course providing hands-on exploration of physical layer communication

Includes: Code, Assignments

Electrical Engineering

Cory Prust, Milwaukee School of Engineering

Laboratory modules for an introductory analog and digital communication systems course

Includes: Code, Models, Assignments

Electrical Engineering

Kristina Kelber and Matthias Henker, HTW Dresden

Signal generator and oscilloscope app that replicates lab equipment used in a signals and systems course

Includes: Apps

Mechanical Engineering

Sahil S. Belsare, Mohammad Dehghani, and Rifat Sipahi, Northeastern University

This repository contains a series of modules to get started with Reinforcement Learning with MATLAB. Includes application to mechanical and industrial problems such as a walking robot

Includes: Code, Assignments, Models

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering


Four introductory labs with virtual models; designed to give an intuitive introduction to basic controls concepts, such as feedback control

Includes: Code, Models, Assignments

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering


Exercises to study linear and extended Kalman filter design for state estimation of a simple pendulum system with visualizations; pairs with Kalman filter Tech Talks

Includes: Code, Models, Assignments, Video

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Paul Ruvolo, Olin College

Module that teaches math, physics, and engineering and applying them to programming a mobile robot

Includes: Code, Assignments

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Ayse Tekes, Kennesaw State University

Virtual equipment for conceptual laboratory demonstrations of dynamics, vibrations, and control theory

Includes: Models

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering


Manipulator and mobile robot models for trajectory planning and actuator analysis; includes examples for path and trajectory planning using Robotics System Toolbox

Includes: Code, Models

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Eneko Lerma, Robert Griñó, and Ramon Costa,
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Project-based learning materials for teaching control that include instructions and walkthrough videos

Includes: Code, Models, Assignments, Video

Mechanical, Electrical, and CIVIL Engineering


Wind turbine model including a 3D mechanical model of the tower, nacelle, blades, hydraulic pitch actuators, electrical yaw actuators, generator, and electrical grid model; supporting models show how to develop each of the systems separately and integrate them into the overall model

Includes: Code, Models

Mechanical, Electrical, and Aerospace Engineering


Quadcopter with multibody, electrical, and thermal models following a path to deliver a package; the package is released from a quadcopter when it reaches the final waypoint and the release criteria are met

Includes: Code, Models

Mechanical, Electrical, and Aerospace Engineering

Institute of Automatic Control, RWTH Aachen University

Seven MATLAB apps, including single-mass oscillators and an inverse pendulum, to support making automatic control understandable for students

Includes: Apps

Chemical Engineering

Michaël Grimsberg, Lund University

Simulations of basic concepts taught in a reaction engineering course

Includes: Apps

Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical Engineering


High-fidelity lab experiences using virtual Quanser hardware for teaching control theory and mechatronics

Includes: Models, Assignments

Chemical Engineering

John Hendengren, Brigham Young University

Materials for teaching a process dynamics and control course using the Arduino-based Temperature Control Lab

Includes: Code, Assignments, Video



Laboratory module exploring one-dimensional collisions using a virtual air track model

Includes: Code, Models, Assignments


Howard Anton and Chris Rorres, Drexel University
Anton Kaul, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo

Seventeen lab projects for teaching linear algebra designed to be solved in MATLAB

Includes: Assignments


Willie Wong and Mark Iwen, Michigan State University

Labs designed to support Calculus 2 curriculum covering integration, exponential growth, sequencies and series, and curves

Includes: Code, Assignments

Interactive Examples

General Engineering

Stanford University

Interactive lecture scripts for a short course that introduces various topics in scientific computing; topics include graphics and animation, data management, optimization, statistics and machine learning, and parallel computing

Includes: Code, Assignments

General Engineering


An overview of programming concepts, including arrays, strings, loops, and algorithms with a project

Includes: Code, Assignments

General Engineering and Computer Science


Live scripts that teach programming basics related to organizing code into functions, describing, debugging, and sharing code

Includes: Code, Assignments

General Engineering and Computer Science


Live scripts that teach fundamental concepts and basic terminology related to working with data: textual data types, numerical data types, data storage, and memory

Includes: Code, Assignments

Mechanical, Aerospace, and Civil Engineering


Learn how to solve for reaction forces and deflections in simply-supported beam problems using the Symbolic Math Toolbox™

Includes: Code, Assignments

Mechanical, Aerospace, and Civil Engineering


MATLAB live scripts and Simulink models that explore mass-spring-damper systems

Includes: Code, Models, Assignments

Mechanical, Electrical, and Aerospace Engineering

Richard Hill, University of Detroit Mercy

Live script examples using MATLAB for the analysis and design of automatic control systems

Includes: Code

Mechanical, Electrical, and Aerospace Engineering

Ivan Leibgott, University of Nice

A book, along with code and model file, that introduces MATLAB and Simulink as simulation platforms for modeling in different engineering domains, such as electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical, and their interaction with one another

Includes: Code, Models, Assignments

Mechanical and Electrical Engineering


An introduction to transfer function analysis as taught in system dynamics and controls courses

Includes: Code, Models, Apps

Electrical Engineering


Live scripts introducing the fundamentals of convolution as covered in many foundational signal processing courses

Includes: Code, Assignments

Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences


An introduction to importing, visualizing, and analyzing climate data in MATLAB

Includes: Code, Assignments

Statistics and Data Science

Ward Nickle, Humboldt State University

MATLAB live scripts centered around the fundamentals of descriptive statistics and some commonly used probability distributions

Includes: Code, Assignments

Statistics and Data Science


Fundamentals of regression analysis as taught in STEM courses

Includes: Code, Assignments

Statistics and Data Science


An introduction to the typical workflow, setup, and considerations involved in solving regression problems with machine learning

Includes: Code, Assignments



Teach numerical methods for interpolation, differentiation, integration, and solving ODEs and PDEs with MATLAB

Includes: Code, Assignments



Learn Fourier analysis using live scripts and apps; throughout the module students apply Fourier techniques to analyze recorded audio signals

Includes: Code, Apps, Assignments



MATLAB live scripts and apps that address the qualitative analysis of ordinary differential equations as taught in mathematics courses

Includes: Code, Apps, Assignments



Interactive examples using MATLAB to visualize and practice integral calculus and a calculus flashcards app

Includes: Code, Apps, Assignments



MATLAB live scripts that introduce the fundamentals of derivatives, including the product and chain rule as presented in Calculus I courses

Includes: Code, Apps, Assignments


Matthew Leineweber, San Jose State University

Fundamentals of numerical integration as taught in mathematics courses

Includes: Code, Assignments



Fundamental matrix methods and linear systems as taught in introductory linear algebra courses

Includes: Code, Assignments


Professor Gilbert Strang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cleve Moler, MathWorks

In-depth video series about differential equations and the MATLAB ODE suite

Includes: Video


Web-based book that presents a comprehensive introduction to MATLAB through interactive questions, animations, and automated MATLAB assessment

Interactive courseware designed to facilitate active learning for first-year engineering students; available with MyLab Engineering with automated MATLAB assessment and real-time feedback for 340+ homework problems

Highly regarded for its accessibility and focus on practical applications, Control Systems Engineering offers students a comprehensive introduction to the design and analysis of feedback systems that support modern technology.

A highly engaging, interactive approach to learning circuit analysis and design that features animations, activities, and automated MATLAB assessments