decodes physical uplink control channel (PUCCH) format-specific decoding and returns the
uplink control information (UCI) bits, uciBits
] = nrPUCCHDecode(carrier
, as defined in TS 38.211
Sections to for all PUCCH formats. The function also returns received
constellation symbols, symbols
, and the detection metric,
. Input carrier
specifies the carrier
configuration. Input pucch
specifies the format-specific PUCCH
configuration. Input ouci
specifies the uncoded UCI bits. When the
number of UCI bits is less than 12, the function performs discontinuous transmission (DTX)
detection by finding the normalized correlation coefficient of all of the possible reference
sequences and then compares the maximum value against a threshold.
specifies the detection threshold to perform DTX in addition to any of the input argument
combinations in the previous syntaxes.uciBits
] = nrPUCCHDecode(___,'DetectionThreshold',detectionThreshold
Decode PUCCH Format 0 Symbols for Positive SR Transmission
Create a default carrier configuration object.
carrier = nrCarrierConfig;
Specify a 15 kHz carrier with a normal cyclic prefix. Set the slot number to 63.
carrier.SubcarrierSpacing = 15;
carrier.CyclicPrefix = 'normal';
carrier.NSlot = 63;
Create a default PUCCH format 0 configuration object.
pucch = nrPUCCH0Config;
Specify the first symbol index in the PUCCH transmission slot as 11 and the number of allocated PUCCH symbols as 2. Enable intraslot frequency hopping and group hopping. Set the hopping identity to 512 and the initial cyclic shift to 5.
pucch.SymbolAllocation = [11 2]; pucch.FrequencyHopping = 'intraSlot'; pucch.GroupHopping = 'enable'; pucch.HoppingID = 512; pucch.InitialCyclicShift = 5;
Specify a transmission without hybrid automatic repeat request acknowledgment (HARQ-ACK) and with a positive scheduling request (SR).
ack = zeros(0,1);
sr = 1; % Positive SR transmission
Generate PUCCH format 0 modulation symbols.
sym = nrPUCCH(carrier,pucch,{ack sr});
Decode the PUCCH format 0 modulation symbols.
uci = nrPUCCHDecode(carrier,pucch,[numel(ack) numel(sr)],sym);
Verify that the received UCI bits match the transmitted UCI bits.
ans = logical
ans = logical
Decode PUCCH Format 1 Symbols with Detection Threshold
Create a default carrier configuration object.
carrier = nrCarrierConfig;
Specify a 60 kHz carrier with an extended cyclic prefix. Set the slot number to 7.
carrier.SubcarrierSpacing = 60;
carrier.CyclicPrefix = 'extended';
carrier.NSlot = 7;
Create a default PUCCH format 1 configuration object.
pucch = nrPUCCH1Config;
Specify the first symbol index in the PUCCH transmission slot as 3 and the number of allocated PUCCH symbols as 9. Enable intraslot frequency hopping and group hopping. Set the hopping identity to 512, the initial cyclic shift to 9, and the orthogonal cover code index to 1.
pucch.SymbolAllocation = [3 9]; pucch.FrequencyHopping = 'intraSlot'; pucch.GroupHopping = 'enable'; pucch.HoppingID = 512; pucch.InitialCyclicShift = 9; pucch.OCCI = 1;
Generate PUCCH format 1 modulation symbols for 1-bit UCI.
uci = 1; sym = nrPUCCH(carrier,pucch,uci);
Decode the PUCCH format 1 modulation symbols with a detection threshold of 0.7.
rxUCI = nrPUCCHDecode(carrier,pucch,numel(uci),sym,'DetectionThreshold',0.7);
Verify that the received UCI bits match the transmitted UCI bits.
ans = logical
Decode PUCCH Format 2 Symbols
Create a default carrier configuration object.
carrier = nrCarrierConfig;
Create a default PUCCH format 2 configuration object.
pucch = nrPUCCH2Config;
Specify the data scrambling identity as 1000 and the radio network temporary identifier as 160.
pucch.NID = 1000; pucch.RNTI = 160;
Get random UCI bits.
ouci = 20; uci = randi([0 1],ouci,1);
Encode the UCI bits.
uciCW = nrUCIEncode(uci,100);
Generate PUCCH modulation format 2 symbols.
sym = nrPUCCH(carrier,pucch,uciCW);
Decode the PUCCH modulation format 2 symbols.
rxUCI = nrPUCCHDecode(carrier,pucch,ouci,sym);
Verify that the received UCI bits match the transmitted UCI bits.
ans = logical
Decode PUCCH Format 3 Symbols
Create a default carrier configuration object.
carrier = nrCarrierConfig;
Specify a 30 kHz carrier with an extended cyclic prefix. Set the number of resource blocks in the carrier resource grid to 80.
carrier.SubcarrierSpacing = 30; carrier.NSizeGrid = 80;
Create a default PUCCH format 3 configuration object.
pucch = nrPUCCH3Config;
Specify the modulation scheme as pi/2-BPSK, the physical resource blocks (PRB) allocation of the PUCCH to range from 70 to 74 (occupying 5 resource blocks), and the radio network temporary identifier as 2560.
pucch.Modulation = 'pi/2-BPSK';
pucch.PRBSet = 70:74;
pucch.RNTI = 2560;
Generate PUCCH format 3 resource element indices.
[pucchIndices,pucchInfo] = nrPUCCHIndices(carrier,pucch);
G = pucchInfo.G; % Rate-matched length
Get random UCI bits.
ouci = 30; uciBits = randi([0 1],ouci,1);
Encode the UCI bits.
codedUCI = nrUCIEncode(uciBits,G);
Generate PUCCH format 3 modulated symbols.
sym = nrPUCCH(carrier,pucch,codedUCI);
Generate demodulation reference signal (DM-RS) symbols and indices.
dmrsSym = nrPUCCHDMRS(carrier,pucch); dmrsInd = nrPUCCHDMRSIndices(carrier,pucch);
Create a resource grid. Map the PUCCH symbols and the DM-RS symbols to the grid.
resGrid = nrResourceGrid(carrier); resGrid(pucchIndices) = sym; resGrid(dmrsInd) = dmrsSym;
Perform orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulation.
txWaveform = nrOFDMModulate(carrier,resGrid);
Perform back-to-back decoding.
rxWaveform = txWaveform; rxGrid = nrOFDMDemodulate(carrier,rxWaveform);
Extract PUCCH format 3 symbols from the received grid.
rxSym = nrExtractResources(pucchIndices,rxGrid);
Decode the PUCCH format 3 modulation symbols, and then decode the UCI bits.
rxUCI = nrPUCCHDecode(carrier,pucch,ouci,rxSym); rxUCIBits = nrUCIDecode(rxUCI{1},ouci);
Verify that the received UCI bits match the transmitted UCI bits.
ans = logical
Decode PUCCH Format 4 Symbols
Create a default carrier configuration object, and then set the cell identity as 140.
carrier = nrCarrierConfig; carrier.NCellID = 140;
Create a default PUCCH format 4 configuration object.
pucch = nrPUCCH4Config;
Specify the spreading factor as 4, the OCCI as 3, and the radio network temporary identifier as 750.
pucch.SpreadingFactor = 4; pucch.OCCI = 3; pucch.RNTI = 750;
Get random UCI bits.
ouci = 20; uci = randi([0 1],ouci,1);
Encode the UCI bits.
uciCW = nrUCIEncode(uci,60);
Generate PUCCH modulation format 4 symbols.
sym = nrPUCCH(carrier,pucch,uciCW);
Decode the PUCCH modulation format 4 symbols.
rxUCI = nrPUCCHDecode(carrier,pucch,ouci,sym);
Verify that the received UCI bits match the transmitted UCI bits.
ans = logical
Generate and Decode Symbols for Mixed PUCCH Transmission
Compare the transmission and reception of PUCCH formats 0 and 2 for two different user equipments.
Carrier Configuration
Create a default carrier configuration object, and then set the cell identity to 10.
carrier = nrCarrierConfig; carrier.NCellID = 10;
PUCCH Configuration
Create a PUCCH format 0 configuration object with the specified properties for user equipment (UE) 1.
pucch0 = nrPUCCH0Config; pucch0.PRBSet = 0; pucch0.HoppingID = 0;
Create a PUCCH format 2 configuration object with the specified properties for UE 2.
pucch2 = nrPUCCH2Config; pucch2.PRBSet = 0; pucch2.RNTI = 10;
Channel Propagation Model Configuration
Define the channel configuration structure using an nrTDLChannel
System object.
channel = nrTDLChannel;
channel.NumReceiveAntennas = 4;
info1 = nrOFDMInfo(carrier);
channel.SampleRate = info1.SampleRate; % Set waveform sample rate
chInfo = info(channel);
maxChDelay = chInfo.MaximumChannelDelay;
Noise Configuration
Normalize the noise power of the carrier, and the configure the random number generator.
SNRdB = 21.0;
SNR = 10^(SNRdB/20);
N = 1/(SNR*sqrt(double(info1.Nfft)))/sqrt(2.0);
PUCCH Symbols and Indices Generation for Format 0 and Format 2
Specify the HARQ-ACK bits for PUCCH format 0.
hi1 = [0;1];
0 1
Generate PUCCH format 0 modulation symbols.
pucch0Sym = nrPUCCH(carrier,pucch0,hi1);
Generate DM-RS symbols for PUCCH formats 0 and 2.
pucch0DMRSSym = nrPUCCHDMRS(carrier,pucch0); pucch2DRSSym = nrPUCCHDMRS(carrier,pucch2);
Generate PUCCH format 2 resource element indices.
[pucch2Ind,pucch2Info] = nrPUCCHIndices(carrier,pucch2);
Create channel quality information (CQI) bits.
cqi = [0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 1];
0 1 1 0 0 1
Encode the CQI bits.
codedcqi = nrUCIEncode(cqi,pucch2Info.G);
Generate PUCCH format 2 modulation symbols.
pucch2Sym = nrPUCCH(carrier,pucch2,codedcqi);
PUCCH Index Generation for Format 0 and Format 2
Generate PUCCH indices for formats 0 and 2.
pucch0Indices = nrPUCCHIndices(carrier,pucch0); pucch2Indices = nrPUCCHIndices(carrier,pucch2);
Generate DM-RS indices for PUCCH formats 0 and 2.
pucch0DMRSIndices = nrPUCCHDMRSIndices(carrier,pucch0); pucch2DMRSIndices = nrPUCCHDMRSIndices(carrier,pucch2);
Transmission with PUCCH Format 0
Create a resource grid. Map the PUCCH symbols and DM-RS symbols of format 0 to the grid.
grid1 = nrResourceGrid(carrier); grid1(pucch0Indices) = pucch0Sym; grid1(pucch0DMRSIndices) = pucch0DMRSSym;
Perform OFDM modulation and pass the waveform through the tapped delay line (TDL) channel.
txwave1 = nrOFDMModulate(carrier,grid1); txwave1 = [txwave1; zeros(maxChDelay,size(txwave1,2))]; [rxwave1,pathGains1,sampleTimes1] = channel(txwave1);
Transmission with PUCCH Format 2
Create a resource grid. Map the PUCCH symbols and DM-RS symbols of format 2 to the grid.
grid2 = nrResourceGrid(carrier); grid2(pucch2Indices) = pucch2Sym; grid2(pucch2DMRSIndices) = pucch2DRSSym;
Perform OFDM modulation, and then pass the waveform through the TDL channel.
txwave2 = nrOFDMModulate(carrier,grid2); release(channel); channel.Seed = 15; txwave2 = [txwave2; zeros(maxChDelay,size(txwave2,2))]; [rxwave2,pathGains,sampleTimes] = channel(txwave2);
Reception at Base Station
Add AWGN to the received signal.
rxwave = rxwave1 + rxwave2; % Add both the faded signals
noise = N*complex(randn(size(rxwave)),randn(size(rxwave)));
rxwave = rxwave + noise;
Demodulate the received signal and extract PUCCH format 0 RE indices.
rxgrid1 = nrOFDMDemodulate(carrier,rxwave(1:end,:)); rxpucch0 = nrExtractResources(pucch0Indices,rxgrid1);
Decode PUCCH Format 0 Symbols
Decode the PUCCH format 0 symbols.
rxhi1 = nrPUCCHDecode(carrier,pucch0,length(hi1),rxpucch0);
0 1
Verify that the received HARQ-ACK bits match the transmitted HARQ-ACK bits.
if isequal(hi1,rxhi1{1}) disp('PUCCH format 0 data decoded') else disp('PUCCH format 0 data not decoded') end
PUCCH format 0 data decoded
Decode PUCCH Format 2 Symbols
Estimate the timing offset for the transmission, and then perform the OFDM demodulation on the received waveform.
[t,mag] = nrTimingEstimate(carrier,rxwave,pucch2DMRSIndices,pucch2DRSSym); if t > maxChDelay t = 0; end rxgrid2 = nrOFDMDemodulate(carrier,rxwave(1+t:end,:));
Get the practical channel estimate, and then extract PUCCH format 2 RE indices.
[H2, n0] = nrChannelEstimate(carrier,rxgrid2,pucch2DMRSIndices,pucch2DRSSym); [pucchrx2, pucchH2] = nrExtractResources(pucch2Indices,rxgrid2,H2);
Perform minimum mean square error (MMSE) equalization on the extracted PUCCH format 2 resource elements.
pucch2eq = nrEqualizeMMSE(pucchrx2,pucchH2,n0);
Decode the PUCCH format 2 modulation symbols, and then decode the CQI bits.
rxcodedcqi = nrPUCCHDecode(carrier,pucch2,length(cqi),pucch2eq);
rxcqi = nrUCIDecode(rxcodedcqi{1},length(cqi));
0 1 1 0 0 1
Verify that the received CQI bits match the transmitted CQI bits.
if isequal(cqi,rxcqi) disp('PUCCH format 2 data decoded') else disp('PUCCH format 2 data not decoded') end
PUCCH format 2 data decoded
Input Arguments
— Carrier configuration parameters
Carrier configuration parameters for a specific OFDM numerology, specified as an nrCarrierConfig
object. This function uses only these properties of the nrCarrierConfig
— PUCCH configuration parameters
object | nrPUCCH1Config
object | nrPUCCH2Config
object | nrPUCCH3Config
object | nrPUCCH4Config
PUCCH configuration parameters, specified as one of these options.
For format 0, specify an
object. The function uses only these object properties.For format 1, specify an
object. The function uses only these object properties.For format 2, specify an
object. The function uses only these object properties.For format 3, specify an
object. The function uses only these object properties.For format 4, specify an
object. The function uses only these object properties.
For PUCCH formats 0 to 3 and operation with
shared spectrum channel access for frequency range 1 (FR1), set the corresponding
property to true
, and use the
and InterlaceIndex
properties to specify the allocated frequency resources. In addition, for PUCCH formats
2 and 3, you can use the SpreadingFactor
properties with single-interlace
configurations. (since R2023b)
— Number of uncoded UCI bits
nonnegative integer | two-element vector of nonnegative integers
Number of uncoded UCI bits, specified as a nonnegative integer or depending on the format type.
For format 0, you must specify a nonnegative integer or a two-element vector of nonnegative integers.
When you specify this value as a scalar, the uncoded UCI bits represents the hybrid automatic repeat request acknowledgment (HARQ-ACK) bits.
When you specify this value as a vector, the first element represents the HARQ-ACK bits, and the second element represents the scheduling request (SR) bit.
For format 1, you must specify a nonnegative integer. When you specify this value, the uncoded UCI bits represents the HARQ-ACK bits or SR bits.
For formats 2, 3, and 4, the uncoded UCI bits represents the number of UCI bits in both parts.
Data Types: double
— PUCCH modulation symbols
complex-valued column vector | complex-valued matrix
PUCCH modulation symbols for the specified format, returned as a complex-valued column vector or complex-valued matrix.
For formats 0 and 1, the sym
argument must be a matrix with the
number of columns equal to the number of receive antennas. For formats 2, 3, and 4, the
argument must be a column vector.
Data Types: single
| double
Complex Number Support: Yes
— Noise variance
(default) | nonnegative scalar
Noise variance, specified as a nonnegative scalar. The function scales the symbols with the variance of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). The default value corresponds to an signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 100 dB, assuming unit signal power.
When the noise variance value is less than 1e-10, the function uses the value of
Data Types: double
— Detection threshold
| scalar in range from 0 to 1
Detection threshold, specified as []
or a scalar in range from 0
to 1. When you do not specify the input or you set it to []
, the
function selects one of these default values based on the format type.
For format 0, the default value is
for one OFDM symbol and0.42
for two OFDM symbols.
For format 1, the default value is
.For formats 2, 3, and 4, the default value is
Data Types: double
Output Arguments
— UCI bits
one-element cell array | two-element cell array
UCI bits, returned as a one- or two-element cell array depending on the format type.
For format 0 and 1, the data type of uciBits
. For format 2, 3, and 4, uciBits
the data type of the sym
For format 0,
is a one- or two-element cell array with UCI hard bits.For a one-element cell array, the function returns the HARQ-ACK hard bits.
For a two-element cell array, the function returns the first element as HARQ-ACK hard bits and the second element as SR bit.
PUCCH format 0 decoding involves DTX detection followed by finding the sequence that has the maximum normalized correlation metric.
For format 1,
is a one-element cell array with UCI hard bits. PUCCH format 1 decoding involves DTX detection followed by matched filtering.For formats 2, 3, and 4,
is a one-element cell array with UCI soft bits. For PUCCH formats 2, 3, and 4, UCI soft bits are returned post DTX detection (applicable up to 12 uncoded uci bits) and inverse processing of PUCCH encoding.
Data Types: cell
— Received constellation symbols
column-valued column vector
Received constellation symbols, returned as a column-valued column vector.
inherits the data type of the sym
Data Types: double
| single
Complex Number Support: Yes
— Detection metric
Detection metric, returned as an integer. For PUCCH formats 2, 3, and 4, when the
input is not in the range from 3 to 11, this output is
Data Types: double
| single
[1] 3GPP TS 38.211. “NR; Physical channels and modulation.” 3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical Specification Group Radio Access Network.
Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.
Usage notes and limitations:
and values in name-value pair arguments must be compile-time constants. For example, when
specifying 'single'
as the output data type, include
in the
value of the codegen
function. For more
information, see the coder.Constant
(MATLAB Coder) class.
Version History
Introduced in R2021bR2023b: Configure intracell guard bands
Use the IntraCellGuardBands
object property of the carrier
to specify intracell guard bands.
R2023b: Support for release 16 interlacing for operation in unlicensed spectrum (NR-U)
For PUCCH formats 0 to 3, use the Interlacing
, and InterlaceIndex
object properties
of the
input argument to configure interlaced PUCCH transmissions. In addition, for PUCCH formats 2
and 3, you can use the SpreadingFactor
and OCCI
properties with single-interlace configurations.
R2022a: SR bit output value in PUCCH format 0 decoding has changed
For PUCCH format 0, the function now returns 0
instead of
for the SR bit value when the detection metric is below the DTX
detection threshold. For PUCCH format 0, the SR bit is returned in the second cell of the
output of the function.
R2022a: Detection threshold in PUCCH format 1 decoding has changed
For PUCCH format 1, the function now uses 0.22 instead of 0.36 as the default DTX detection threshold.
See Also
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