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Create aircraft environment

Since R2021b


    environment = aircraftEnvironment(atmosphere,height) creates an aircraft environment object, environment, specified by the atmospheric model atmosphere that is above sea level, height, for a default aircraft.


    environment = aircraftEnvironment(atmosphere,height,Name=Value) creates an aircraft environment, environment. Specify one or more Name=Value arguments after any of the input argument combinations in the previous syntaxes.

    environment = aircraftEnvironment(aircraft,atmosphere,height) creates an aircraft environment object, environment, specified by the atmospheric model, atmosphere, that is above sea level, height, aircraft using the aircraft unit system defined in the aircraft, aircraft.


    collapse all

    Create Aircraft Environment Object Using Fixed-Wing Aircraft

    Create an aircraft environment object using a fixed-wing aircraft and English units at 20,000 feet.

    aircraft = fixedWingAircraft("myplane","UnitSystem","English (ft/s)");
    environment = aircraftEnvironment(aircraft,"ISA",20000)
    environment = 
      Environment with properties:
        WindVelocity: [0 0 0]
             Density: 0.0013
         Temperature: 248.5260
            Pressure: 972.4941
        SpeedOfSound: 1.0369e+03
             Gravity: 32.1850
          Properties: [1x1 Aero.Aircraft.Properties]

    Create Aircraft Environment Object with ISA Model

    Create an aircraft environment object using the ISA model.

    environment = aircraftEnvironment("ISA",1000)
    environment = 
      Environment with properties:
        WindVelocity: [0 0 0]
             Density: 1.1116
         Temperature: 281.6500
            Pressure: 8.9875e+04
        SpeedOfSound: 336.4341
             Gravity: 9.8100
          Properties: [1x1 Aero.Aircraft.Properties]

    Create Aircraft Environment Object with COESA Model

    Create an aircraft environment object using the COESA model at 0, 100, and 1,000 meters.

    environment = aircraftEnvironment("COESA",[0,100,1000])
    environment=1×3 Environment array with properties:

    Create Aircraft Environment Object with ISA Model Using English Units

    Create an aircraft environment object using English units at 500 feet.

    environment = aircraftEnvironment("ISA",500,"UnitSystem","English (ft/s)")
    environment = 
      Environment with properties:
        WindVelocity: [0 0 0]
             Density: 0.0023
         Temperature: 287.1594
            Pressure: 2.0783e+03
        SpeedOfSound: 1.1145e+03
             Gravity: 32.1850
          Properties: [1x1 Aero.Aircraft.Properties]

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Aero.FixedWing object, specified as a scalar.

    Atmospheric model to calculate the aircraft environment, specified as "ISA" or "COESA".

    Height above sea level, specified as a numeric matrix.

    Data Types: double

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

    Example: "UnitSystem","English (ft/s)"

    Unit system, specified as a string based on these units:

    UnitUnit System

    Meters per second (m/s)


    Feet per second (ft/s)

    "English (kts)"

    Knots (kts)

    "English (ft/s)"

    Example: "UnitSystem","English (kts)"

    Angle system, specified as "Radians" or "Degrees".

    Example: "AngleSystem","Degrees"

    Temperature system, specified as "Kelvin", "Celsius", "Rankine", or "Fahrenheit".

    Example: "TemperatureSystem","Rankine"

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Aero.Aircraft.Environment objects, returned as a matrix of the same size as height.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2021b

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