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Define thrust vector on fixed-wing aircraft

Since R2021b


thrust = fixedWingThrust(name) returns a fixed-wing thrust object with a specified component, name.

thrust = fixedWingThrust(name,controllable) returns a fixed-wing thrust object specifying the controllability, controllable, of the thrust.

thrust = fixedWingThrust(name,controllable,symmetry) returns a fixed-wing thrust object specifying the symmetry, symmetry, of the thrust.

thrust = fixedWingThrust(name,controllable,symmetry,bounds) returns a fixed-wing thrust object specifying the bounds, bounds, of the thrust.

thrust = fixedWingThrust(Name=Value) returns a fixed-wing thrust object with one or more Name=Value arguments.



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Create a fixed-wing thrust object named MyThrust.

thrust = fixedWingThrust("MyThrust")
thrust = 
  Thrust with properties:

        Coefficients: [1x1 Aero.FixedWing.Coefficient]
        MaximumValue: 1
        MinimumValue: 0
        Controllable: on
            Symmetry: "Symmetric"
    ControlVariables: "MyThrust"
          Properties: [1x1 Aero.Aircraft.Properties]

Create an asymmetric fixed-wing thrust object named MyThrust using arguments.

thrust = fixedWingThrust("MyThrust","on","asymmetric")
thrust = 
  Thrust with properties:

        Coefficients: [1x1 Aero.FixedWing.Coefficient]
        MaximumValue: 1
        MinimumValue: 0
        Controllable: on
            Symmetry: "Asymmetric"
    ControlVariables: ["MyThrust_1"    "MyThrust_2"]
          Properties: [1x1 Aero.Aircraft.Properties]

Input Arguments

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Fixed-wing aircraft thrust name, specified as a scalar string.

Data Types: char | string

Controllable thrust value, specified as 'on' or 'off'. To control the control thrust, set this property to 'on'. Otherwise, set this property to 'off'.

Data Types: string

Symmetry of thrust control, specified as Symmetric or Asymmetric.

The Asymmetric option creates two control variables, denoted by the name on the properties and appended by _1 and _2. These control variables can be independently controlled, but also produce an effective control variable specified by the name on the properties. This equation defines the control variable:

name = (name_1-name_2)/2.

You cannot set this effective control variable.

Data Types: string

Lower and upper bounds of controllable thrust, specified as a two-element numeric vector.

Data Types: double

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: 'MaximumValue','500'

Aero.FixedWing.Coefficients object, specified as a scalar, that defines the thrust vector.

Maximum thrust value, specified as a scalar numeric.


If Symmetry is set to Asymmetric, then this value applies to both control variables.

Data Types: double

Minimum thrust value, specified as a scalar numeric.


If Symmetry is set to Asymmetric, then this value applies to both control variables.

Data Types: double

To control the thrust value, set this property to on. Otherwise, set this property to off.

Data Types: double

Symmetry of the thrust control, specified as Symmetric or Asymmetric.

The Asymmetric option creates two control variables, denoted by the name on the properties and appended by _1 and _2. These control variables can be independently controlled, but also produce an effective control variable specified by the name on the properties. This equation defines the control variable:

name = (name_1-name_2)/2.

You cannot set this effective control variable.

Data Types: char | string

Aero.Aircraft.Properties object, specified as a scalar.

Output Arguments

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Aero.FixedWing.Thrust object, returned as a scalar.

Version History

Introduced in R2021b

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