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Verify octave filter design is ANSI S1.11-2004 compliant


complianceStatus = isStandardCompliant(octFilt,classType) returns a logical scalar, complianceStatus, indicating whether the complianceStatus filter design is compliant with the ANSI S1.11-2004 standard for classType.

The mask used to determine compliance is centered on the nearest ANSI-compliant center frequency that ensures the center frequency of the object falls between the upper and lower band edges of the mask.


[complianceStatus,centerFreq] = isStandardCompliant(octFilt,classType) also returns the ANSI-compliant center frequency used to create the mask.



collapse all

Create an object of the octaveFilter System object™. Call isStandardCompliant, specifying the compliance class type to check as the second argument.

octFilt = octaveFilter;
complianceStatus = isStandardCompliant(octFilt,'class 2')
complianceStatus = logical

Create an object of the octaveFilter System object. Check the compliance to class 0 status of your object, and get the center frequency used to create the compliance mask.

octFilt = octaveFilter('CenterFrequency',1266);
[compliant, centerFreq] = isStandardCompliant(octFilt,'class 0')
compliant = logical

centerFreq = 

Input Arguments

collapse all

Object of the octaveFilter System object™.

Compliance class type to verify, specified as 'class 0', 'class 1', or 'class 2'.

Data Types: char

Output Arguments

collapse all

Compliance status of filter design, returned as a logical scalar. The compliance status indicates whether the octFilt filter design is compliant with the ANSI S1.11-2004 standard for classType.

If your octave filter is noncompliant, try any of the following:

  • Set the center frequency to one of the values returned by getANSICenterFrequencies

  • Increase filter order

  • Increase sample rate

Data Types: logical

Center frequency used to create the compliance mask, returned as a scalar.

Data Types: single | double

Version History

Introduced in R2016b

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