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Mapped CI Engine

Compression-ignition engine model using lookup tables

  • Mapped CI Engine block

Powertrain Blockset / Propulsion / Combustion Engines
Vehicle Dynamics Blockset / Powertrain / Propulsion


The Mapped CI Engine block implements a mapped compression-ignition (CI) engine model using power, air mass flow, fuel flow, exhaust temperature, efficiency, and emission performance lookup tables. You can use the block for:

  • Hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) engine control design

  • Vehicle-level fuel economy and performance simulations

The lookup tables, developed with the Model-Based Calibration Toolbox™, are functions of injected fuel mass, F, engine torque, T, engine speed, N, and engine temperature, TempEng.

Input Command Setting

Input Engine Temperature Parameter Setting

Lookup Tables
Fuel massoffƒ(F,N)

The block enables you to specify lookup tables for these engine characteristics:

  • Power

  • Air

  • Fuel

  • Temperature

  • Efficiency

  • Hydrocarbon (HC) emissions

  • Carbon monoxide (CO) emissions

  • Nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide (NOx) emissions

  • Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions

  • Particulate matter (PM) emissions

To bound the Mapped CI Engine block output, the block does not extrapolate the lookup table data.

Virtual Calibration

If you have Model-Based Calibration Toolbox, click Calibrate Maps to virtually calibrate the 2D lookup tables using measured data. The dialog box steps through these tasks.



Import firing data

Import this loss data from a file. For example, open <matlabroot>/toolbox/mbc/mbctraining/CiEngineData.xlsx.

For more information, see Using Data (Model-Based Calibration Toolbox).

Input command

Required Data

Optional Data

Fuel mass
  • Engine speed, rpm

  • Commanded fuel mass per injection, mg

  • Engine torque, N·m

  • Air mass flow rate, kg/s

  • Brake specific fuel consumption, g/(kW·h)

  • CO2 mass flow rate, kg/s

  • CO mass flow rate, kg/s

  • Exhaust temperature, K

  • Fuel mass flow rate, kg/s

  • HC mass flow rate, kg/s

  • NOx mass flow rate, kg/s

  • Particulate matter mass flow rate, kg/s

  • Engine speed, rpm

  • Engine torque, N·m

Collect firing data at steady-state operating conditions when injectors deliver the fuel. Data should cover the engine speed and torque operating range. Model-Based Calibration Toolbox uses the firing data boundary as the maximum torque.

To filter or edit the data, select Edit in Application. The Model-Based Calibration Toolbox Data Editor opens.

Import non-firing data

Import this non-firing data from a file. For example, open <matlabroot>/toolbox/mbc/mbctraining/CiEngineData.xlsx.

  • Engine speed, rpm

  • Engine torque, N·m

Collect non-firing (motoring) data at steady-state operating conditions when fuel is cut off. All non-firing torque points must be less than zero. Non-firing data is a function of engine speed only.

Generate response models

For both firing and non-firing data, the Model-Based Calibration Toolbox uses test plans to fit data to Gaussian process models (GPMs).

To assess or adjust the response model fit, select Edit in Application. The Model-Based Calibration Toolbox Model Browser opens. For more information, see Model Assessment (Model-Based Calibration Toolbox).

Generate calibration

Model-Based Calibration Toolbox calibrates the firing and non-firing response models and generates calibrated tables.

To assess or adjust the calibration, select Edit in Application. The Model-Based Calibration Toolbox CAGE Browser opens. For more information, see Calibration Lookup Tables (Model-Based Calibration Toolbox).

Update block parameters

Update the block lookup table and breakpoint parameters with the calibration.

Cylinder Air Mass

The block calculates the normalized cylinder air mass using these equations.


The equations use these variables.


Normalized cylinder air mass


Nominal engine cylinder air mass at standard temperature and pressure, piston at bottom dead center (BDC) maximum volume, in kg


Crankshaft revolutions per power stroke, rev/stroke

PstdStandard pressure
TstdStandard temperature

Ideal gas constant for air and burned gas mixture


Displaced volume


Number of engine cylinders


Engine speed


Engine air mass flow, in g/s

Turbocharger Lag

To model turbocharger lag, select Include turbocharger lag effect. Turbocharger lag limits the maximum fuel mass per injection. To model the maximum fuel mass per injection, the block uses a first-order system with a time constant. At low torque, the engine does not require boost to provide sufficient air flow. When the requested fuel mass requires boost, the block uses a time constant to determine the maximum fuel mass per injection. The block uses these equations for the specified Input command setting.

CalculationInput command Parameter Setting
Fuel massTorque

Dynamic torque



Fuel mass per injection or torque - with turbocharger lag

F={Fcmd       when Fcmd<FmaxFmax      when FcmdFmax

Ttarget={Tcmd       when Tcmd<TmaxTmax      when TcmdTmax

Fuel mass per injection or torque- without turbocharger lag



Boost time constant

τbst={τbst,rising       when Fcmd>Fmaxτbst,falling      when FcmdFmax

τbst={τbst,rising       when Tcmd>Tmaxτbst,falling      when TcmdTmax

Final time constant

τeng={τnat       when Tbrake<fbst(N)τbst       when Tbrakefbst(N)

The equations use these variables.


Brake torque


Fuel mass per injection

Fcmd, Fmax

Commanded and maximum fuel mass per injection, respectively

Ttarget, Tcmd, Tmax

Target, commanded, and maximum torque, respectively


Boost time constant

τbst,rising, τbst,falling

Boost rising and falling time constant, respectively


Final time constant

τnatTime constant below the boost torque speed line
ƒbst(N)Boost torque/speed line
NEngine speed

Fuel Flow

To calculate the fuel economy for high-fidelity models, the block uses the volumetric fuel flow.


The equation uses these variables.

m˙fuelFuel mass flow

Specific gravity of fuel


Volumetric fuel flow

Power Accounting

For the power accounting, the block implements these equations.

Bus Signal DescriptionEquations


PwrTrnsfrd — Power transferred between blocks

  • Positive signals indicate flow into block

  • Negative signals indicate flow out of block


Crankshaft power


PwrNotTrnsfrd — Power crossing the block boundary, but not transferred

  • Positive signals indicate an input

  • Negative signals indicate a loss


Fuel input power



Power loss


PwrStored — Stored energy rate of change

  • Positive signals indicate an increase

  • Negative signals indicate a decrease

Not used

The equations use these variables.


Fuel lower heating value


Engine speed, rad/s

m˙fuelFuel mass flow


Fuel mass per injection time constant




expand all

Injected fuel mass command, F, in mg/inj.


To enable this port, for Input command, select Fuel mass.

Torque command, T, in N·m.


To enable this port, for Input command, select Torque.

Engine speed, N, in rpm.

Engine temperature, TempEng, in K.


To enable this port, select Input engine temperature.


expand all

Bus signal containing these block calculations.



Engine air mass flow output



Normalized engine cylinder air mass



Air-fuel ratio (AFR)



Engine fuel flow output



Volumetric fuel flow



Engine exhaust gas temperature



Engine torque output



Engine speed



Engine crankshaft absolute angle


where Cps is crankshaft revolutions per power stroke.

degrees crank angle


Engine brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC)



Engine out hydrocarbon emission mass flow



Engine out carbon monoxide emission mass flow rate



Engine out nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide emissions mass flow



Engine out carbon dioxide emission mass flow



Engine out particulate matter emission mass flow



Crankshaft power


Fuel input power


Power loss


Not used

Engine power, Tbrake, in N·m.


expand all

Block Options

The lookup tables, developed with the Model-Based Calibration Toolbox, are functions of injected fuel mass, F, engine torque, T, engine speed, N, and engine temperature, TempEng.

Input Command Setting

Input Engine Temperature Parameter Setting

Lookup Tables
Fuel massoffƒ(F,N)


  • Selecting Fuel mass enables Breakpoints for commanded fuel mass input, f_tbrake_f_bpt.

  • Selecting Torque enables Breakpoints for commanded torque input, f_tbrake_t_bpt.

  • Selecting Input engine temperature enables Breakpoints for temperature input, f_tbrake_engtmp_bpt.

To model turbocharger lag, select Include turbocharger lag effect. Turbocharger lag limits the maximum fuel mass per injection. To model the maximum fuel mass per injection, the block uses a first-order system with a time constant. At low torque, the engine does not require boost to provide sufficient air flow. When the requested fuel mass requires boost, the block uses a time constant to determine the maximum fuel mass per injection. The block uses these equations for the specified Input command setting.

CalculationInput command Parameter Setting
Fuel massTorque

Dynamic torque



Fuel mass per injection or torque - with turbocharger lag

F={Fcmd       when Fcmd<FmaxFmax      when FcmdFmax

Ttarget={Tcmd       when Tcmd<TmaxTmax      when TcmdTmax

Fuel mass per injection or torque- without turbocharger lag



Boost time constant

τbst={τbst,rising       when Fcmd>Fmaxτbst,falling      when FcmdFmax

τbst={τbst,rising       when Tcmd>Tmaxτbst,falling      when TcmdTmax

Final time constant

τeng={τnat       when Tbrake<fbst(N)τbst       when Tbrakefbst(N)

The equations use these variables.


Brake torque


Fuel mass per injection

Fcmd, Fmax

Commanded and maximum fuel mass per injection, respectively

Ttarget, Tcmd, Tmax

Target, commanded, and maximum torque, respectively


Boost time constant

τbst,rising, τbst,falling

Boost rising and falling time constant, respectively


Final time constant

τnatTime constant below the boost torque speed line
ƒbst(N)Boost torque/speed line
NEngine speed


Selecting Include turbocharger lag effect enables these parameters:

  • Boost torque line, f_tbrake_bst

  • Time constant below boost line, tau_nat

  • Rising maximum fuel mass boost time constant, tau_bst_rising

  • Falling maximum fuel mass boost time constant, tau_bst_falling

Select this to create the EngTemp input port.

The lookup tables, developed with the Model-Based Calibration Toolbox, are functions of injected fuel mass, F, engine torque, T, engine speed, N, and engine temperature, TempEng.

Input Command Setting

Input Engine Temperature Parameter Setting

Lookup Tables
Fuel massoffƒ(F,N)


If you have Model-Based Calibration Toolbox, click Calibrate Maps to virtually calibrate the 2D lookup tables using measured data. The dialog box steps through these tasks.



Import firing data

Import this loss data from a file. For example, open <matlabroot>/toolbox/mbc/mbctraining/CiEngineData.xlsx.

For more information, see Using Data (Model-Based Calibration Toolbox).

Input command

Required Data

Optional Data

Fuel mass
  • Engine speed, rpm

  • Commanded fuel mass per injection, mg

  • Engine torque, N·m

  • Air mass flow rate, kg/s

  • Brake specific fuel consumption, g/(kW·h)

  • CO2 mass flow rate, kg/s

  • CO mass flow rate, kg/s

  • Exhaust temperature, K

  • Fuel mass flow rate, kg/s

  • HC mass flow rate, kg/s

  • NOx mass flow rate, kg/s

  • Particulate matter mass flow rate, kg/s

  • Engine speed, rpm

  • Engine torque, N·m

Collect firing data at steady-state operating conditions when injectors deliver the fuel. Data should cover the engine speed and torque operating range. Model-Based Calibration Toolbox uses the firing data boundary as the maximum torque.

To filter or edit the data, select Edit in Application. The Model-Based Calibration Toolbox Data Editor opens.

Import non-firing data

Import this non-firing data from a file. For example, open <matlabroot>/toolbox/mbc/mbctraining/CiEngineData.xlsx.

  • Engine speed, rpm

  • Engine torque, N·m

Collect non-firing (motoring) data at steady-state operating conditions when fuel is cut off. All non-firing torque points must be less than zero. Non-firing data is a function of engine speed only.

Generate response models

For both firing and non-firing data, the Model-Based Calibration Toolbox uses test plans to fit data to Gaussian process models (GPMs).

To assess or adjust the response model fit, select Edit in Application. The Model-Based Calibration Toolbox Model Browser opens. For more information, see Model Assessment (Model-Based Calibration Toolbox).

Generate calibration

Model-Based Calibration Toolbox calibrates the firing and non-firing response models and generates calibrated tables.

To assess or adjust the calibration, select Edit in Application. The Model-Based Calibration Toolbox CAGE Browser opens. For more information, see Calibration Lookup Tables (Model-Based Calibration Toolbox).

Update block parameters

Update the block lookup table and breakpoint parameters with the calibration.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Breakpoints, in mg/inj.


Setting Input command to Fuel mass enables this parameter.

Breakpoints, in N·m.


Setting Input command to Torque enables this parameter.

Breakpoints, in rpm.

Breakpoints, in K.


To enable this parameter, select Input engine temperature.

Number of cylinders.

Crank revolutions per power stroke.

Volume displaced by engine, in m^3.

Fuel lower heating value, LHV, in J/kg.

Specific gravity of fuel, Sgfuel, dimensionless.

Ideal gas constant of air and residual gas entering the engine intake port, in J/(kg·K).

Standard air pressure, in Pa.

Standard air temperature, in K.

Boost torque line, ƒbst(N), in N·m.


To enable this parameter, select Include turbocharger lag effect.

Time constant below boost line, τnat, in s.


To enable this parameter, select Include turbocharger lag effect.

Rising maximum fuel mass boost time constant, τbst,rising, in s.


To enable this parameter, select Include turbocharger lag effect.

Falling maximum fuel mass boost time constant, τbst,falling, in s.


To enable this parameter, select Include turbocharger lag effect.

Turbocharger time constant blend fuel mass fraction, in s.


To enable this parameter, select Include turbocharger lag effect.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The engine brake torque lookup table is a function of commanded fuel mass and engine speed, Tbrake = ƒ(F, N), where:

  • Tbrake is engine torque, in N·m.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

Plot showing actual torque as a function of engine speed and commanded fuel


The engine brake torque lookup table is a function of target torque and engine speed, Tbrake = ƒ(Ttarget, N), where:

  • Tbrake is engine torque, in N·m.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Click to plot table.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The engine brake torque lookup table is a function of commanded fuel mass and engine speed, Tbrake = ƒ(F, N, TempEng), where:

  • Tbrake is engine torque, in N·m.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


The engine brake torque lookup table is a function of target torque and engine speed, Tbrake = ƒ(Ttarget, N, TempEng), where:

  • Tbrake is engine torque, in N·m.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


To enable this parameter, select Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The air mass flow lookup table is a function of commanded fuel mass and engine speed, m˙intk = ƒ(Fmax, N), where:

  • m˙intk is engine air mass flow, in kg/s.

  • Fmax is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

Plot showing air mass flow as a function of engine speed and commanded fuel


The air mass flow lookup table is a function of maximum torque and engine speed, m˙intk = ƒ(Tmax, N), where:

  • m˙intk is engine air mass flow, in kg/s.

  • Tmax is maximum torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Click to plot table.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The air mass flow lookup table is a function of commanded fuel mass and engine speed, m˙intk = ƒ(Fmax, N, TempEng), where:

  • m˙intk is engine air mass flow, in kg/s.

  • Fmax is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


The air mass flow lookup table is a function of maximum torque and engine speed, m˙intk = ƒ(Tmax, N, TempEng), where:

  • m˙intk is engine air mass flow, in kg/s.

  • Tmax is maximum torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


To enable this parameter, select Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The engine fuel flow lookup table is a function of commanded fuel mass and engine speed, MassFlow= ƒ(F, N), where:

  • MassFlow is engine fuel mass flow, in kg/s.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

Plot showing fuel mass flow as a function of engine speed and commanded fuel


The engine fuel flow lookup table is a function of target torque and engine speed, MassFlow = ƒ(Ttarget, N), where:

  • MassFlow is engine fuel mass flow, in kg/s.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Click to plot table.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The engine fuel flow lookup table is a function of commanded fuel mass, engine speed, and engine temperature, MassFlow= ƒ(F, N, TempEng), where:

  • MassFlow is engine fuel mass flow, in kg/s.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


The engine fuel flow lookup table is a function of target torque and engine speed, and engine temperature, MassFlow = ƒ(Ttarget, N, TempEng), where:

  • MassFlow is engine fuel mass flow, in kg/s.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


To enable this parameter, select Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The engine exhaust temperature table is a function of commanded fuel mass and engine speed, Texh= ƒ(F, N), where:

  • Texhis exhaust temperature, in K.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

Plot showing exhaust temperature as a function of engine speed and commanded fuel


The engine exhaust temperature table is a function of target torque and engine speed, Texh = ƒ(Ttarget, N), where:

  • Texh is exhaust temperature, in K.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Click to plot table.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The engine exhaust temperature table is a function of commanded fuel mass and engine speed, Texh= ƒ(F, N, TempEng), where:

  • Texhis exhaust temperature, in K.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


The engine exhaust temperature table is a function of target torque and engine speed, Texh = ƒ(Ttarget, N, TempEng), where:

  • Texh is exhaust temperature, in K.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


To enable this parameter, select Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC) efficiency is a function of commanded fuel mass and engine speed, BSFC= ƒ(F, N), where:

  • BSFC is BSFC, in g/kWh.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

Plot showing BSFC as a function of engine speed and commanded fuel


The brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC) efficiency is a function of target torque and engine speed, BSFC = ƒ(Ttarget, N), where:

  • BSFC is BSFC, in g/kWh.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Click to plot table.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC) efficiency is a function of commanded fuel mass and engine speed, BSFC= ƒ(F, N, TempEng), where:

  • BSFC is BSFC, in g/kWh.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


The brake-specific fuel consumption (BSFC) efficiency is a function of target torque and engine speed, BSFC = ƒ(Ttarget, N, TempEng), where:

  • BSFC is BSFC, in g/kWh.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


To enable this parameter, select Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The engine-out hydrocarbon emissions are a function of commanded fuel mass and engine speed, EO HC= ƒ(F, N), where:

  • EO HC is engine-out hydrocarbon emissions, in kg/s.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

Plot showing EO HC as a function of engine speed and commanded fuel


The engine-out hydrocarbon emissions are a function of target torque and engine speed, EO HC = ƒ(Ttarget, N), where:

  • EO HC is engine-out hydrocarbon emissions, in kg/s.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Click to plot table.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The engine-out hydrocarbon emissions are a function of commanded fuel mass and engine speed, EO HC= ƒ(F, N, TempEng), where:

  • EO HC is engine-out hydrocarbon emissions, in kg/s.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


The engine-out hydrocarbon emissions are a function of target torque and engine speed, EO HC = ƒ(Ttarget, N, TempEng), where:

  • EO HC is engine-out hydrocarbon emissions, in kg/s.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


To enable this parameter, select Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The engine-out carbon monoxide emissions are a function of commanded fuel mass and engine speed, EO CO= ƒ(F, N), where:

  • EO CO is engine-out carbon monoxide emissions, in kg/s.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

Plot showing EO CO as a function of engine speed and commanded fuel


The engine-out carbon monoxide emissions are a function of target torque and engine speed, EO CO = ƒ(Ttarget, N), where:

  • EO CO is engine-out carbon monoxide emissions, in kg/s.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Click to plot table.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The engine-out carbon monoxide emissions are a function of commanded fuel mass and engine speed, EO CO= ƒ(F, N, TempEng), where:

  • EO CO is engine-out carbon monoxide emissions, in kg/s.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


The engine-out carbon monoxide emissions are a function of target torque and engine speed, EO CO = ƒ(Ttarget, N, TempEng), where:

  • EO CO is engine-out carbon monoxide emissions, in kg/s.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


To enable this parameter, select Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The engine-out nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide emissions are a function of commanded fuel mass and engine speed, EO NOx= ƒ(F, N), where:

  • EO NOx is engine-out nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide emissions, in kg/s.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

Plot showing EO NOX as a function of engine speed and commanded fuel


The engine-out nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide emissions are a function of target torque and engine speed, EO NOx = ƒ(Ttarget, N), where:

  • EO NOx is engine-out nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide emissions, in kg/s.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Click to plot table.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The engine-out nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide emissions are a function of commanded fuel mass, engine speed, and engine temperature, EO NOx= ƒ(F, N, TempEng), where:

  • EO NOx is engine-out nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide emissions, in kg/s.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


The engine-out nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide emissions are a function of target torque, engine speed, and engine temperature, EO NOx = ƒ(Ttarget, N, TempEng), where:

  • EO NOx is engine-out nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide emissions, in kg/s.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


To enable this parameter, select Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The engine-out carbon dioxide emissions are a function of commanded fuel mass and engine speed, EO CO2= ƒ(F, N), where:

  • EO CO2 is engine-out carbon dioxide emissions, in kg/s.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

Plot showing EO CO2 as a function of engine speed and commanded fuel


The engine-out carbon dioxide emissions are a function of target torque and engine speed, EO CO2 = ƒ(Ttarget, N), where:

  • EO CO2 is engine-out carbon dioxide emissions, in kg/s.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Click to plot table.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The engine-out carbon dioxide emissions are a function of commanded fuel mass, engine speed, and engine temperature, EO CO2= ƒ(F, N, TempEng), where:

  • EO CO2 is engine-out carbon dioxide emissions, in kg/s.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


The engine-out carbon dioxide emissions are a function of target torque, engine speed, and engine temperature, EO CO2 = ƒ(Ttarget, N, TempEng), where:

  • EO CO2 is engine-out carbon dioxide emissions, in kg/s.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


To enable this parameter, select Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The engine-out PM emissions are a function of commanded fuel mass and engine speed, where:

  • EO PM is engine-out PM emissions, in kg/s.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.


The engine-out PM emissions are a function of target torque and engine speed, EO PM = ƒ(Ttarget, N), where:

  • EO PM is engine-out PM emissions, in kg/s.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Click to plot table.


To enable this parameter, clear Input engine temperature.

Input Command SettingDescription
Fuel mass

The engine-out PM emissions are a function of commanded fuel mass, engine speed, and engine temperature, where:

  • EO PM is engine-out PM emissions, in kg/s.

  • F is commanded fuel mass, in mg per injection.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


The engine-out PM emissions are a function of target torque, engine speed, and engine temperature, EO PM = ƒ(Ttarget, N, T), where:

  • EO PM is engine-out PM emissions, in kg/s.

  • Ttarget is target torque, in N·m.

  • N is engine speed, in rpm.

  • TempEng is engine temperature, in K.


To enable this parameter, select Input engine temperature.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2017a

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