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Programmatically Configure AUTOSAR Sender-Receiver Communication

This example provides a programmatic workflow for configuring sender-receiver ports, interfaces, data elements, and runnables of model autosar_swc_expfcns using the autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties object functions. Programmatic workflows are also provided for Simulink® mappings to AUTOSAR elements using the autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping object functions.

Configure and Map Sender-Receiver Interface

Open example model autosar_swc_expfcns and create the autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties object.

hModel = 'autosar_swc_expfcns';
arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(hModel);

Add an AUTOSAR sender-receiver interface specifying the IsService property as false using the interface package and name.

ifName = 'mySrIf';
ifPkg = get(arProps,'XmlOptions','InterfacePackage');
ifPaths = 3x1 cell
    {'/pkg/if/mySrIf'    }

Add data elements with setting the SwCalibrationAccess property to ReadWrite. For more information regarding AUTOSAR properties, see AUTOSAR Element Properties.

de1 = 'myDE1';
de2 = 'myDE2';
swCalibValue= 'ReadWrite';
add(arProps, [ifPkg '/' ifName],'DataElements',de1,'SwCalibrationAccess',swCalibValue);
add(arProps, [ifPkg '/' ifName],'DataElements',de2,'SwCalibrationAccess',swCalibValue);

Add AUTOSAR receiver (require) and sender (provide) ports to interface mySrIf.

rPortName = 'myRPort';
pPortName = 'myPPort';
aswcPath = find(arProps,[],'AtomicComponent','PathType','FullyQualified');

Map Require and Provide Ports Using mapOutport

Create the autosar.api.getSimulinkMapping object.


Use the object functions get the outport RPort_DE2 and map it to port myRPort. Setting the data access mode to ImplicitReceive. For more information see the mapOutport function.

[rPortName,rDataElementName,rDataAccessMode] = getInport(slMap,'RPort_DE2')
rPortName = 
rDataElementName = 
rDataAccessMode = 
[rPortName,rDataElementName,rDataAccessMode] = getInport(slMap,'RPort_DE2')
rPortName = 
rDataElementName = 
rDataAccessMode = 

Use the object functions get the outport PPort_DE1 and map it to port myPPort. Set the data access mode to ImplicitSend.

[pPortName,pDataElementName,pDataAccessMode] = getOutport(slMap,'PPort_DE1')
pPortName = 
pDataElementName = 
pDataAccessMode = 
[pPortName,pDataElementName,pDataAccessMode] = getOutport(slMap,'PPort_DE1')
pPortName = 
pDataElementName = 
pDataAccessMode = 

Set Properties of Sender-Receiver Data Elements

You can configure the SwCalibrationAccess property of multiple AUTOSAR data elements using a nested for loop.

srIfs = find(arProps,[],'SenderReceiverInterface','PathType','FullyQualified')'
srIfs = 3x1 cell
    {'/pkg/if/mySrIf'    }

for i=1:length(srIfs)
    srIf = srIfs{i};
    dataElements = get(arProps,srIf,'DataElements','PathType','FullyQualified');
    swCalibValue = 'ReadWrite';
    for ii=1:length(dataElements)
        dataElement = dataElements{ii};

Configure Events for Runnable Activation

This section shows the property function syntax for adding an AUTOSAR TimingEvent, DataReceivedEvent, and DataReceiveErrorEvent to a runnable in model autosar_swc_expfcns.

For a DataReceiveErrorEvent, you must specify a trigger. The trigger name includes the name of the AUTOSAR receiver port and data element that receive the event, for example: "RPort.DE1".

For OperationInvokedEvent syntax, see Programmatically Configure AUTOSAR Client-Server Communication.

For ModeSwitchEvent syntax, see Programmatically Configure AUTOSAR Mode-Switch Communication.

Open model autosar_swc_expfcns and create the relevant autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties object.

hModel = 'autosar_swc_expfcns';
arProps = autosar.api.getAUTOSARProperties(hModel);

Identify the AUTOSAR runnable for which you would like to add the TimingEvent.

swc = get(arProps,"XmlOptions","ComponentQualifiedName");
ib = get(arProps,swc,"Behavior");
runnables = get(arProps,ib,"Runnables")'
runnables = 4x1 cell
    {'ASWC/IB/Runnable1'    }
    {'ASWC/IB/Runnable2'    }
    {'ASWC/IB/Runnable3'    }

runnable = "Runnable1";
timingEventName = "myTimingEvent";

Add an AUTOSAR data received event.

dreEventName = "myDREEvent";

To pass validation, remove any redundant timing events in the AUTOSAR configuration.

events = get(arProps,ib,"Events");
events = get(arProps,ib,"Events")'
events = 4x1 cell
    {'ASWC/IB/Event_t_10tic' }
    {'ASWC/IB/myTimingEvent' }
    {'ASWC/IB/myDREEvent'    }

See Also




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