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Deep Learning Code Generation Fundamentals

Functions, objects, and workflows that you can use to generate code for deep learning networks

You can use MATLAB® Coder™ with Deep Learning Toolbox™ to generate C++ code from a trained CNN. You can then deploy the generated code to an embedded platform that uses an Intel® or ARM® processor. You can also generate generic C or C++ code from a trained CNN that does not depend on any third-party libraries.


codegenGenerate C/C++ code from MATLAB code
coder.loadDeepLearningNetworkLoad deep learning network model
coder.DeepLearningConfigCreate deep learning code generation configuration objects
coder.DeepLearningCodeConfigParameters to configure deep learning code generation that does not depend on third-party libraries (Since R2021a)
coder.ARMNEONConfigParameters to configure deep learning code generation with the ARM Compute Library
coder.CMSISNNConfigParameters to configure deep learning code generation with the CMSIS-NN library for Cortex-M targets (Since R2022a)
coder.MklDNNConfigParameters to configure deep learning code generation with the Intel Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks
analyzeNetworkForCodegenAnalyze deep learning network for code generation (Since R2022b)
coder.regenerateDeepLearningParametersRegenerate files containing network learnables and states parameters (Since R2021b)


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