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Models with Time Delays

Systems with input, output, transport, and internal delays

Use the InputDelay, OutputDelay, and ioDelay properties of dynamic system models to represent time delays. See Time Delays in Linear Systems.


padePadé approximation of models with time delay
absorbDelayReplace time delays by poles at z = 0 or phase shift
thiranGenerate fractional delay filter based on Thiran approximation
hasdelayTrue for linear model with time delays
hasInternalDelayDetermine if model has internal delays
totaldelayTotal combined I/O delays for LTI model
delayssCreate state-space models with delayed inputs, outputs, and states
setDelayModelConstruct state-space model with internal delays
getDelayModelState-space representation of internal delays


Time-Delay Basics

  • Specifying Time Delays
    This example shows how the Control System Toolbox™ lets you represent, manipulate, and analyze any LTI model with a finite number of delays.

Model Time Delays

Approximate Time Delays

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