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Retrieve Twitter data


d = getdata(c,baseurl) retrieves Twitter® data for REST API GET endpoints that do not require any web service query parameters.


d = getdata(c,baseurl,parameters) retrieves Twitter data using web service query parameters. The Twitter REST API defines web service query parameters for each endpoint. For valid parameters, see the Twitter REST API Endpoint Reference Documentation.


d = getdata(c,baseurl,QueryName1,QueryValue1,...,QueryNameN,QueryValueN) specifies web service query parameters as one or more pairs of name-value arguments.



collapse all

Use a Twitter connection object to return locations for trending topics. The REST API endpoint GET trends/available does not require any web service query parameters.

Create a Twitter connection using your credentials. (The values in this example do not represent real Twitter credentials.)

consumerkey = 'abcdefghijklmnop123456789';
consumersecret = 'qrstuvwxyz123456789';
accesstoken = '123456789abcdefghijklmnop';
accesstokensecret = '123456789qrstuvwxyz';

c = twitter(consumerkey,consumersecret,accesstoken,accesstokensecret);

Check the Twitter connection. If the StatusCode property has the value OK, the connection is successful.

ans = 


Specify the Twitter base URL.

baseurl = '';

Retrieve locations for trending topics using the Twitter connection object and the base URL.

d = getdata(c,baseurl)
d = 

  ResponseMessage with properties:

    StatusLine: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
    StatusCode: OK
        Header: [1×25]
          Body: [1×1]
     Completed: 0

d is a object. The StatusCode property shows OK, indicating a successful HTTP request.

Access the location data. Display the structure Data.

ans = 

  467×1 struct array with fields:


The structure Data is a structure array with the field name, which contains the name of a location for a trending topic.

Access the first location.

ans =


You can retrieve data for other REST API endpoints by substituting another URL for the baseurl input argument. Or, you can search for Tweets using the search function.

Use a Twitter connection object to retrieve follower information. Specify the count of followers as a structure.

Create a Twitter connection using your credentials. (The values in this example do not represent real Twitter credentials.)

consumerkey = 'abcdefghijklmnop123456789';
consumersecret = 'qrstuvwxyz123456789';
accesstoken = '123456789abcdefghijklmnop';
accesstokensecret = '123456789qrstuvwxyz';

c = twitter(consumerkey,consumersecret,accesstoken,accesstokensecret);

Check the Twitter connection. If the StatusCode property has the value OK, the connection is successful.

ans = 


Set the Twitter base URL to access the GET followers/list REST API endpoint. Specify one follower by defining the structure parameters with the field set to 1. Search for one follower of the current account using the Twitter connection object, base URL, and structure parameters.

baseurl = '';
parameters.count = 1;
d = getdata(c,baseurl,parameters)
d = 

  ResponseMessage with properties:

    StatusLine: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
    StatusCode: OK
        Header: [1×25]
          Body: [1×1]
     Completed: 0

d is a object. The StatusCode property shows OK, indicating a successful HTTP request.

Access information about the follower.

ans = 

  struct with fields:

                                    id: 12345678
                                id_str: '12345678'
                                  name: 'Full Name'

d.Body.Data.users is a structure that has a field for each piece of account information. For example, the first three fields are:

  • Account identifier as a number

  • Account identifier as a character vector

  • Full name of the account as a character vector

(These values do not represent real Twitter data.)

You can retrieve data for other REST API endpoints by substituting another URL for the baseurl input argument. Or, you can search for Tweets using the search function.

Use a Twitter connection object to retrieve follower information. Specify the count of followers as a name-value argument.

Create a Twitter connection using your credentials. (The values in this example do not represent real Twitter credentials.)

consumerkey = 'abcdefghijklmnop123456789';
consumersecret = 'qrstuvwxyz123456789';
accesstoken = '123456789abcdefghijklmnop';
accesstokensecret = '123456789qrstuvwxyz';

c = twitter(consumerkey,consumersecret,accesstoken,accesstokensecret);

Check the Twitter connection. If the StatusCode property has the value OK, the connection is successful.

ans = 


Set the Twitter base URL to access the GET followers/list REST API endpoint. Search for one follower of the current account using the Twitter connection object, base URL, and name-value argument count.

baseurl = '';
d = getdata(c,baseurl,'count',1)
d = 

  ResponseMessage with properties:

    StatusLine: 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK'
    StatusCode: OK
        Header: [1×25]
          Body: [1×1]
     Completed: 0

d is a object. The StatusCode property shows OK, indicating a successful HTTP request.

Access information about the follower.

ans = 

  struct with fields:

                                    id: 12345678
                                id_str: '12345678'
                                  name: 'Full Name'

d.Body.Data.users is a structure that has a field for each piece of account information. For example, the first three fields are:

  • Account identifier as a number

  • Account identifier as a character vector

  • Full name of the account as a character vector

(These values do not represent real Twitter data.)

You can retrieve data for other REST API endpoints by substituting another URL for the baseurl input argument. Or, you can search for Tweets using the search function.

Input Arguments

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Twitter connection, specified as a twitter object.

Twitter base URL, specified as a character vector or string scalar. Use this URL to access the Twitter REST API endpoints.

Example: '' specifies a GET REST API endpoint.

Data Types: char | string

Web service query parameters, specified as a structure. Each parameter is specified as a field in the structure. Set the field to a specific value in the structure. For example, specify the number of items for the HTTP request:

parameters.count = 20;

The Twitter REST API defines web service query parameters that it accepts as part of an HTTP request. For valid parameters, see the Twitter REST API Endpoint Reference Documentation.

Data Types: struct

Web service query parameters, specified as one or more pairs of name-value arguments. A QueryName argument is a character vector or string scalar that specifies the name of a query parameter. A QueryValue argument is a character vector or string scalar that specifies the value of the query parameter.

The Twitter REST API defines web service query parameters that it accepts as part of an HTTP request. For valid parameters, see the Twitter REST API Endpoint Reference Documentation.

Example: 'count',20 specifies the number of items for the HTTP request.

Data Types: char | string

Output Arguments

collapse all

Twitter data, returned as a object.

To retrieve Twitter data, access properties in d, for example:

data = d.Body.Data
data = 
      struct with fields:
               statuses: {50×1 cell}
        search_metadata: [1×1 struct]

Continue to access the nested structure data to retrieve Twitter data. For accessing nested structures, see Access Data in Nested Structures.


Version History

Introduced in R2017b

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