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Get cost value of cells in vehicle costmap


costVals = getCosts(costmap,xyPoints) returns a vector, costVals, that contains the costs for the (x, y) points in xyPoints in the vehicle costmap.


costMat = getCosts(costmap) returns a matrix, costMat, that contains the cost of each cell in the costmap.


collapse all

Create a 5-by-10 meter vehicle costmap. Cells have side length 1, in the world units of meters. Set the inflation radius to 1. Plot the costmap, and get the default cost matrix.

costmap = vehicleCostmap(5,10);
costmap.CollisionChecker.InflationRadius = 1;
title('Default Costmap')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Default Costmap, xlabel X, ylabel Y contains 2 objects of type image, patch. This object represents Inflated Areas.

ans = 10×5

    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250
    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250
    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250
    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250
    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250
    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250
    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250
    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250
    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250
    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250    0.4250

Mark an obstacle at the (x,y) coordinate (3,4) by increasing the cost of that cell.

title('Costmap with Obstacle at (3,4)')

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Costmap with Obstacle at (3,4), xlabel X, ylabel Y contains 2 objects of type image, patch. This object represents Inflated Areas.

Get the cost of three cells: the cell with the obstacle, a cell adjacent to the obstacle, and a cell outside the inflation radius of the obstacle.

costVal = getCosts(costmap,[3 4;2 4;4 7])
costVal = 3×1


Although the plot of the costmap displays the cell with the obstacle and its adjacent cells in shades of red, only the cell with the obstacle has a higher cost value of 0.8. The other cells still have the default cost value of 0.425.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Costmap, specified as a vehicleCostmap object.

Points, specified as an M-by-2 real-valued matrix that represents the (x, y) coordinates of M points.

Example: [3.4 2.6] specifies a single point at (3.4, 2.6)

Example: [3 2;3 3;4 7] specifies three points: (3, 2), (3, 3), and (4, 7)

Output Arguments

collapse all

Cost of points in xyPoints, returned as an M-element real-valued vector.

Cost of all cells in costmap, returned as a real-valued matrix of the same size as the costmap grid. This size is specified by the MapSize property of the costmap.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2018a

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