Compute the power spectrum of a multichannel sinusoidal signal using the dsp.SpectrumEstimator System object™. You can get the vector of frequencies at which the spectrum is estimated using the getFrequencyVector function. To compute the resolution bandwidth of the estimate (RBW), use the getRBW function.
Generate a three-channel sinusoid sampled at 1 kHz. Specify sinusoidal frequencies of 100, 200, and 300 Hz. The second and third channels have their phases offset from the first by and , respectively.
Estimate and plot the one-sided spectrum of the signal. Use the dsp.SpectrumEstimator object for the computation and the dsp.ArrayPlot for the plotting.
Resolution bandwidth of the estimate, returned as a
The resolution bandwidth, RBW,
is the smallest positive frequency, or frequency interval, that can be resolved. It is
equal to NENBW*SampleRate/L, where L is the input
length, and NENBW is the normalized effective noise bandwidth of the
The data type of RBW matches the data type of the input.
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