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Tune Bayesian nonlinear non-Gaussian state-space model posterior sampler

Since R2024b


The Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method used by the simulate function to sample from the posterior distribution requires a carefully specified proposal distribution. You can use the tune function to search for an adequate posterior mode for simulate, to improve the proposal distribution, and therefore, the acceptance rate of the proposed posterior draws.

[params,Proposal] = tune(PriorMdl,Y,params0) returns optimized proposal distribution parameter mean vector params and scale matrix Proposal to improve the MCMC sampler used by simulate. PriorMdl is the Bayesian nonlinear non-Gaussian state-space model that specifies the state-space model structure (likelihood) and prior distribution, Y is the data for the likelihood, and params0 is the vector of initial values for the unknown state-space model parameters Θ in PriorMdl.


[params,Proposal] = tune(PriorMdl,Y,params0,Name=Value) specifies additional options using one or more name-value arguments. For example, tune(PriorMdl,Y,params0,Hessian="opg",Display="off") uses the outer-product of gradients method to compute the Hessian matrix and suppresses the display of the optimized values.



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Simulate observed responses from a known nonlinear state-space model, then treat the model as Bayesian and draw parameters from the posterior distribution. Tune the proposal distribution of the MCMC sampler by using tune.

Consider this data-generating process (DGP).


where the series ut is a standard Gaussian series of random variables.

Simulate a series of 200 observations from the process.

rng(1,"twister")    % For reproducibility
T = 200;
thetaDGP = [0.7; 0.2; 3];

numparams = numel(thetaDGP);

MdlXSim = arima(AR=thetaDGP(1),Variance=thetaDGP(2), ...
xsim = simulate(MdlXSim,T);
y = random("poisson",thetaDGP(3)*exp(xsim));


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type line.

Suppose the structure of the DGP is known, but the model parameters trueTheta are unknown, explicitly


Consider a Bayesian nonlinear non-Gaussian state-space model representing the unknown parameters. Assume that the prior distributions are:

  • ϕN(-1,1)(m0,v02), that is, a truncated normal distribution with ϕ[-1,1].

  • σ2IG(a0,b0), that is, an inverse gamma distribution with shape a0 and scale b0.

  • λGamma(α0,β0), that is, a gamma distribution with shape α0 and scale β0.

The Local Functions section contains the functions paramMap and priorDistribution required to specify the Bayesian nonlinear state-space model. The paramMap function specifies the state-space model structure and initial state moments. The priorDistribution function returns the log of the joint prior distribution of the state-space model parameters. You can use the functions only within this script.

Create a Bayesian nonlinear state-space model for the DGP.

  • Arbitrarily choose values for the hyperparameters.

  • Indicate that the state-space model observation equation is expressed as a distribution.

  • To speed up computations, the arguments A and LogY of the paramMap function are written to enable simultaneous evaluation of the transition and observation densities of multiple particles. Specify this characteristic by using the Multipoint name-value argument.

% pi(phi,sigma2) hyperparameters
m0 = 0;                 
v02 = 1;
a0 = 1;
b0 = 1;

% pi(lambda) hyperparameters
alpha0 = 3;
beta0 = 1;

hyperparams = [m0 v02 a0 b0 alpha0 beta0];

PriorMdl = bnlssm(@paramMap,@(x)priorDistribution(x,hyperparams), ...
    ObservationForm="distribution",Multipoint=["A" "LogY"]);

PriorMdl is a bnlssm model specifying the state-space model structure and prior distribution of the state-space model parameters. Because PriorMdl contains unknown values, it serves as a template for posterior estimation with observations.

The simulate function requires a proposal distribution scale matrix. You can obtain a data-driven proposal scale matrix by using the tune function. Alternatively, you can supply your own scale matrix.

Obtain a data-driven scale matrix by using the tune function. Supply an arbitrarily chosen set of initial parameter values.

theta0 = [0.5; 0.1; 2]; 
[theta0,Proposal] = tune(PriorMdl,y,theta0)
         Optimization and Tuning        
      | Params0  Optimized  ProposalStd 
 c(1) |  0.5000    0.6081      0.0922   
 c(2) |  0.1000    0.2190      0.0503   
 c(3) |   2        2.8497      0.2918   
theta0 = 3×1


Proposal = 3×3

    0.0085   -0.0026    0.0033
   -0.0026    0.0025   -0.0040
    0.0033   -0.0040    0.0852

theta0 is a 3-by-1 estimate of the posterior mode and Proposal is the corresponding Hessian matrix. Both outputs are the optimized moments of the proposal distribution, the latter of which is up to a proportionality constant. tune displays convergence information and an estimation table, which you can suppress by using the Display options of the optimizer and tune.

Draw 1000 random parameter vectors from the posterior distribution. Specify the simulated response path as observed responses and the optimized values returned by tune for the initial parameter values and the proposal distribution.

[Theta,accept] = simulate(PriorMdl,y,theta0,Proposal);
accept = 

Theta is a 3-by-1000 matrix of randomly drawn parameters from the posterior distribution. Rows correspond to the elements of the input argument theta of the functions paramMap and priorDistribution.

accept is the proposal acceptance probability. In this case, simulate accepts 42% of the proposal draws.

Plot trace plots of the posterior sample.

paramnames = ["\phi" "\sigma^2" "\lambda"];

h = tiledlayout(3,1);
for j = 1:numparams
    hold on
title(h,"Posterior Trace Plots")

Figure contains 3 axes objects. Axes object 1 with ylabel \phi contains 2 objects of type line, constantline. Axes object 2 with ylabel \sigma^2 contains 2 objects of type line, constantline. Axes object 3 with ylabel \lambda contains 2 objects of type line, constantline.

The sampler eventually settles at near the true values of the parameters. In this case, the sample shows serial correlation and transient behavior. You can remedy serial correlation in the sample by adjusting the Thin name-value argument, and you can remedy transient effects by increasing the burn-in period using the BurnIn name-value argument.

Local Functions

These functions specify the state-space model parameter mappings, in distribution form, and the log prior distribution of the parameters.

function [A,B,LogY,Mean0,Cov0,StateType] = paramMap(theta)
    A = theta(1); 
    B = sqrt(theta(2));
    LogY = @(y,x)y.*(x + log(theta(3)))- exp(x).*theta(3);
    Mean0 = 0;
    Cov0 = 2;
    StateType = 0;     % Stationary state process

function logprior = priorDistribution(theta,hyperparams)
    % Prior of phi
    m0 = hyperparams(1);
    v20 = hyperparams(2);
    pphi = makedist("normal",mu=m0,sigma=sqrt(v20));
    pphi = truncate(pphi,-1,1);
    lpphi = log(pdf(pphi,theta(1)));

    % Prior of sigma2
    a0 = hyperparams(3);
    b0 = hyperparams(4);
    lpsigma2 = -a0*log(b0) - log(gamma(a0)) + (-a0-1)*log(theta(2)) - ...

    % Prior of lambda
    alpha0 = hyperparams(5);
    beta0 = hyperparams(6);
    plambda = makedist("gamma",alpha0,beta0);
    lplambda = log(pdf(plambda,theta(3))); 

    logprior = lpphi + lpsigma2 + lplambda;

Adjust the tuning algorithm that obtains optimal proposal moments for the MCMC sampler used to draw posterior samples from a Bayesian nonlinear stochastic volatility model. The response series is daily S&P 500 closing returns. For a full exposition of this problem, see Fit Bayesian Stochastic Volatility Model to S&P 500 Volatility.

Load the data set Data_GlobalIdx1.mat, and then extract the S&P 500 closing prices (last column of the matrix Data).

load Data_GlobalIdx1
sp500 = Data(:,end);
T = numel(sp500);
dts = datetime(dates,ConvertFrom="datenum");

Convert the price series to returns, and then center the returns.

retsp500 = price2ret(sp500);
y = retsp500 - mean(retsp500);
retdts = dts(2:end);

Consider the nonlinear state-space form of the stochastic volatility model for observed asset returns yt:



  • Δt=1365 for daily returns.

  • xt is a latent AR(1) process representing the conditional volatility series.

  • ut are εt are mutually independent and individually iid random standard Gaussian noise series.

The linear state-space coefficient matrices are:

  • A=[βα01].

  • B=[σ0].

The observation equation is nonlinear. Because εt is a standard Gaussian random variable, the conditional distribution of yt given xt and the parameters is Gaussian with a mean of 0 and standard deviation Δtexp(0.5xt).

The local function paramMap, which uses the distribution form for the observation equation, specifies this model structure. Unlike the parameter mapping function in Fit Bayesian Stochastic Volatility Model to S&P 500 Volatility, paramMap reduces the number of states to one for computational efficiency.

Assume a flat prior, that is, the log prior is 0 over the support of the parameters and -Inf everywhere else. The local function flatLogPrior specifies the prior.

Create a Bayesian nonlinear state-space model that specifies the model structure and prior distribution. Specify that the observation equation is in distribution form and that bnlssm functions can evaluate multiple particles simultaneously for A and LogY.

PriorMdl = bnlssm(@paramMap,@flatLogPrior,ObservationForm="distribution", ...
    Multipoint=["A" "LogY"]);

Tune the proposal distribution. Specify an arbitrarily chosen set of initial parameter values and the following settings:

  • Set the search interval for β to (-1,1). Specified search intervals apply only to tuning the proposal.

  • Set the search interval for σ to (0,).

  • Specify computing the Hessian by the outer product of gradients.

  • For computational speed, do not sort the particles by using Hilbert sorting.

theta0 = [0.2 0 0.5];
lower = [-1; -Inf; 0];
upper = [1; Inf; Inf];

[params,Proposal] = tune(PriorMdl,y,theta0,Lower=lower,Upper=upper, ...
         Optimization and Tuning        
      | Params0  Optimized  ProposalStd 
 c(1) |  0.2000    0.9949      0.0030   
 c(2) |   0       -0.0155      0.0116   
 c(3) |  0.5000    0.1495      0.0130   

Obtain a sample from the posterior distribution. Specify the optimal proposal a burn-in period of 1e4 and retain every 25th draw to reduce serial correlation among the draws. The sampler, with these settings, takes some time to complete.

burnin = 1e4;
thin = 25;

[ThetaPost,accept] = simulate(PriorMdl,y,params,Proposal, ...
accept = 

Determine the quality of the posterior sample by plotting trace plots of the parameter draws.

title("Trace Plot: \beta")

title("Trace Plot: \alpha")

title("Trace Plot: \sigma")

The posterior samples show good mixing with some minor serial correlation.

Local Functions

This example uses the following functions. paramMap is the parameter-to-matrix mapping function and flatLogPrior is the log prior distribution of the parameters.

function [A,B,LogY,Mean0,Cov0,StateType] = paramMap(theta)
    A = @(x) theta(2) + theta(1).*x;
    B = theta(3);
    LogY = @(y,x)-0.5.*x-0.5*365*y*y.*exp(-x);
    Mean0 = theta(2)./(1 - theta(1));          
    Cov0 = (theta(3)^2)./(1 - theta(1)^2);
    StateType = 0;

function logprior = flatLogPrior(theta)
% flatLogPrior computes the log of the flat prior density for the three
% variables in theta. Log probabilities for parameters outside the
% parameter space are -Inf.
    paramcon = zeros(numel(theta),1);
    % theta(1) is the lag 1 term in a stationary AR(1) model. The
    % value needs to be within the unit circle.
    paramcon(1) = abs(theta(1)) >= 1 - eps;

    % alpha must be finite
    paramcon(2) = ~isfinite(theta(2)); 

    % Standard deviation of the state disturbance theta(3) must be positive.
    paramcon(3) = theta(3) <= eps;

    if sum(paramcon) > 0
        logprior = -Inf;
        logprior = 0;   % Prior density is proportional to 1 for all values
                        % in the parameter space.

Input Arguments

collapse all

Prior Bayesian nonlinear non-Gaussian state-space model, specified as a bnlssm model object return by bnlssm.

The function handles of the properties PriorMdl.ParamDistribution and PriorMdl.ParamMap determine the prior and the data likelihood, respectively.

Observed response data, specified as a numeric matrix or a cell vector of numeric vectors.

  • If PriorMdl is time invariant with respect to the observation equation, Y is a T-by-n matrix. Each row of the matrix corresponds to a period and each column corresponds to a particular observation in the model. T is the sample size and n is the number of observations per period. The last row of Y contains the latest observations.

  • If PriorMdl is time varying with respect to the observation equation, Y is a T-by-1 cell vector. Y{t} contains an nt-dimensional vector of observations for period t, where t = 1, ..., T. For linear observation models, the corresponding dimensions of the coefficient matrices, outputs of PriorMdl.ParamMap, C{t}, and D{t} must be consistent with the matrix in Y{t} for all periods. For nonlinear observation models, the dimensions of the inputs and outputs associated with the observations must be consistent. Regardless of model type, the last cell of Y contains the latest observations.

NaN elements indicate missing observations. For details on how tune accommodates missing observations, see Algorithms.

Data Types: double | cell

Initial parameter values for the parameters Θ, specified as a numParams-by-1 numeric vector. Elements of params0 must correspond to the elements of the first input arguments of PriorMdl.ParamMap and PriorMdl.ParamDistribution.

Data Types: double

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: tune(PriorMdl,Y,params0,Hessian="opg",Display="off") uses the outer-product of gradients method to compute the Hessian matrix and suppresses the display of the optimized values.

Number of particles for SMC, specified as a positive integer.

Example: NumParticles=1e4

Data Types: double

Number of sample state paths to draw from the posterior smoothed state distribution, specified as a positive integer.

Example: NumPaths=1e4

Data Types: double

SMC resampling method, specified as a value in this table.

"multinomial"At time t, the set of previously generated particles (parent set) follows a standard multinomial distribution, with probabilities proportional to their weights. An offspring set is resampled with replacement from the parent set [1].
"residual"Residual sampling, a modified version of multinomial resampling that can produce an estimator with lower variance than the multinomial resampling method [7].
"systematic"Systematic sampling, which produces an estimator with lower variance than the multinomial resampling method [4].

Resampling methods downsample insignificant particles to achieve a smaller estimator variance than if no resampling is performed and to avoid sampling from a degenerate proposal [4].

Example: Resample="residual"

Data Types: char | string

Effective sample size threshold, below which tune resamples particles, specified as a nonnegative scalar. For more details, see [4], Ch. 12.3.3.


  • To resample during every period, set Cutoff=numparticles, where numparticles is the value of the NumParticles name-value argument.

  • To avoid resampling, set Cutoff=0.

Example: Cutoff=0.75*numparticles

Data Types: double

Flag for sorting particles before resampling, specified as a value in this table.

truetune sorts the generated particles before resampling them.
falsetune does not sort the generated particles.

When SortPartiles=true, tune uses Hilbert sorting during the SMC routine to sort the particles. This action can reduce Monte Carlo variation, which is useful when you compare loglikelihoods resulting from evaluating several params arguments that are close to each other [3]. However, the sorting routine requires more computation resources, and can slow down computations, particularly in problems with a high-dimensional state variable.

Example: SortParticles=false

Data Types: logical

Parameter lower bounds when computing the Hessian matrix (see Hessian), specified as a numParams-by-1 numeric vector.

Lower(j) specifies the lower bound of parameter theta(j), the first input argument of PriorMdl.ParamMap and PriorMdl.ParamDistribution.

The default value [] specifies no lower bounds.


Lower does not apply to posterior simulation. To apply parameter constraints on the posterior, code them in the log prior distribution function PriorMdl.ParamDistribution by setting the log prior of values outside the distribution support to -Inf.

Example: Lower=[0 -5 -1e7]

Data Types: double

Parameter lower bounds when computing the Hessian matrix (see Hessian), specified as a numParams-by-1 numeric vector.

Upper(j) specifies the upper bound of parameter theta(j), the first input argument of PriorMdl.ParamMap and PriorMdl.ParamDistribution.

The default value [] specifies no upper bounds.


Upper does not apply to posterior simulation. To apply parameter constraints on the posterior, code them in the log prior distribution function PriorMdl.ParamDistribution by setting the log prior of values outside the distribution support to -Inf.

Example: Upper=[5 100 1e7]

Data Types: double

Optimization options for tuning the proposal distribution, specified as an optimoptions optimization controller. Options replaces default optimization options of the optimizer. For details on altering default values of the optimizer, see the optimization controller optimoptions, the constrained optimization function fmincon, or the unconstrained optimization function fminunc in Optimization Toolbox™.

For example, to change the constraint tolerance to 1e-6, set options = optimoptions(@fmincon,ConstraintTolerance=1e-6,Algorithm="sqp"). Then, pass Options by using Options=options.

By default, tune uses the default options of the optimizer.

Step size for computing the first derivatives that comprise the Hessian matrix (see Hessian), specified as a positive scalar.

Example: StepSizeFirstDerivative=1e-4

Data Types: double

Step size for computing the second derivatives that comprise the Hessian matrix (see Hessian), specified as a positive scalar.

Example: StepSizeSecondDerivative=1e-3

Data Types: double

Hessian approximation method for the MH proposal distribution scale matrix, specified as a value in this table.

"difference"Finite differencing
"diagonal"Diagonalized result of finite differencing
"opg"Outer product of gradients, ignoring the prior distribution


The Hessian="difference" setting can be computationally intensive and inaccurate, and the resulting scale matrix can be nonnegative definite. Try one of the other options for better results.

Example: Hessian="opg"

Data Types: char | string

Control for displaying the proposal-tuning results, specified as a value in this table.

"off"Suppress all output.
"summary"Display a summary of proposal-tuning results.
"full"Display proposal-tuning details.

Example: Display="full"

Data Types: string | char

Output Arguments

collapse all

Optimized parameter values for the MCMC sampler, returned as a numParams-by-1 numeric vector. params(j) contains the optimized value of parameter theta(j), where theta is the first input argument of PriorMdl.ParamMap and PriorMdl.ParamDistribution.

When you call simulate, pass params as the initial parameter values input params0.

Proposal distribution covariance/scale matrix for the MCMC sampler, specified as a numParams-by-numParams numeric matrix. Rows and columns of Proposal correspond to elements in params.

Proposal is the scale matrix up to a proportionality constant, which is specified by the Proportion name-value argument of estimate and simulate.

The proposal distribution is multivariate normal or Student's t.

When you call simulate, pass Proposal as the proposal distribution scale matrix input Proposal.

Data Types: double


  • Unless you set Cutoff=0, tune resamples particles according to the specified resampling method Resample. Although resampling particles with high weights improves the results of the SMC, you should also allow the sampler traverse the proposal distribution to obtain novel, high-weight particles. To do this, experiment with Cutoff.

  • Avoid an arbitrary choice of the initial state distribution. bnlssm functions generate the initial particles from the specified initial state distribution, which impacts the performance of the nonlinear filter. If the initial state specification is bad enough, importance weights concentrate on a small number of particles in the first SMC iteration, which might produce unreasonable filtering results. This vulnerability of the nonlinear model behavior contrasts with the stability of the Kalman filter for the linear model, in which the initial state distribution usually has little impact on the filter because the prior is washed out as it processes data.


  • The MCMC sampler requires a carefully specified proposal distribution. tune tunes the sampler by performing numerical optimization to search for a posterior mode. A reasonable proposal for the multivariate normal or t distribution is the inverse of the negative Hessian matrix, which tune evaluates at the resulting posterior mode.

  • tune approximates the data likelihood by sequential Monte Carlo (SMC), and it approximates the posterior gradient vector and Hessian matrix by the simulation smoother (simsmooth). tune tunes the sampler by numerical optimization.

  • When tune tunes the proposal distribution, the optimizer that tune uses to search for a posterior mode before computing the Hessian matrix depends on your specifications.

    • tune uses fminunc by default.

    • tune uses fmincon when you perform constrained optimization by specifying the Lower or Upper name-value argument.

  • tune accommodates missing data by not updating filtered state estimates corresponding to missing observations. In other words, suppose there is a missing observation at period t. Then, the state forecast for period t based on the previous t – 1 observations and filtered state for period t are equivalent.


[1] Andrieu, Christophe, Arnaud Doucet, and Roman Holenstein. "Particle Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology 72 (June 2010): 269–342.

[2] Andrieu, Christophe, and Gareth O. Roberts. "The Pseudo-Marginal Approach for Efficient Monte Carlo Computations." Ann. Statist. 37 (April 2009): 697–725.

[3] Deligiannidis, George, Arnaud Doucet, and Michael Pitt. "The Correlated Pseudo-Marginal Method." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B: Statistical Methodology 80 (June 2018): 839–870.

[4] Durbin, J, and Siem Jan Koopman. Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.

[5] Fernández-Villaverde, Jesús, and Juan F. Rubio-Ramírez. "Estimating Macroeconomic Models: A Likelihood Approach." Review of Economic Studies 70(October 2007): 1059–1087.

[6] Hastings, Wilfred K. "Monte Carlo Sampling Methods Using Markov Chains and Their Applications." Biometrika 57 (April 1970): 97–109.

[7] Liu, Jun, and Rong Chen. "Sequential Monte Carlo Methods for Dynamic Systems." Journal of the American Statistical Association 93 (September 1998): 1032–1044.

[8] Metropolis, Nicholas, Rosenbluth, Arianna. W., Rosenbluth, Marshall. N., Teller, Augusta. H., and Teller, Edward. "Equation of State Calculations by Fast Computing Machines." The Journal of Chemical Physics 21 (June 1953): 1087–92.

Version History

Introduced in R2024b

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