Estimate posterior distribution of Bayesian linear regression model parameters
To perform predictor variable selection for a Bayesian linear regression model, see estimate
returns the Bayesian linear regression model PosteriorMdl
= estimate(PriorMdl
that characterizes the joint posterior distributions of the coefficients β and the disturbance variance σ2. PriorMdl
specifies the joint prior distribution of the parameters and the structure of the linear regression model. X
is the predictor data and y
is the response data. PriorMdl
and PosteriorMdl
might not be the same object type.
To produce PosteriorMdl
, the estimate
function updates the prior distribution with information about the parameters that it obtains from the data.
s in the data indicate missing values, which estimate
removes by using list-wise deletion.
specifies additional options using one or more name-value pair arguments. For example, you can specify a value for either β or σ2 to estimate the conditional posterior distribution of one parameter given the specified value of the other parameter.PosteriorMdl
= estimate(PriorMdl
If you specify the Beta
or Sigma2
name-value pair argument, then PosteriorMdl
and PriorMdl
are equal.
uses any of the input argument combinations in the previous syntaxes to return a table that contains the following for each parameter: the posterior mean and standard deviation, 95% credible interval, posterior probability that the parameter is greater than 0, and description of the posterior distribution (if one exists). Also, the table contains the posterior covariance matrix of β and σ2. If you specify the PosteriorMdl
= estimate(___)Beta
or Sigma2
name-value pair argument, then estimate
returns conditional posterior estimates.
Compare Default Prior and Marginal Posterior Estimation to OLS Estimates
Consider a model that predicts the fuel economy (in MPG) of a car given its engine displacement and weight.
Load the carsmall
data set.
load carsmall
x = [Displacement Weight];
y = MPG;
Regress fuel economy onto engine displacement and weight, including an intercept to obtain ordinary least-squares (OLS) estimates.
Mdl = fitlm(x,y)
Mdl = Linear regression model: y ~ 1 + x1 + x2 Estimated Coefficients: Estimate SE tStat pValue __________ _________ _______ __________ (Intercept) 46.925 2.0858 22.497 6.0509e-39 x1 -0.014593 0.0082695 -1.7647 0.080968 x2 -0.0068422 0.0011337 -6.0353 3.3838e-08 Number of observations: 94, Error degrees of freedom: 91 Root Mean Squared Error: 4.09 R-squared: 0.747, Adjusted R-Squared: 0.741 F-statistic vs. constant model: 134, p-value = 7.22e-28
ans = 16.7100
Create a default, diffuse prior distribution for one predictor.
p = 2; PriorMdl = bayeslm(p);
is a diffuseblm
model object.
Use default options to estimate the posterior distribution.
PosteriorMdl = estimate(PriorMdl,x,y);
Method: Analytic posterior distributions Number of observations: 94 Number of predictors: 3 | Mean Std CI95 Positive Distribution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intercept | 46.9247 2.1091 [42.782, 51.068] 1.000 t (46.92, 2.09^2, 91) Beta(1) | -0.0146 0.0084 [-0.031, 0.002] 0.040 t (-0.01, 0.01^2, 91) Beta(2) | -0.0068 0.0011 [-0.009, -0.005] 0.000 t (-0.01, 0.00^2, 91) Sigma2 | 17.0855 2.5905 [12.748, 22.866] 1.000 IG(45.50, 0.0013)
is a conjugateblm
model object.
The posterior means and the OLS coefficient estimates are almost identical. Also, the posterior standard deviations and OLS standard errors are almost identical. The posterior mean of Sigma2
is close to the OLS mean squared error (MSE).
Estimate Posterior Using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Sampler
Consider the multiple linear regression model that predicts the US real gross national product (GNPR
) using a linear combination of total employment (E
) and real wages (WR
For all ,
is a series of independent Gaussian disturbances with a mean of 0 and variance
. Assume these prior distributions:
is a 3-D t distribution with 10 degrees of freedom for each component, correlation matrix
, locationct
, and scalest
., with shape
and scale
treats these assumptions and the data likelihood as if the corresponding posterior is analytically intractable.
Declare a MATLAB® function that:
Accepts values of
together in a column vector, and accepts values of the hyperparameters
Returns the value of the joint prior distribution,
, given the values of
function logPDF = priorMVTIG(params,ct,st,dof,C,a,b) %priorMVTIG Log density of multivariate t times inverse gamma % priorMVTIG passes params(1:end-1) to the multivariate t density % function with dof degrees of freedom for each component and positive % definite correlation matrix C. priorMVTIG returns the log of the product of % the two evaluated densities. % % params: Parameter values at which the densities are evaluated, an % m-by-1 numeric vector. % % ct: Multivariate t distribution component centers, an (m-1)-by-1 % numeric vector. Elements correspond to the first m-1 elements % of params. % % st: Multivariate t distribution component scales, an (m-1)-by-1 % numeric (m-1)-by-1 numeric vector. Elements correspond to the % first m-1 elements of params. % % dof: Degrees of freedom for the multivariate t distribution, a % numeric scalar or (m-1)-by-1 numeric vector. priorMVTIG expands % scalars such that dof = dof*ones(m-1,1). Elements of dof % correspond to the elements of params(1:end-1). % % C: Correlation matrix for the multivariate t distribution, an % (m-1)-by-(m-1) symmetric, positive definite matrix. Rows and % columns correspond to the elements of params(1:end-1). % % a: Inverse gamma shape parameter, a positive numeric scalar. % % b: Inverse gamma scale parameter, a positive scalar. % beta = params(1:(end-1)); sigma2 = params(end); tVal = (beta - ct)./st; mvtDensity = mvtpdf(tVal,C,dof); igDensity = sigma2^(-a-1)*exp(-1/(sigma2*b))/(gamma(a)*b^a); logPDF = log(mvtDensity*igDensity); end
Create an anonymous function that operates like priorMVTIG
, but accepts the parameter values only, and holds the hyperparameter values fixed at arbitrarily chosen values.
prednames = ["E" "WR"]; p = numel(prednames); numcoeff = p + 1; rng(1); % For reproducibility dof = 10; V = rand(numcoeff); Sigma = 0.5*(V + V') + numcoeff*eye(numcoeff); st = sqrt(diag(Sigma)); C = diag(1./st)*Sigma*diag(1./st); ct = rand(numcoeff,1); a = 10*rand; b = 10*rand; logPDF = @(params)priorMVTIG(params,ct,st,dof,C,a,b);
Create a custom joint prior model for the linear regression parameters. Specify the number of predictors p
. Also, specify the function handle for priorMVTIG
and the variable names.
PriorMdl = bayeslm(p,'ModelType','custom','LogPDF',logPDF,... 'VarNames',prednames);
is a customblm
Bayesian linear regression model object representing the prior distribution of the regression coefficients and disturbance variance.
Load the Nelson-Plosser data set. Create variables for the response and predictor series.
load Data_NelsonPlosser X = DataTable{:,PriorMdl.VarNames(2:end)}; y = DataTable{:,"GNPR"};
Estimate the marginal posterior distributions of and
using the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) sampler. Specify drawing 10,000 samples and a burn-in period of 1000 draws.
PosteriorMdl = estimate(PriorMdl,X,y,'Sampler','hmc','NumDraws',1e4,... 'Burnin',1e3);
Method: MCMC sampling with 10000 draws Number of observations: 62 Number of predictors: 3 | Mean Std CI95 Positive Distribution ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Intercept | -3.6417 5.6972 [-16.242, 6.365] 0.247 Empirical E | -0.0056 0.0006 [-0.007, -0.004] 0.000 Empirical WR | 15.2467 0.7734 [13.735, 16.721] 1.000 Empirical Sigma2 | 1285.3591 241.2001 [903.847, 1832.438] 1.000 Empirical
is an empiricalblm
model object storing the draws from the posterior distributions.
View a trace plot and an ACF plot of the draws from the posterior of (for example) and the disturbance variance. Do not plot the burn-in period.
figure; subplot(2,1,1) plot(PosteriorMdl.BetaDraws(2,1001:end)); title(['Trace Plot ' char(8212) ' \beta_1']); xlabel('MCMC Draw') ylabel('Simulation Index') subplot(2,1,2) autocorr(PosteriorMdl.BetaDraws(2,1001:end)) figure; subplot(2,1,1) plot(PosteriorMdl.Sigma2Draws(1001:end)); title(['Trace Plot ' char(8212) ' Disturbance Variance']); xlabel('MCMC Draw') ylabel('Simulation Index') subplot(2,1,2) autocorr(PosteriorMdl.Sigma2Draws(1001:end))
The MCMC sample of the disturbance variance appears to mix well.
Estimate Conditional Posterior Distributions
Consider the regression model in Estimate Posterior Using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Sampler. This example uses the same data and context, but assumes a diffuse prior model instead.
Create a diffuse prior model for the linear regression parameters. Specify the number of predictors p
and the names of the regression coefficients.
p = 3; PriorMdl = bayeslm(p,'ModelType','diffuse','VarNames',["IPI" "E" "WR"])
PriorMdl = diffuseblm with properties: NumPredictors: 3 Intercept: 1 VarNames: {4x1 cell} | Mean Std CI95 Positive Distribution ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intercept | 0 Inf [ NaN, NaN] 0.500 Proportional to one IPI | 0 Inf [ NaN, NaN] 0.500 Proportional to one E | 0 Inf [ NaN, NaN] 0.500 Proportional to one WR | 0 Inf [ NaN, NaN] 0.500 Proportional to one Sigma2 | Inf Inf [ NaN, NaN] 1.000 Proportional to 1/Sigma2
is a diffuseblm
model object.
Load the Nelson-Plosser data set. Create variables for the response and predictor series.
load Data_NelsonPlosser X = DataTable{:,PriorMdl.VarNames(2:end)}; y = DataTable{:,'GNPR'};
Estimate the conditional posterior distribution of given the data and that , and return the estimation summary table to access the estimates.
[Mdl,SummaryBeta] = estimate(PriorMdl,X,y,'Sigma2',2);
Method: Analytic posterior distributions Conditional variable: Sigma2 fixed at 2 Number of observations: 62 Number of predictors: 4 | Mean Std CI95 Positive Distribution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intercept | -24.2536 1.8696 [-27.918, -20.589] 0.000 N (-24.25, 1.87^2) IPI | 4.3913 0.0301 [ 4.332, 4.450] 1.000 N (4.39, 0.03^2) E | 0.0011 0.0001 [ 0.001, 0.001] 1.000 N (0.00, 0.00^2) WR | 2.4682 0.0743 [ 2.323, 2.614] 1.000 N (2.47, 0.07^2) Sigma2 | 2 0 [ 2.000, 2.000] 1.000 Fixed value
displays a summary of the conditional posterior distribution of . Because is fixed at 2 during estimation, inferences on it are trivial.
Extract the mean vector and covariance matrix of the conditional posterior of from the estimation summary table.
condPostMeanBeta = SummaryBeta.Mean(1:(end - 1))
condPostMeanBeta = 4×1
CondPostCovBeta = SummaryBeta.Covariances(1:(end - 1),1:(end - 1))
CondPostCovBeta = 4×4
3.4956 0.0350 -0.0001 0.0241
0.0350 0.0009 -0.0000 -0.0013
-0.0001 -0.0000 0.0000 -0.0000
0.0241 -0.0013 -0.0000 0.0055
Display Mdl
Mdl = diffuseblm with properties: NumPredictors: 3 Intercept: 1 VarNames: {4x1 cell} | Mean Std CI95 Positive Distribution ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intercept | 0 Inf [ NaN, NaN] 0.500 Proportional to one IPI | 0 Inf [ NaN, NaN] 0.500 Proportional to one E | 0 Inf [ NaN, NaN] 0.500 Proportional to one WR | 0 Inf [ NaN, NaN] 0.500 Proportional to one Sigma2 | Inf Inf [ NaN, NaN] 1.000 Proportional to 1/Sigma2
Because estimate
computes the conditional posterior distribution, it returns the original prior model, not the posterior, in the first position of the output argument list.
Estimate the conditional posterior distributions of given that is condPostMeanBeta
[~,SummarySigma2] = estimate(PriorMdl,X,y,'Beta',condPostMeanBeta);
Method: Analytic posterior distributions Conditional variable: Beta fixed at -24.2536 4.3913 0.00112035 2.46823 Number of observations: 62 Number of predictors: 4 | Mean Std CI95 Positive Distribution -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intercept | -24.2536 0 [-24.254, -24.254] 0.000 Fixed value IPI | 4.3913 0 [ 4.391, 4.391] 1.000 Fixed value E | 0.0011 0 [ 0.001, 0.001] 1.000 Fixed value WR | 2.4682 0 [ 2.468, 2.468] 1.000 Fixed value Sigma2 | 48.5138 9.0088 [33.984, 69.098] 1.000 IG(31.00, 0.00069)
displays a summary of the conditional posterior distribution of . Because is fixed to condPostMeanBeta
during estimation, inferences on it are trivial.
Extract the mean and variance of the conditional posterior of from the estimation summary table.
condPostMeanSigma2 = SummarySigma2.Mean(end)
condPostMeanSigma2 = 48.5138
CondPostVarSigma2 = SummarySigma2.Covariances(end,end)
CondPostVarSigma2 = 81.1581
Access Estimates in Estimation Display
Consider the regression model in Estimate Posterior Using Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Sampler. This example uses the same data and context, but assumes a semiconjugate prior model instead.
Create a semiconjugate prior model for the linear regression parameters. Specify the number of predictors p
and the names of the regression coefficients.
p = 3; PriorMdl = bayeslm(p,'ModelType','semiconjugate',... 'VarNames',["IPI" "E" "WR"]);
is a semiconjugateblm
model object.
Load the Nelson-Plosser data set. Create variables for the response and predictor series.
load Data_NelsonPlosser X = DataTable{:,PriorMdl.VarNames(2:end)}; y = DataTable{:,'GNPR'};
Estimate the marginal posterior distributions of and .
rng(1); % For reproducibility
[PosteriorMdl,Summary] = estimate(PriorMdl,X,y);
Method: Gibbs sampling with 10000 draws Number of observations: 62 Number of predictors: 4 | Mean Std CI95 Positive Distribution ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Intercept | -23.9922 9.0520 [-41.734, -6.198] 0.005 Empirical IPI | 4.3929 0.1458 [ 4.101, 4.678] 1.000 Empirical E | 0.0011 0.0003 [ 0.000, 0.002] 0.999 Empirical WR | 2.4711 0.3576 [ 1.762, 3.178] 1.000 Empirical Sigma2 | 46.7474 8.4550 [33.099, 66.126] 1.000 Empirical
is an empiricalblm
model object because marginal posterior distributions of semiconjugate models are analytically intractable, so estimate
must implement a Gibbs sampler. Summary
is a table containing the estimates and inferences that estimate
displays at the command line.
Display the summary table.
Summary=5×6 table
Mean Std CI95 Positive Distribution Covariances
_________ __________ ________________________ ________ _____________ ______________________________________________________________________
Intercept -23.992 9.052 -41.734 -6.1976 0.0053 {'Empirical'} 81.938 0.81622 -0.0025308 0.58928 0
IPI 4.3929 0.14578 4.1011 4.6782 1 {'Empirical'} 0.81622 0.021252 -7.1663e-06 -0.030939 0
E 0.0011124 0.00033976 0.00045128 0.0017883 0.9989 {'Empirical'} -0.0025308 -7.1663e-06 1.1544e-07 -8.4598e-05 0
WR 2.4711 0.3576 1.7622 3.1781 1 {'Empirical'} 0.58928 -0.030939 -8.4598e-05 0.12788 0
Sigma2 46.747 8.455 33.099 66.126 1 {'Empirical'} 0 0 0 0 71.487
Access the 95% equitailed credible interval of the regression coefficient of IPI
ans = 1×2
4.1011 4.6782
Input Arguments
— Bayesian linear regression model
model object | semiconjugateblm
model object | diffuseblm
model object | empiricalblm
model object | customblm
model object
Bayesian linear regression model representing a prior model, specified as an object in this table.
Model Object | Description |
conjugateblm | Dependent, normal-inverse-gamma conjugate model returned by bayeslm or estimate |
semiconjugateblm | Independent, normal-inverse-gamma semiconjugate model returned by bayeslm |
diffuseblm | Diffuse prior model returned by bayeslm |
empiricalblm | Prior model characterized by samples from prior distributions, returned by bayeslm or estimate |
customblm | Prior distribution function that you declare returned by bayeslm |
can also represent a joint posterior model returned by estimate
, either a conjugateblm
or empiricalblm
model object. In this case, estimate
updates the joint posterior distribution using the new observations in X
and y
— Predictor data
numeric matrix
Predictor data for the multiple linear regression model, specified as
a numObservations
matrix. numObservations
is the number of observations and must be
equal to the length of y
Data Types: double
— Response data
numeric vector
Response data for the multiple linear regression model, specified
as a numeric vector with numObservations
Data Types: double
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: 'Sigma2',2
specifies estimating the conditional posterior distribution of the regression coefficients given the data and that the specified disturbance variance is 2
— Flag to display Bayesian estimator summary at command line
(default) | false
Flag to display Bayesian estimator summary at the command line, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Display'
and a value in this table.
Value | Description |
true | estimate prints estimation information and a table summarizing the Bayesian estimators to the command line. |
false | estimate does not print to the command line. |
The estimation information includes the estimation method, fixed parameters, the number of observations, and the number of predictors. The summary table contains estimated posterior means and standard deviations (square root of the posterior variance), 95% equitailed credible intervals, the posterior probability that the parameter is greater than 0, and a description of the posterior distribution (if known).
If you specify one of Beta
or Sigma2
, then estimate
includes your specification in the display, and corresponding posterior estimates are trivial.
Example: 'Display',false
Data Types: logical
— Value of regression coefficients for conditional posterior distribution estimation of disturbance variance
empty array ([]
) (default) | numeric column vector
Value of the regression coefficients for conditional posterior distribution estimation of the
disturbance variance, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a (PriorMdl.Intercept
)-by-1 numeric vector.
estimates the characteristics of
= Beta
), where y
, X
is X
, and
is the value of 'Beta'
. If
is true
, then
corresponds to the model intercept. All other values
correspond to the predictor variables that compose the columns of
. Beta
cannot contain any
values (that is, all coefficients must be known).
You cannot specify Beta
and Sigma2
By default, estimate
does not compute characteristics of the conditional posterior of σ2.
Example: 'Beta',1:3
Data Types: double
— Value of disturbance variance for conditional posterior distribution estimation of regression coefficients
empty array ([]
) (default) | positive numeric scalar
Value of the disturbance variance for conditional posterior distribution estimation of the
regression coefficients, specified as the comma-separated pair
consisting of 'Sigma2'
and a positive numeric
scalar. estimate
characteristics of
where y
is y
, and
is the value of
You cannot specify Sigma2
and Beta
By default, estimate
does not compute characteristics of the conditional posterior of β.
Example: 'Sigma2',1
Data Types: double
— Monte Carlo simulation adjusted sample size
(default) | positive integer
Monte Carlo simulation adjusted sample size, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'NumDraws'
and a positive integer. estimate
actually draws BurnIn
+ NumDraws*
samples, but it bases the estimates off NumDraws
samples. For details on how estimate
reduces the full Monte Carlo sample, see Algorithms.
If PriorMdl
is a semiconjugateblm
model and you specify Beta
or Sigma2
, then MATLAB® ignores NumDraws
Example: 'NumDraws',1e7
Data Types: double
— Number of draws to remove from beginning of Monte Carlo sample
(default) | nonnegative scalar
Number of draws to remove from the beginning of the Monte Carlo sample to reduce transient
effects, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'BurnIn'
and a nonnegative scalar. For details on how estimate
the full Monte Carlo sample, see Algorithms.
To help you specify the appropriate burn-in period size, determine the extent of the transient behavior in the Monte Carlo sample by specifying 'BurnIn',0
, simulating a few thousand observations using simulate
, and then plotting the paths.
Example: 'BurnIn',0
Data Types: double
— Monte Carlo adjusted sample size multiplier
(default) | positive integer
Monte Carlo adjusted sample size multiplier, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of 'Thin'
and a positive integer.
The actual Monte Carlo sample size is BurnIn
+ NumDraws
. After discarding the burn-in, estimate
discards every Thin
– 1
draws, and then retains the next. For details on how estimate
reduces the full Monte Carlo sample, see Algorithms.
To reduce potential large serial correlation in the Monte Carlo sample, or to reduce the
memory consumption of the draws stored in PosteriorMdl
, specify
a large value for Thin
Example: 'Thin',5
Data Types: double
— Starting values of regression coefficients for MCMC sample
numeric column vector
Starting values of the regression coefficients for the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
sample, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a numeric column vector with
+ PriorMdl.NumPredictors
elements. By default, BetaStart
is the ordinary least-squares (OLS)
A good practice is to run estimate
multiple times using
different parameter starting values. Verify that the solutions from each run
converge to similar values.
Example: 'BetaStart',[1; 2; 3]
Data Types: double
— Starting values of disturbance variance for MCMC sample
positive numeric scalar
Starting values of the disturbance variance for the MCMC sample, specified as the
comma-separated pair consisting of 'Sigma2Start'
and a positive
numeric scalar. By default, Sigma2Start
is the OLS residual mean
squared error.
A good practice is to run estimate
multiple times using different
parameter starting values. Verify that the solutions from each run converge to
similar values.
Example: 'Sigma2Start',4
Data Types: double
— Reparameterization of σ2 as log(σ2)
(default) | true
Reparameterization of σ2 as
log(σ2) during posterior estimation
and simulation, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a value in this table.
Value | Description |
false | estimate does not reparameterize
σ2. |
true | estimate reparameterizes
σ2 as
estimate converts results back to the
original scale and does not change the functional form of
PriorMdl.LogPDF . |
If you experience numeric instabilities during the posterior estimation or
simulation of σ2, then specify
Example: 'Reparameterize',true
Data Types: logical
— MCMC sampler
(default) | 'metropolis'
| 'hmc'
MCMC sampler, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a value in this table.
Value | Description |
'slice' | Slice sampler |
'metropolis' | Random walk Metropolis sampler |
'hmc' | Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC) sampler |
To increase the quality of the MCMC draws, tune the sampler.
Before calling
, specify the tuning parameters and their values by usingsampleroptions
. For example, to specify the slice sampler widthwidth
, use:options = sampleroptions('Sampler',"slice",'Width',width);
Specify the object containing the tuning parameter specifications returned by
by using the'Options'
name-value pair argument. For example, to use the tuning parameter specifications inoptions
, specify:'Options',options
If you specify the HMC sampler, then a best practice is to provide the gradient for some variables, at least.
resorts the numerical computation of any missing partial derivatives (NaN
values) in the gradient vector.
Example: 'Sampler',"hmc"
Data Types: string
— Sampler options
(default) | structure array
Sampler options, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a structure array returned by sampleroptions
. Use 'Options'
to specify the MCMC
sampler and its tuning-parameter values.
Example: 'Options',sampleroptions('Sampler',"hmc")
Data Types: struct
— Typical sampling-interval width
positive numeric scalar | numeric vector of positive values
Typical sampling-interval width around the current value in the marginal distributions for the
slice sampler, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a positive numeric scalar or a
+ PriorMdl.NumPredictors
)-by-1 numeric vector of positive values. The first element
corresponds to the model intercept, if one exists in the model. The next
elements correspond to the coefficients of
the predictor variables ordered by the predictor data columns. The last element
corresponds to the model variance.
is a scalar, thenestimate
to allPriorMdl.NumPredictors
marginal distributions.If
is a numeric vector, thenestimate
applies the first element to the intercept (if one exists), the nextPriorMdl.NumPredictors
elements to the regression coefficients corresponding to the predictor variables inX
, and the last element to the disturbance variance.If the sample size (
) is less than 100, thenWidth
by default.If the sample size is at least 100, then
to the vector of corresponding posterior standard deviations by default, assuming a diffuse prior model (diffuseblm
The typical width of the slice sampler does not affect convergence of the MCMC sample. It does affect the number of required function evaluations, that is, the efficiency of the algorithm. If the width is too small, then the algorithm can implement an excessive number of function evaluations to determine the appropriate sampling width. If the width is too large, then the algorithm might have to decrease the width to an appropriate size, which requires function evaluations.
sends Width
to the
function. For more details, see slicesample
For maximum flexibility, specify the slice sampler width
by using the'Options'
name-value pair argument. For example:'Options',sampleroptions('Sampler',"slice",'Width',width)
Example: 'Width',[100*ones(3,1);10]
Output Arguments
— Bayesian linear regression model storing distribution characteristics
model object | semiconjugateblm
model object | diffuseblm
model object | empiricalblm
model object | customblm
model object
Bayesian linear regression model storing distribution characteristics, returned as a conjugateblm
, semiconjugateblm
, diffuseblm
, empiricalblm
, or customblm
model object.
If you do not specify either
(their values are[]
), thenestimate
updates the prior model using the data likelihood to form the posterior distribution.PosteriorMdl
characterizes the posterior distribution. Its object type depends on the prior model type (PriorMdl
).Model Object PriorMdl
, orcustomblm
If you specify either
, thenPosteriorMdl
(the two models are the same object storing the same property values).estimate
does not update the prior model to form the posterior model. However,estBeta
, andSummary
store conditional posterior estimates.
For more details on the display of PosteriorMdl
, see Summary
For details on supported posterior distributions that are analytically tractable, see Analytically Tractable Posteriors.
— Summary of Bayesian estimators
Summary of Bayesian estimators, returned as a table. Summary
contains the same information as the display of the estimation summary (Display
). Rows correspond to parameters, and columns correspond to these posterior characteristics for each parameter:
– Posterior meanStd
– Posterior standard deviationCI95
– 95% equitailed credible intervalPositive
– The posterior probability the parameter is greater than 0Distribution
– Description of the marginal or conditional posterior distribution of the parameter, when knownCovariances
– Estimated covariance matrix of the coefficients and disturbance variance
Row names are the names in PriorMdl.VarNames
. The name of the last row is Sigma2
Alternatively, pass PosteriorMdl
to summarize
to obtain a summary of Bayesian estimators.
If PriorMdl
is an empiricalblm
model object. You cannot specify Beta
or Sigma2
. You cannot estimate conditional posterior distributions by using an empirical prior distribution.
More About
Bayesian Linear Regression Model
A Bayesian linear regression model treats the parameters β and σ2 in the multiple linear regression (MLR) model yt = xtβ + εt as random variables.
For times t = 1,...,T:
yt is the observed response.
xt is a 1-by-(p + 1) row vector of observed values of p predictors. To accommodate a model intercept, x1t = 1 for all t.
β is a (p + 1)-by-1 column vector of regression coefficients corresponding to the variables that compose the columns of xt.
εt is the random disturbance with a mean of zero and Cov(ε) = σ2IT×T, while ε is a T-by-1 vector containing all disturbances. These assumptions imply that the data likelihood is
ϕ(yt;xtβ,σ2) is the Gaussian probability density with mean xtβ and variance σ2 evaluated at yt;.
Before considering the data, you impose a joint prior distribution assumption on (β,σ2). In a Bayesian analysis, you update the distribution of the parameters by using information about the parameters obtained from the likelihood of the data. The result is the joint posterior distribution of (β,σ2) or the conditional posterior distributions of the parameters.
Monte Carlo simulation is subject to variation. If
uses Monte Carlo simulation, then estimates and inferences might vary when you callestimate
multiple times under seemingly equivalent conditions. To reproduce estimation results, set a random number seed by usingrng
before callingestimate
issues an error while estimating the posterior distribution using a custom prior model, then try adjusting initial parameter values by usingBetaStart
, or try adjusting the declared log prior function, and then reconstructing the model. The error might indicate that the log of the prior distribution is–Inf
at the specified initial values.
Whenever the prior distribution (
) and the data likelihood yield an analytically tractable posterior distribution,estimate
evaluates the closed-form solutions to Bayes estimators. Otherwise,estimate
resorts to Monte Carlo simulation to estimate parameters and draw inferences. For more details, see Posterior Estimation and Inference.This figure illustrates how
reduces the Monte Carlo sample using the values ofNumDraws
, andBurnIn
. Rectangles represent successive draws from the distribution.estimate
removes the white rectangles from the Monte Carlo sample. The remainingNumDraws
black rectangles compose the Monte Carlo sample.
Version History
Introduced in R2017aR2019b: estimate
returns only an estimated model object and estimation summary
For a simpler interface, estimate
returns only an estimated model and an estimation summary table. Now, the supported syntaxes are:
PosteriorMdl = estimate(...); [PosteriorMdl,Summary] = estimate(...);
In past releases, estimate
returned these output arguments:
[PosteriorMdl,estBeta,EstBetaCov,estSigma2,estSigma2Var,Summary] = estimate(...);
, EstBetaCov
, estSigma2
, and estSigma2Var
are posterior means and covariances of β and σ2.Starting in R2019b, if you request any output argument in a position greater than the second position, estimate
issues this error:
Too many output arguments.
See Also
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