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Functions for Programming and Data Types

Functions for bitwise operations, data type operators and tools, and program control

Perform bitwise manipulation of fi objects, manipulate the data type of fi objects, and develop algorithms using functions that support fixed-point data types.


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bitandBitwise AND of two fi objects
bitandreduceReduce consecutive slice of bits to one bit by performing bitwise AND operation
bitcmpBitwise complement of fi object
bitconcatConcatenate bits of fi objects
bitgetGet bits at certain positions
bitorBitwise OR of two fi objects
bitorreduceReduce consecutive slice of bits to one bit by performing bitwise OR operation
bitreplicateReplicate and concatenate bits of fi object
bitrolBitwise rotate left
bitrorBitwise rotate right
bitsetSet bit at specific location
bitshiftShift bits specified number of places
bitslicegetGet consecutive slice of bits
bitsllBit shift left logical
bitsraBit shift right arithmetic
bitsrlBit shift right logical
bitxorBitwise XOR of two fi objects
bitxorreduceReduce consecutive slice of bits to one bit by performing bitwise exclusive OR operation
getlsbLeast significant bit
getmsbMost significant bit
doubleDouble-precision floating-point real-world value of fi object
singleSingle-precision floating-point real-world value of fi object
intGet stored integer value of a fi object
int8Convert fi object to signed 8-bit integer
int16Convert fi object to signed 16-bit integer
int32Convert fi object to signed 32-bit integer
int64Convert fi object to signed 64-bit integer
uint8Convert fi object to unsigned 8-bit integer
uint16Convert fi object to unsigned 16-bit integer
uint32Stored integer value of fi object as built-in uint32
uint64Convert fi object to unsigned 64-bit integer
cast64BitFiToIntCast fi object types that can be exactly represented to a 64-bit integer data type (Since R2020a)
cast64BitIntToFiCast 64-bit integer types to an equivalent fi object type (Since R2020a)
castFiToIntCast fi object to equivalent integer data type (Since R2020a)
castFiToMATLABCast fi object type to an equivalent built-in MATLAB data type (Since R2020a)
castIntToFiCast an integer data type to equivalent fi type (Since R2020a)
num2strConvert numbers to character array
reinterpretcastConvert fixed-point or integer data types without changing underlying data
rescaleChange scaling of fi object
storedIntegerStored integer value of fi object
storedIntegerToDoubleConvert stored integer value of fi object to built-in double value
stripscalingStored integer of fi object
epsQuantized relative accuracy for fi or quantizer objects
intmaxLargest positive stored integer value representable by numerictype of fi object
intminSmallest stored integer value representable by numerictype of fi object
realmaxLargest positive fixed-point value or quantized number
realminSmallest positive normalized fixed-point value or quantized number
fixed.extractNumericTypeExtract numeric type from input (Since R2021a)
isbooleanDetermine whether input is Boolean
isdoubleDetermine whether input is double-precision data type
isfiDetermine whether variable is fi object
isfimathDetermine whether variable is fimath object
isfimathlocalDetermine whether fi object has local fimath
isfiprefDetermine whether input is fipref object
isfixedDetermine whether input is fixed-point data type
isnumerictypeDetermine whether input is numerictype object
ispropequalDetermine whether properties of two fi objects are equal
isquantizerDetermine whether input is quantizer object
isscaleddoubleDetermine whether input is scaled double data type
isscaledtypeDetermine whether input is fixed-point or scaled double data type
isscalingbinarypointDetermine whether input has binary point scaling
isscalingslopebiasDetermine whether input has nontrivial slope and bias scaling
isscalingunspecifiedDetermine whether input has unspecified scaling
issignedDetermine whether fi object is signed
issingleDetermine whether input is single-precision data type
isslopebiasscaledDetermine whether numerictype object has nontrivial slope and bias scaling
filter1-D digital filter of fi objects
forfor loop to repeat specified number of times
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