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HDL Workflow Advisor Tasks

HDL Workflow Advisor Tasks Overview

The HDL Workflow Advisor is a tool that supports a suite of tasks covering the stages of the FPGA design process. Some tasks perform model validation or checking. Other tasks run the HDL code generator or third-party tools. Each folder at the top level of the HDL Workflow Advisor contains a group of related tasks that you can select and run.

HDL Workflow Advisor is not available in Simulink® Online™.

For summary information on each HDL Workflow Advisor folder or task, select the folder or task icon, and then click the HDL Workflow Advisor Help button.

  • Set Target: The tasks in this category enable you to select the target device and map its I/O interface to the inputs and outputs of your model.

  • Prepare Model For HDL Code Generation: The tasks in this category check your model for HDL code generation compatibility. The tasks also report on model settings, blocks, or other conditions (such as algebraic loops) that impede code generation, and provide advice on how to fix such problems.

  • HDL Code Generation: This category supports all HDL-related options in the Configuration Parameters dialog box, including setting HDL code and test bench generation parameters, and generating code, test bench, or a cosimulation model.

  • FPGA Synthesis and Analysis: The tasks in this category support:

    • Synthesis and timing analysis through integration with third-party synthesis tools

    • Back annotation of the model with critical path and other information obtained during synthesis

  • FPGA-in-the-Loop Implementation: This category implements the phases of FIL, including providing block generation, synthesis, logical mapping, PAR (place-and-route), programming file generation, and a communications channel. These capabilities are designed for a particular board and tailored to your register transfer level (RTL) code. HDL Verifier™ is required for FIL.

  • Download to Target: The tasks in this category depend on the selected target device and potentially include:

    • Generation of a target-specific FPGA programming file

    • Programming the target device

    • Generation of a model that contains a Simulink Real-Time™ interface subsystem

  • ASIC Synthesis and Analysis: Use the tasks in this folder to:

    • Select a custom or default synthesis workflow for the Cadence® Genus synthesis tool.

    • Include custom setup, synthesis, and constraints files within the custom workflow.

    • Run synthesis through integration with third-party synthesis tools

See Also

Getting Started with the HDL Workflow Advisor

Set Target Overview

In the Set Target folder, you can select a target FPGA device and define the interface generated for the device.

  • Set Target Device and Synthesis Tool: Select a target FPGA device and synthesis tools.

  • Set Target Reference Design: For IP Core Generation workflow, select a reference design for your target device.

  • Set Target Interface: For IP Core Generation, and Simulink Real Time FPGA I/O workflows, use the target platform interface table to assign each port on your DUT to an I/O resource on the target device. Use Enable HDL DUT port generation for test points to create DUT output ports for the test point signals in the generated HDL code.

  • Set Target Frequency: Select the target clock rate for the FPGA implementation of your design.

For more information on each Set Target task, select the task icon, and then click the HDL Workflow Advisor Help button.

See Also

Getting Started with the HDL Workflow Advisor

Set Target Device and Synthesis Tool

The Set Target Device and Synthesis Tool task enables you to select an FPGA target device and an associated synthesis tool from a context menu that lists the devices that HDL Workflow Advisor supports.


This task displays these options:

  • Target Workflow: A context menu that lists the possible workflows that HDL Workflow Advisor supports. Choose from:

    • Generic ASIC/FPGA

    • FPGA-in-the-loop

    • Simulink Real-Time FPGA I/O

    • IP Core Generation

  • Target platform: A context menu that lists the devices the HDL Workflow Advisor supports. Not available for the Generic ASIC/FPGA workflow.

  • Synthesis tool: Select a synthesis tool, then select the Family, Device, Package, and Speed for your synthesis target.

    If your synthesis tool is not one of the Synthesis tool options, see Synthesis Tool Path Setup. After you set up your synthesis tool path, click Refresh to make the tool available in the HDL Workflow Advisor.

  • Project folder: Specify the project folder name.

  • Tool version: This box displays the current synthesis tool version.

  • Allow unsupported version: When you are using an unsupported synthesis tool version, selecting this check box. You can continue to create a project with unsupported synthesis tool version. If you clear this check box, HDL Coder™ generates an error when you run this task. This option is unavailable when you are using the supported synthesis tool version.

    It is not recommended to use the unsupported tool version because it can potentially cause synthesis failure. For more information on the list of supported tools, see HDL Language Support and Supported Third-Party Tools and Hardware


If you select Intel Quartus Pro or Microchip Libero SoC as the Synthesis tool, you can run only the Generic ASIC/FPGA workflow. When you use these tools, the Annotate Model with Synthesis Result task is not available. In this case, you can run the workflow for synthesis, and then view the timing reports to see the critical path.

Set Target Reference Design

The Set Target Reference Design task displays when IP Core Generation is selected as the Target Workflow and the Target Platform is not generic. This task displays the reference design input parameters and the tool version. A Reference design parameters section displays any custom parameters that you specify for the reference design.


The task displays the following options:

  • Reference design: A context menu that lists the reference designs that HDL Coder supports and any custom reference designs that you specify. To learn more about creating a custom board and reference design, see Board and Reference Design Registration System.

  • Reference design tool version: A text box that displays the current reference design tool version. It is recommended to use a reference design tool version that is compatible with the supported tool version. If there is a tool version mismatch, HDL Coder generates an error when you run this task. The tool version mismatch can potentially cause the Create Project task to fail.

    If you select the Ignore tool version mismatch check box, HDL Coder generates a warning instead of an error. You can attempt to continue with creating the reference design project.

  • Reference design parameters: A context menu that lists the parameters of the reference design. These parameters can be parameters available with the default reference designs that HDL Coder supports or parameters that you define for your custom reference design. For more information, see Define Custom Parameters and Callback Functions for Custom Reference Design.

    • FPGA Data Capture (HDL Verifier required): Generate and integrate the data capture IP into your reference design. Use FPGA data capture to observe signals from your design while the design is running on the FPGA. This feature captures a window of signal data from the FPGA and returns the data to MATLAB® or Simulink over a JTAG or Ethernet connection. To capture data over a JTAG connection, set this parameter to JTAG. To capture data over an Ethernet connection, set this parameter to Ethernet. Then, map each signal that you want to capture to the FPGA Data Capture interface in the Set Target Interface task.


      • FPGA data capture support for JTAG connections is available for Intel® and Xilinx® boards. Support for Ethernet connections is available for Xilinx boards only.

      • FPGA data capture in the HDL Workflow Advisor supports programmable logic (PL) Ethernet only. The processing system (PS) Ethernet is not supported.

      • By default, the Ethernet option is available for the Artix®-7 35T Arty and Kintex®-7 KC705 boards. To enable this option for other Xilinx boards that have the Ethernet physical layer (PHY), manually add the Ethernet media access controller (MAC) Hub IP in the plugin_board file using the addEthernetMACInterface method before you launch the HDL Workflow Advisor.

      • FPGA data capture in the HDL Workflow Advisor does not support SGMII interface.

      To use this capability, you must have the HDL Verifier hardware support packages installed and downloaded. See Download FPGA Board Support Package (HDL Verifier).

    • Board IP Address: Specify the IP address of the Ethernet port on the target board as a dotted-quad value. The target IP address must be a set of four numbers consisting of integers in the range [0, 255] that are separated by three dots. The default value is

      To enable this parameter, set FPGA Data Capture (HDL Verifier required) to Ethernet.

    • Insert AXI Manager (HDL Verifier required):

      By default, HDL Coder adds the Insert AXI Manager (HDL Verifier required) parameter to all reference designs. When you set this parameter to JTAG, the code generator inserts the JTAG AXI Manager IP into your reference design. When you set this parameter to Ethernet, the code generator inserts the UDP AXI Manager IP into your reference design.


      By default, the Ethernet option is available for only the Artix-7 35T Arty, Kintex-7 KC705, and Virtex®-7 VC707 boards. To enable this option for other Xilinx boards that have the Ethernet physical layer (PHY), manually add the Ethernet media access controller (MAC) Hub IP in the plugin_board file using the addEthernetMACInterface method before you launch the HDL Workflow Advisor tool.

      By using the AXI manager IP, you can easily access the AXI registers in the generated DUT IP core on a hardware board from MATLAB or Simulink through the JTAG or Ethernet connection. See also Set Up AXI Manager (HDL Verifier).

Set Target Interface

The Set Target Interface task displays properties of input and output ports on your DUT and enables you to map these ports to I/O resources on the target device.


Set Target Interface displays the Target Platform Interface Table, which shows:

  • The name, port type (inputs and outputs), and data type for each port on your DUT.

  • A context menu listing the available I/O resources for the target device.

    These resources are device-specific. For detailed information on each resource, see the documentation for your FPGA development board.

Set Target Interface

The Set Target Interface task that displays when Simulink Real-Time FPGA I/O or IP Core Generation is selected as the Target Workflow. Select a processor-FPGA synchronization mode and map your DUT input ports, output ports, and test points to I/O resources on the target device.


Coprocessing mode is not supported for the Simulink Real-Time FPGA I/O workflow. For Processor/FPGA synchronization, select:

  • Free running if you do not want your processor and FPGA to be automatically synchronized.

  • Coprocessing – blocking if you want HDL Coder to generate synchronization logic for the FPGA automatically, so that the processor and FPGA run in tandem. Select this mode when FPGA execution time is short relative to the processor sample time and you want the FPGA to complete the synchronization before the processor continues.

This setting is saved with the model as the ProcessorFPGASynchronization HDL block property for the DUT block.

Selecting the Enable HDL DUT port generation for testpoints:

The Target Platform Interface Table displays:

  • The name, port type (input, output, and test point), and data type for each port on your DUT.

  • A context menu listing the available I/O resources for the target device.

    These resources are device-specific. For detailed information on each resource, see the documentation for your FPGA development board.

See Also

Set Target Frequency

Specify the target frequency for these workflows:

  • Generic ASIC/FPGA: Specify the target frequency that you want your design to achieve. HDL Coder generates a timing constraint file for that clock frequency and adds the constraint to the FPGA synthesis tool project that you create in the Create Project task. If the target frequency is not achievable, the synthesis tool generates an error.

  • IP Core Generation: Specify the target frequency for HDL Coder to modify the clock module setting in the reference design to produce the clock signal with that frequency. Enter a target frequency value that is within the Frequency Range (MHz). If you do not specify the target frequency, HDL Coder uses the Default (MHz) target frequency.

  • Simulink Real-Time FPGA I/O: For Speedgoat boards that are supported by Xilinx ISE, specify the target frequency to generate the clock module to produce the clock signal with that frequency.

    The Speedgoat boards that are supported by Xilinx Vivado use the IP Core Generation workflow infrastructure. Specify the target frequency for HDL Coder to modify the clock module setting in the reference design to produce the clock signal with that frequency. Enter a target frequency value that is within the Frequency Range (MHz). If you do not specify the target frequency, HDL Coder uses the Default (MHz) target frequency.

See Also

Target Frequency

Prepare Model for HDL Code Generation Overview

The tasks in the Prepare Model For HDL Code Generation folder check the model for compatibility with HDL code generation. If a check encounters a condition that raises a code generation warning or error, the right pane of the HDL Workflow Advisor displays information about the condition and how to fix it. The Prepare Model For HDL Code Generation folder contains these checks:

  • Check Model Settings check expedites model checks by removing redundant checks. The check provides you the option to open the HDL Code Advisor checks in a separate window and run those checks.

  • Check FPGA-in-the-Loop Compatibility: Check model compatibility with FPGA-in-the-loop, specifically:

    • Not allowed: sink/source subsystems, single/double data types, zero sample time

    • Must be present: HDL Verifier

    This option is available only if you select FPGA-in-the-Loop for Target workflow.

  • Check USRP Compatibility: The model must have two input ports and two output ports of signed 16-bit signals.

    This option is available only if you select Customization for the USRP Device for Target workflow.

For summary information on each Prepare Model For HDL Code Generation task, select the task icon, and then click the HDL Workflow Advisor Help button.

See Also

Getting Started with the HDL Workflow Advisor

Check Model Settings

Check Model Settings checks model-wide parameter settings for HDL code generation compatibility of the model.


This check examines the model parameters for compatibility with HDL code generation and flags conditions that raise an error or a warning during code generation. The HDL Workflow Advisor displays a table with the following information about each condition detected:

  • Block: Hyperlink to the model configuration dialog box page that contains the error or warning condition.

  • Settings: Name of the model parameter that caused the error or warning condition.

  • Current: Current value of the setting.

  • Recommended: Recommended value of the setting.

  • Severity: Severity level of the warning or error condition. Minimally, fix settings that are tagged as error.

This check provides a button to open the HDL Code Advisor checks in a separate window. Clicking Run This Task does not open the HDL Code Advisor checks. HDL Code Advisor can run additional HDL code generation compatibility checks not covered in this task. For more info, see Model configuration checks.


To set reported settings to their recommended values, click the Modify All button. You can then rerun the check again and proceed to the next check.

Check FPGA-in-the-Loop Compatibility

HDL Verifier checks model for compatibility with FPGA-in-the-loop processing.

See Also

Prepare DUT For FIL Interface Generation (HDL Verifier).

HDL Code Generation Overview

The tasks in the HDL Code Generation folder enable you to:

  • Set and validate HDL code and test bench generation parameters. Most parameters on the HDL Code Generation pane in the Configuration Parameters dialog box and the Model Explorer are supported.

  • Generate any or all of:

    • RTL code

    • RTL test bench

    • Cosimulation model

    • SystemVerilog DPI test bench

To run the tasks in the HDL Code Generation folder automatically, select the folder and click Run All.


After each task in this folder runs, HDL Coder updates the Configuration Parameters dialog box and the Model Explorer.

Set HDL Options

Optional task to open the HDL Coder Configuration Parameters dialog box.


The Set HDL Options is an optional task. This task provides you with the option to open the HDL Coder Configuration Parameters dialog box in a separate window. Changes to the configuration parameters are used in the next HDL Coder Workflow Advisor task.


Before doing this task, close the HDL Coder Configuration Parameters dialog box.


When the Workflow Advisor window is open for the current design under test (DUT), these configuration parameters are disabled for editing:

  • Name of the DUT model or subsystem.

  • Name and path of the target code generation folder.

  • Name of the synthesis tool.

  • Device family selection.

  • Device selection.

  • Device package selection.

  • Device speed selection.

  • Target frequency.

If you make any changes to these configuration parameters, rerun all the previous Workflow Advisor tasks. If you change the name of the DUT model or subsystem, restart the Workflow Advisor and rerun all the Workflow Advisor tasks.

Generate RTL Code and Testbench

Select and initiate generation of RTL code, RTL test bench, and cosimulation model.


The Generate RTL Code and Testbench task enables choosing what type of code or model that you want to generate. You can select any combination of the following:

  • Generate RTL code: Generate RTL code in the target language.

  • Generate test bench: Generate the test bench if HDL Test Bench is selected in HDL Coder Configuration Parameters > Test Bench > Test Bench Generation Output.

  • Generate validation model: Generate a validation model that highlights generated delays and other differences between your original model and the generated cosimulation model. With a validation model, you can observe the effects of streaming, resource sharing, and delay balancing.

    The validation model contains the DUT from the original model and the DUT from the generated cosimulation model. Using the validation model, you can verify that the output of the optimized DUT is bit-true to the results produced by the original DUT.

See Also

Generating a Simulink Model for Cosimulation with an HDL Simulator (Filter Design HDL Coder).

Verify with HDL Cosimulation

Run this step to verify the generated HDL code using cosimulation between the HDL Simulator and the Simulink test bench. This step shows as a Workflow Advisor Task only if you:

  • Select Generate test bench in Generate RTL Code and Testbench.

  • Select Cosimulation model and specify a Simulation Tool in HDL Coder Configuration Parameters > Test Bench > Test Bench Generation Output.

Generate RTL Code and IP Core

Select and initiate generation of RTL code and a custom IP core.


In the Generate RTL Code and IP Core task, specify characteristics of the generated IP core:

  • IP core name: Enter the IP core name.

    This setting is saved with the model as the IPCoreName HDL block property for the DUT block.

  • IP core version: Enter the IP core version number. HDL Coder appends the version number to the IP core name to generate the output folder name.

    This setting is saved with the model as the IPCoreVersion HDL block property for the DUT block.

  • IP core folder (not editable): HDL Coder generates the IP core files in the output folder shown, including the HTML documentation.

  • IP repository: If you have an IP repository folder, enter its path manually or by using the Browse button. The coder copies the generated IP core into the IP repository folder.

  • Additional source files: If you are using a black box interface in your design to include existing Verilog®, SystemVerilog or VHDL® code, enter the file names. Enter each file name manually, separated with a semicolon (;) or by using the Add button.

    This setting is saved with the model as the IPCoreAdditionalFiles HDL block property for the DUT block.

  • FPGA Data Capture buffer size: Specify the size of the memory in the generated IP core. The width of the memory is the total bit width of the data signals. The buffer size uses values equal to 128*(2n), where n is an integer. By default, the buffer size is 128 (n = 0). The maximum value of n is 13, which means that the maximum value for buffer size is 128*(213) = 1048576.

    This setting is saved with the model as the IPDataCaptureBufferSize HDL block property for the DUT block.

  • FPGA Data Capture maximum sequence depth: Specify the maximum sequence depth to capture data from an FPGA in one or more trigger stages. The maximum sequence depth is an integer that ranges from 1 to 10. By default, the maximum sequence depth is 1. To capture the specified data by providing a set of trigger conditions in multiple stages, set the maximum sequence depth to a value greater than 1.

    This setting is saved with the model as the IPDataCaptureSequenceDepth HDL block property for the DUT block.

  • Include capture condition logic in FPGA Data Capture: Select this parameter to include capture condition logic in the IP core. Include capture condition logic to use a capture condition to control which data to capture from the FPGA. The IP core evaluates the capture condition at each clock cycle and captures only the data that satisfies the capture condition. For more information on capture conditions, see Capture Conditions (HDL Verifier).

    Set up a capture condition in the FPGA Data Capture (HDL Verifier) tool or the hdlverifier.FPGADataReader (HDL Verifier) System object™.

    This setting is saved with the model as the IncludeDataCaptureControlLogicEnable HDL block property for the DUT block.

  • When you select Insert AXI Manager, AXI4-Slave ID Width value is adjusted for the DUT IP core that HDL Coder generates. When you select Insert AXI Manager and add custom IPs, you must specify the new adjusted slave ID width value. For example, when you select Insert AXI Manager and add custom IPs, if you get this error message during the Create Project task: Log file that has error message for incorrect width of slave ID signals.

    Regenerate the IP cores by setting the target platform as either Generic Intel or Generic Xilinx. Then map one of the DUT ports to the AXI4 interface, calculate the new width by using New width = Base Width + log2(Number of AXI Masters +1), and enter the calculated width value in AXI4 Slave ID width. Add the regenerated IP cores with the new width values to the reference design folder. Right-click Create Project and select Run to Selected Task. In this example, the two custom IPs are I2C and I2s. The new calculated width is 13.

  • Generate IP core report: Leave this option selected to generate HTML documentation for the IP core.

  • Enable readback on AXI4 slave write registers: Select this option if you want to read back the value that is written to the AXI4 slave registers by using the AXI4 slave interface. When you run this task, the code generator adds a mux for each AXI4 register in the address decoder logic. This mux compares the address that the data is written to when reading the values. If you are reading from multiple AXI4 slave registers, the readback logic becomes a long mux chain that can affect synthesis frequency.

    This setting is saved with the model as the AXI4RegisterReadback HDL block property for the DUT block.

  • Enable clock domain crossing on AXI4-Lite registers: Select this option if you want to run the register interface at a slower clock frequency than your high frequency design under test (DUT) algorithm. To use this option, set your Synthesis Tool to Xilinx Vivado.This option can be used only for AXI4-Lite interfaces.

  • Generate default AXI4 slave interface: Leave this option selected if you want to generate an HDL IP core with the AXI4 slave interface for signals such as clock, reset, ready, timestamp, and so on. If you want to generate a generic HDL IP core without any AXI4 slave interfaces, clear this check box. Make sure that you do not map any of the DUT ports to AXI4 or AXI4-Lite interfaces. You can map the ports to only External or Internal IO interfaces or to AXI4-Stream interface with TLAST mapping.

    This setting is saved with the model as the GenerateDefaultAXI4Slave HDL block property for the DUT block.

  • Expose DUT clock enable input port: Select this option if you want to expose the DUT clock enable input port. Trigger the DUT from upstream IPs by using the clock enable input port. If your design has ports mapped to the AXI4 Slave interface, this option is disabled.

  • Expose DUT clock enable output port: Select this option if you want to expose the clock enable output port to downstream IPs. Drive or synchronize downstream custom IPs by using the clock enable output port.

  • Register interface read pipeline: Specify the number of pipeline stages to insert in the read address decoder path by using the Register interface read pipeline setting in the Generate RTL Code and IP Core task of the IP Core Generation workflow. To learn more, see Optimize Timing on Register Interface.

    Values:0 (default) | positive integer

    Use this parameter when you run into timing issues and the critical path is in the read address decoder. If you generate IP core for a model created before R2024b, and you have a value set for AXI4 Slave port to pipeline register ratio, HDL Coder sets Register interface read pipeline to 0.

See Also

FPGA Synthesis and Analysis Overview

Create projects for supported FPGA synthesis tools, perform FPGA synthesis, mapping, and place/route tasks, and annotate critical paths in the original model.


The tasks in the FPGA Synthesis and Analysis folder enable you to:

  • Create FPGA synthesis projects for supported FPGA synthesis tools.

  • Start supported FPGA synthesis tools, using the project files to perform synthesis, mapping, and place/route tasks.

  • Annotate your original model with critical path information obtained from the synthesis tools.

For a list of supported third-party synthesis tools, see Third-Party Synthesis Tools and Version Support.

The tasks in the folder are:

  • Create Project

  • Perform Synthesis and P/R

  • Annotate Model with Synthesis Result

See Also

HDL Code Generation and FPGA Synthesis from Simulink Model

Create Project

Create an FPGA synthesis project for a supported FPGA synthesis tool.


This task creates a synthesis project for the selected synthesis tool and loads the project with the HDL code generated for your model.

When the project creation is complete, the HDL Workflow Advisor displays a link to the project in the right pane. Click this link to view the project in the synthesis tool project window.

Synthesis objective

Select a synthesis objective to generate tool-specific optimization Tcl commands for your project. If you specify None, no Tcl commands are generated.

See Synthesis Objective to Tcl Command Mapping.

Additional source files

Enter additional HDL source files that you want included in your synthesis project. Enter each file name manually, separated with a semicolon (;) or by using the Add Source button.

For example, you can include HDL source files (.vhd or .v) or a constraint file (.ucf or .sdc).

Additional project creation Tcl files

Enter additional project creation Tcl files that you want to include in your synthesis project. Enter each file name manually, separated with a semicolon (;) or by using the Add Tcl button.

For example, you can include a Tcl script (.tcl) to execute after creating the project.

See Also

Perform Synthesis and P/R Overview

Start supported FPGA synthesis tools to perform synthesis, mapping, and place/route tasks.


The tasks in the Perform Synthesis and P/R folder enable you to start supported FPGA synthesis tool and:

  • Synthesize the generated HDL code.

  • Perform mapping and timing analysis.

  • Perform place and route functions.

For a list of supported third-party synthesis tools, see Third-Party Synthesis Tools and Version Support.

See Also

HDL Code Generation and FPGA Synthesis from Simulink Model

Perform Logic Synthesis

Start supported FPGA synthesis tool and synthesize the generated HDL code.


The Perform Logic Synthesis task:

  • Starts the synthesis tool in the background.

  • Opens the previously generated synthesis project, compiles HDL code, synthesizes the design, and emits netlists and related files.

  • Displays a synthesis log in the Result subpane.

See Also

HDL Code Generation and FPGA Synthesis from Simulink Model

Perform Mapping

Starts supported FPGA synthesis tool and maps the synthesized logic design to the target FPGA.


The Perform Mapping task:

  • Starts the synthesis tool in the background.

  • Runs a mapping process that maps the synthesized logic design to the target FPGA.

  • Emits a circuit description file for use in the place and route phase.

  • Emits pre-routing timing information for use in critical path analysis and back annotation of your source model.

  • Displays a log in the Result subpane.

Enable Skip pre-route timing analysis if your tool does not support early timing estimation. When this option is enabled, the Annotate Model with Synthesis Result task sets Critical path source to post-route.

See Also

HDL Code Generation and FPGA Synthesis from Simulink Model

Perform Place and Route

Starts the synthesis tool in the background and runs a Place and Route process.


The Perform Place and Route task:

  • Starts the synthesis tool in the background.

  • Runs a Place and Route process that takes the circuit description produced by the previous mapping process, and emits a circuit description suitable for programming an FPGA.

  • Starts post-routing timing information for use in critical path analysis and back annotation of your source model.

  • Displays a log in the Result subpane.

If you select Skip this task, the HDL Workflow Advisor executes the workflow, but omits the Perform Place and Route task, marking it Passed. If you prefer to do place and route work manually, you might want to select Skip this task.

If Perform Place and Route fails, but you want to use the post-mapping timing results to find critical paths in your model, you can select Ignore place and route errors and continue to the Annotate Model with Synthesis Result task.

See Also

HDL Code Generation and FPGA Synthesis from Simulink Model

Run Synthesis

Starts Xilinx Vivado® and executes the Vivado Synthesis step.

If you do not want to do early timing estimation, enable Skip pre-route timing analysis.

Run Implementation

Starts Xilinx Vivado and executes the Vivado Implementation step.

If you select Skip this task , the HDL Workflow Advisor omits the Run Implementation task, marking it Passed. If you prefer to do place and route work manually, select Skip this task.

If Run Implementation fails, you can select Ignore place and route errors and continue to the Annotate Model with Synthesis Result task.

Check Timing Report

If there are timing failures during this task, the task does not fail. You must check the timing report for timing failures.

Annotate Model with Synthesis Result

Analyzes pre- or post-routing timing information and visually highlights critical paths in your model.


The Annotate Model with Synthesis Result task helps you to identify critical paths in your model. Depending on your option selection, the task analyzes pre- or post-routing timing information produced by the Perform Synthesis and P/R task group and visually highlights one or more critical paths in your model.


If you select Intel Quartus Pro or Microchip Libero SoC as the Synthesis tool, the Annotate Model with Synthesis Result task is not available. Run the workflow to synthesis, and then view the timing reports to see the critical path.

If you select Generate FPGA top level wrapper in the Generate RTL Code and Testbench task, Annotate Model with Synthesis Result is not available. To perform back-annotation analysis, clear the check box for Generate FPGA top level wrapper.

Input Parameters

Critical path source

Select pre-route or post-route.

The pre-route option is unavailable when Skip pre-route timing analysis is enabled in the previous task group.

Critical path number

You can annotate up to three critical paths. Select the number of paths that you want to annotate.

Choose Model to Annotate

You can perform the annotation on the original as well as generated model. Select the original or generated model that you want to annotate. For more information on generated model, see Generated Model and Validation Model.

Show all paths

Show critical paths, including duplicate paths.

Show unique paths

Show only the first instance of a path that is duplicated.

Show delay data

Annotate the cumulative timing delay on each path.

Show ends only

Show the endpoints of each path, but omit the connecting signal lines.

Results and Recommended Actions

When the Annotate Model with Synthesis Result task runs to completion, HDL Coder displays the DUT with critical path information highlighted.

See Also

HDL Code Generation and FPGA Synthesis from Simulink Model

Download to Target Overview

The Download to Target folder supports the following tasks:

  • Generate Programming File: Generate an FPGA programming file.

  • Program Target Device: Download generated programming file to the target development board.

  • Generate Simulink Real-Time Interface (for Speedgoat target devices only): Generate a model that contains a Simulink Real-Time interface subsystem.

For summary information on each Download to Target task, select the task icon, and then click the HDL Workflow Advisor Help button.

See Also

Getting Started with the HDL Workflow Advisor

Generate Programming File

The Generate Programming File task generates an FPGA programming file that is compatible with the selected target device.

Program Target Device

The Program Target Device task downloads the generated FPGA programming file to the selected target device.

Before executing the Program Target Device task, make sure that your host PC is properly connected to the target development board using the required programming cable.

Generate Simulink Real-Time Interface

The Generate Simulink Real-Time Interface task generates a model containing an interface subsystem that you can plug into a Simulink Real-Time model.

The naming convention for the generated model is:


where fpgamodelname is the name of the original model.

Save and Restore HDL Workflow Advisor State

You can save the current settings of the HDL Workflow Advisor to a named restore point. Later, you can restore the same settings by loading the restore point data into the HDL Workflow Advisor.

See Also

Getting Started with the HDL Workflow Advisor.

FPGA-in-the-Loop (FIL) Implementation

Set FIL options and run FIL processing.

Set FPGA-in-the-Loop Options

Set connection type, board IP, and MAC addresses and select additional files, if required.


Select either JTAG (Altera® boards only) or Ethernet.

Board IP Address

Set the IP address of the board if it is not the default IP address (

Board MAC Address

Under most circumstances, you do not need to change the Board MAC address. If you connect more than one FPGA development board to a single computer (for which you must have a separate NIC for each board), you must change the Board MAC address. You must change the Board MAC address for additional boards so that each address is unique.

Additional Source Files

Select additional source files for the HDL design that is to be verified on the FPGA board, if required. HDL Workflow Advisor attempts to identify the file type. Change the file type in the File Type column if it is incorrect.

Build FPGA-in-the-Loop

During the build process:

  • FPGA-in-the-loop generates a FIL block named after the top-level module and places it in a new model.

  • After new model generation, FIL opens a Command Prompt. In this Command Prompt, the FPGA design software performs synthesis, fit, place-and-route, timing analysis, and FPGA programming file generation. When the process is complete, a message in the Command Prompt prompts you to close the window.

  • FPGA-in-the-loop builds a test bench model around the generated FIL block.

Embedded System Integration

Tasks in this folder integrate your generated HDL IP core into the embedded processor.

Create Project

Create project for embedded system tool.

In the message window, after the project is generated, you can click the project link to open the generated embedded system tool project.

Embedded system tool

Embedded design tool.

Project folder

Folder where your generated project files are saved.

Synthesis objective

Select a synthesis objective to generate tool-specific optimization Tcl commands for your project. If you specify None, no Tcl commands are generated.

To learn how the synthesis objectives map to Tcl commands, see Synthesis Objective to Tcl Command Mapping.

Enable IP caching

Create IP cache to reduce reference design synthesis time. When you enable IP caching, the code generator creates an IP cache. The IP Core Generation workflow uses an out-of-context (OOC) workflow. This workflow synthesizes the IP in the reference design out of context from the top-level design. You can reuse this cache in subsequent project runs, which reduces reference design synthesis time. To learn more, see IP Caching for Faster Reference Design Synthesis.

Generate Software Interface

To generate the embedded C code, generate a Simulink software interface model with the IP core driver blocks. To verify the IP core functionality and connect to the onboard memory locations, generate a host interface model, host interface script, or both with the AXI Manager.

When you clear the Generate Simulink software interface model, Generate host interface model, and Generate host interface script check boxes, the HDL Workflow Advisor skips this task.


In the Generate Software Interface task, specify a software interface that you want to generate for the IP core.

  • Generate Simulink software interface model — Select this parameter to generate a Simulink software interface model for an SoC device. The software interface model is your original model with the AXI driver blocks replacing the parts you want to run on hardware. This parameter is not available for standalone FPGA boards.

    After you generate the Simulink software interface model, you can generate C code from it by using Embedded Coder®. If you do not have the Embedded Coder hardware support package for the target board installed, this parameter is not available. For example, if the target hardware board is a Zynq® device, you must have the Embedded Coder Support Package for AMD SoC Devices installed.

  • Operating system — Select your target operating system.

  • Host target interface — Select an interface that communicates between your host machine and the target hardware. Use one of these options.

    • JTAG AXI Manager (HDL Verifier) — Use the JTAG interface to access AXI4 and AXI4-Lite registers on the target hardware. To enable this option, in the Set Target Reference Design task, set Insert AXI Manager (HDL Verifier required) to JTAG and in the Set Target Interface task, map each DUT signal that you want to capture to the AXI4 or AXI4-Lite interface.

    • Ethernet AXI Manager (HDL Verifier) — Use the Ethernet interface to access AXI4 and AXI4-Lite registers on the target hardware. To enable this option, in the Set Target Reference Design task, set Insert AXI Manager (HDL Verifier required) to Ethernet and in the Set Target Interface task, map each DUT signal that you want to capture to the AXI4 or AXI4-Lite interface.

    • Ethernet — Use the Ethernet interface to access the generated IP core deployed on your target hardware. This option is not available for standalone FPGA boards.

  • Generate host interface model — Select this parameter to generate a host interface model. The host interface model enables you to write to or read from the memory-mapped locations on the target hardware over a JTAG or Ethernet cable by using the AXI Manager Write and AXI Manager Read blocks.

    To enable this parameter, set Host target interface to JTAG AXI Manager (HDL Verifier) or Ethernet AXI Manager (HDL Verifier).

  • Generate host interface script — Select this parameter to generate a host interface script. The host interface script contains commands that enable you to connect to the target hardware and to write to or read from the generated IP core by using the AXI driver blocks or the AXI Manager.

Build FPGA Bitstream

Generate bitstream for embedded system.

Run build process externally

Enable this option to run the build process in parallel with MATLAB. If this option is disabled, you cannot use MATLAB until the build is finished. This option is valid only when you use the IP Core Generation workflow.

Tcl file for synthesis build

To customize your synthesis build, save your custom Tcl commands in a file and select Custom. Enter the file path manually or find the path by using the Browse button. The contents of your custom Tcl file are inserted between the Tcl commands that open and close the project.

If you select Custom and want to generate a bitstream, the bitstream generation Tcl command must refer to the top file wrapper name and location either directly or implicitly. For example, the following Xilinx Vivado Tcl command generates a bitstream and implicitly refers to the top file name and location:

launch_runs impl_1 -to_step write_bitstream

Enable routed design checkpoint for build

Select this option to expedite bitstream generation time by using the design checkpoint from the previous build. This option is available only when using the Xilinx Vivado synthesis tool.

Routed design checkpoint file for build

To use this option, select Enable routed design checkpoint for build. To use the default routed design checkpoint file, select Default. The default file location is hdl_prj\checkpoint\system_routed.dcp. To use a custom routed design checkpoint file, select Custom and provide the file path to your custom file location. This option is available only when using the Xilinx Vivado synthesis tool.

Routed design checkpoint file

To use this option, select Custom for Routed design checkpoint file for build. Use this option to point to your custom routed design checkpoint file. After bitstream generation is completed the new routed checkpoint design file is written to the location specified in Routed design checkpoint file. This option is available only when using the Xilinx Vivado synthesis tool.

Maximum number of cores for build

Reduce bitstream generation times by using multiple logical cores of the PC. Use this option to choose the maximum number of PC cores to use. Selecting synthesis tool default selects the maximum number of cores set in the synthesis tool. To manually select the maximum number of cores, select between 2 and 32.

Program Target Device

Program the connected target SoC device. Specify the Programming method for the target device:

  • JTAG: Uses a JTAG cable to program the target SoC device.

  • Download: This is the default Programming method. Copies the generated FPGA bitstream, device tree, and system initialization scripts to the SD card on the Zynq board and keeps the bitstream on the SD card persistently. To use this programming method, you do not need Embedded Coder. You can create an SSH object by specifying the IP Address, SSH Username, and SSH Password. HDL Coder uses the SSH object to copy the bitstream to the SD card and reprogram the board.

To define your own function to program the target device in your custom reference design, you can use the Custom Programming method. To use the custom programming, register the function handle of the custom programming function by using the CallbackCustomProgrammingMethod method of the hdlcoder.ReferenceDesign class. For example:

hRD.CallbackCustomProgrammingMethod = ...

For more information, see Program Target FPGA Boards or SoC Devices.

ASIC Synthesis and Analysis Overview

In the ASIC synthesis and Analysis folder, you can create projects for supported ASIC synthesis tools, select either custom or default synthesis workflows, and perform ASIC synthesis tasks on the original model.


The tasks within the ASIC Synthesis and Analysis folder enable you to:

  • Create ASIC synthesis projects using supported ASIC synthesis tools.

  • Use the project files to perform synthesis tasks on supported ASIC synthesis tools.

For a list of supported third-party synthesis tools, see Third-Party Synthesis Tools and Version Support.

The tasks in this folder are:

  • Create Project

  • Perform Synthesis and P/R

See Also

HDL Code Generation and FPGA Synthesis from Simulink Model

Create Project

Create an ASIC synthesis project for a supported ASIC synthesis tool.


This task creates an ASIC synthesis project for a selected synthesis tool and loads the project with the HDL code generated for your model.

Additional source files

Enter additional HDL source files (.vhd or .v) that you want to include in your synthesis project. Enter each file name manually, separated with a semicolon (;) or use the Add Source button.

Synthesis workflow

Select a custom or default synthesis workflow. If you select custom workflow, you must add the Setup Tcl, Constraint Sdc, and Synthesis Tcl files. If you select default, the tool automatically includes these files.

Setup Tcl file

Enter the project creation Setup Tcl file that you want to include in your synthesis project. Enter each file name manually, separated with a semicolon (;) or use the Add Setup Tcl button.

Constraint Sdc files

Enter the project creation Constraint Sdc files that you want to include in your synthesis project. Enter each file name manually, separated with a semicolon (;) or use the Add constraint Sdc button.

Synthesis Tcl file

Enter the project creation Synthesis Tcl file that you want to include in your synthesis project. Enter each file name manually, separated with a semicolon (;) or use the Add synthesis Tcl button.

See Also

Perform Synthesis and P/R Overview

Start supported ASIC synthesis tools to perform synthesis.


The tasks in the Perform Synthesis and P/R enable you to start supported ASIC synthesis tool and synthesize the generated HDL code.

For a list of supported third-party synthesis tools, see Third-Party Synthesis Tools and Version Support.

See Also

HDL Code Generation and FPGA Synthesis from Simulink Model

Run Synthesis

Starts supported ASIC synthesis tool and synthesize the generated HDL code.


The Run Synthesis task:

  • Opens the previously generated synthesis project, compiles the HDL code, synthesizes the design, and emits netlists and related files.

  • Starts the synthesis tool in the background unless the Run build process externally parameter option is selected.

  • Displays a synthesis log in the Result subpane.

Run build process externally

Select this option to allow the build process run in an external console. If this option is not selected, you cannot use MATLAB until the build is finished.

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