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Convert angles to character array


    str = angl2str(angles) converts numeric angles in degrees to a character array that represents the angles. This function is useful for displaying angles as text on maps.


    str = angl2str(angles,signcode) returns a character array that represents the angles using the signs or directions specified by signcode.


    str = angl2str(angles,signcode,format) returns a character array that formats the angles as degrees, degrees-minutes, degrees-minutes-seconds, or radians. The function does not convert degrees to radians or vice-versa.


    str = angl2str(angles,signcode,format,n) specifies the number of decimal places to use in the character array.



    collapse all

    Convert numeric angles to a character array. By default, the angl2str function formats the angles as degrees.

    angles = [-9.7 12.95 24];
    str = angl2str(angles)
    str = 3x16 char array
        ' - 9.70^{\circ} '
        '  12.95^{\circ} '
        '  24.00^{\circ} '

    Convert the same angles to a character array and prefix a plus sign (+) to the positive angles.

    strPlus = angl2str(angles,"pm")
    strPlus = 3x16 char array
        ' - 9.70^{\circ} '
        ' +12.95^{\circ} '
        ' +24.00^{\circ} '

    Convert the coordinates of Washington, DC to a character array that uses degrees-minutes. Remove the leading and trailing whitespaces.

    lat = 38.9072;
    lon = -77.0369;
    latStr = angl2str(lat,"ns","degrees2dm");
    latStr = strtrim(latStr);
    lonStr = angl2str(lon,"ew","degrees2dm");
    lonStr = strtrim(lonStr);
    coordStr = "(" + latStr + ", " + lonStr + ")";

    Display the location and character array on a terrain map.

    geobasemap colorterrain

    Figure contains an axes object with type geoaxes. The geoaxes object contains 2 objects of type scatter, text.

    Convert angles in degrees to a character array. Round the angles to the nearest tenth.

    angles = [8.523 -34.79 -89];
    str = angl2str(angles,"none","degrees",-1)
    str = 3x15 char array
        '   8.5^{\circ} '
        ' -34.8^{\circ} '
        ' -89.0^{\circ} '

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Angles in degrees or radians, specified as a numeric array.

    Signs or directions to use in the character array, specified as one of these options:

    • "ew" — Input angles are longitudes. The character array indicates positive longitudes using E and negative longitudes using W.

    • "ns" — Input angles are latitudes. The character array indicates positive latitudes using N and negative latitudes using S.

    • "pm" — The character array indicates positive angles using a plus sign (+) and negative angles using a minus sign (-).

    • "none" — The character array indicates negative angles using a minus sign (-) and does not use a plus sign (+) for positive angles.

    Data Types: char | string

    Format to use in the character array, specified as one of these options.

    ans =
        ' 31.26^{\circ} '
    "degrees2dm"Degrees-minutes (DM)
    ans =
        ' 31^{\circ} 15.60' '
    "degrees2dms"Degrees-minutes-seconds (DMS)
    ans =
        ' 31^{\circ} 15' 36.00" '
    ans =
        ' 0.52360 R '

    The value ^{\circ} is the LaTeX representation of °.

    Data Types: char | string

    Number of digits to include in the character array, specified as an integer. When you specify n, the angl2str function rounds angles to the nearest multiple of 10n.

    The sign convention for this argument is opposite to the one used by the round function.

    Example: angl2str(31.467,"none","degrees",-2) returns ' 31.47^{\circ} ', which is 31.467 rounded to the nearest hundredth.

    Example: angl2str(31.467,"none","degrees",0) returns ' 31^{\circ} ', which is 31.467 rounded to the nearest integer.

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Text representation of the input angles, returned as a character array.

    Data Types: char

    Version History

    Introduced before R2006a

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