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Unproject x-y map coordinates to latitude-longitude coordinates


[lat,lon] = projinv(proj,x,y) transforms the map coordinates specified by x and y in the projected coordinate reference system specified by proj to the latitude-longitude coordinates lat and lon. Specify proj using a projcrs object (since R2020b), a map projection structure, or a GeoTIFF information structure.



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Unproject x-y coordinates to latitude-longitude coordinates by specifying the projected CRS of the x-y coordinates. Then, display the latitude-longitude coordinates on geographic axes.

To do this, first import a shapefile containing the x- and y-coordinates of roads in Concord, MA. Get information about the shapefile as a structure. Find the projected CRS for the coordinates by accessing the CoordinateReferenceSystem field of the structure.

roads = shaperead('concord_roads.shp');
x = [roads.X];
y = [roads.Y];
info = shapeinfo('concord_roads.shp');
proj = info.CoordinateReferenceSystem;

Unproject the x-y coordinates to latitude-longitude coordinates.

[lat,lon] = projinv(proj,x,y);

Display the coordinates on geographic axes.

hold on

The geographic CRS of the x-y coordinates used in this example is NAD83. You can find the geographic CRS that underlies a projected CRS by querying the GeographicCRS property.

ans = 

The geographic CRS underlying the 'streets' basemap is WGS84. NAD83 and WGS84 are similar, but not identical. Therefore, at high zoom levels the coordinates and basemap may appear misaligned.

Input Arguments

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Map projection, specified as a projcrs object (since R2020b), a scalar map projection structure (mstruct), or a GeoTIFF information structure. For more information about map projection structures, see defaultm. For more information about GeoTIFF information structures, see geotiffinfo.

Data Types: struct

Projected x-coordinates, specified as a scalar value, vector, matrix, or N-D array. The size of x and y must match.

Data Types: single | double

Projected y-coordinates, specified as a scalar value, vector, matrix, or N-D array. The size of x and y must match.

Data Types: single | double

Output Arguments

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Geodetic latitudes, returned as a scalar value, vector, matrix, or N-D array, in units of degrees.

The geographic CRS of lat matches the geographic CRS of proj. If proj is a projcrs object, then you can find its geographic CRS by querying its GeographicCRS property. For example, this code shows how to create a projcrs object from EPSG code 32610 and find the associated geographic CRS.

proj = projcrs(32610);
ans = 

    "WGS 84"

Geodetic longitudes, returned as a scalar value, vector, matrix, or N-D array, in units of degrees.

The geographic CRS of lat matches the geographic CRS of proj. If proj is a projcrs object, then you can find its geographic CRS by querying its GeographicCRS property. For example, this code shows how to create a projcrs object from EPSG code 32610 and find the associated geographic CRS.

proj = projcrs(32610);
ans = 

    "WGS 84"

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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