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Determine if environment variable exists

Since R2022b


    tf = isenv(varname) returns a logical array containing 1 (true) where the elements of the varname array are operating system environment variables, and 0 (false) where they are not. The logical array tf has the same dimensions as the input array.

    On most UNIX® platforms, an environment variable can exist with an empty value (""). On the Microsoft® Windows® platform, setting the value of an environment variable to "" is equivalent to removing the variable.



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    Create environment variable myVar, and then check that it exists.

    ans = logical

    Remove myVar, and then check that it no longer exists.

    ans = logical

    Create multiple environment variables, and then check that they exist.

    setenv(["Var1" "Var2" "Var3" "Var4"],["Val1" "Val2" "Val3" "Val4"]);
    isenv(["Var1" "Var2"; "Var3" "Var4"])
    ans = 2x2 logical array
       1   1
       1   1

    Remove two of the environment variables using unsetenv, and then check that they no longer exist.

    unsetenv(["Var1" "Var4"]);
    isenv(["Var1" "Var2"; "Var3" "Var4"])
    ans = 2x2 logical array
       0   1
       1   0

    You can also remove environment variables using setenv with missing. Change the value of one environment variable and remove another.

    setenv(["Var2" "Var3"],["ValB" missing]);
    isenv(["Var1" "Var2"; "Var3" "Var4"])
    ans = 2x2 logical array
       0   1
       0   0

    Input Arguments

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    Environment variable names, specified as a string scalar, character vector, string array, or cell array of character vectors. If specified as a character array, a scalar logical array is returned.

    Example: "PATH"

    Extended Capabilities

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022b

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