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matlab.buildtool.tasks.TestTask Class

Namespace: matlab.buildtool.tasks
Superclasses: matlab.buildtool.Task

Task for running tests

Since R2023b


The matlab.buildtool.tasks.TestTask class provides a task for running a suite of tests using the MATLAB® unit testing framework.

Tasks that you create with the TestTask class support incremental builds. For more information, see Up-To-Date Check.



task = matlab.buildtool.tasks.TestTask creates a task for running the tests in the current folder and its subfolders. The task fails if any of the tests fail.


task = matlab.buildtool.tasks.TestTask(tests) sets the Tests property. The task runs the tests in the specified files and folders, including their subfolders.

task = matlab.buildtool.tasks.TestTask(___,Name=Value) sets properties using one or more name-value arguments in addition to any of the input argument combinations in previous syntaxes. You can also set the Description and Dependencies properties, which the class inherits from the Task class, using name-value arguments. For example, task = matlab.buildtool.tasks.TestTask(TestResults="results.xml") creates a task that produces test results in JUnit-style XML format.



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This section lists the properties of the TestTask class. In addition to these properties, the TestTask class inherits properties from the Task class. Of the inherited properties, you can set the Description and Dependencies properties using name-value arguments during task creation.

Test files and folders to run, specified as a string vector, character vector, cell vector of character vectors, or vector, and returned as a row vector. For example, you can specify a test file, a folder that contains test files, or a project folder that contains test files. By default, the task runs the tests in the current folder and its subfolders.

If Tests contains tests created using Simulink® Test™, the task provides access to their results. You must have a Simulink Test license to run tests created using Simulink Test. (since R2024a)



Source files and folders under test, specified as a string vector, character vector, cell vector of character vectors, or vector, and returned as a row vector. Set this property if you use the CodeCoverageResults property or addCodeCoverage method to collect code coverage information. The specified source code must be on the MATLAB search path when the task runs the tests and collects code coverage information.

If you do not set the SourceFiles property, the build tool does not skip the task. For more information on how the build tool treats the task in incremental builds, see Up-To-Date Check.



Option to run the tests in subfolders, specified as a numeric or logical 1 (true) or 0 (false). By default, the task runs the tests in the specified folders and their subfolders.



Test tag, specified as a string vector, character vector, or cell vector of character vectors. If you specify test tags, the task filters the test suite and runs only the tests that have at least one of the specified tags. For more information about test tags, see Tag Unit Tests.



Display level of event details, specified as an integer scalar from 0 through 4, a matlab.automation.Verbosity enumeration object, or a text representation of the enumeration.

Numeric RepresentationEnumeration Member NameVerbosity Description

No information


Minimal information


Moderate amount of information


Some supplemental information


Lots of supplemental information

By default, the task displays failing and logged events at the matlab.automation.Verbosity.Detailed level (level 3) and test run progress at the matlab.automation.Verbosity.Terse level (level 1).

Example: task = matlab.buildtool.tasks.TestTask(OutputDetail="verbose") creates a task that displays event details at the matlab.automation.Verbosity.Verbose level.



Verbosity level of logged diagnostics, specified as an integer scalar from 0 through 4, a matlab.automation.Verbosity enumeration object, or a text representation of the enumeration. The task includes diagnostics logged at the specified level and below.

Numeric RepresentationEnumeration Member NameVerbosity Description

No information


Minimal information


Moderate amount of information


Some supplemental information


Lots of supplemental information

By default, the task includes diagnostics logged at the matlab.automation.Verbosity.Terse level (level 1). To exclude logged diagnostics, specify LoggingLevel as matlab.automation.Verbosity.None (level 0).

Logged diagnostics are diagnostics that you supply to the unit testing framework with the log (TestCase) and log (Fixture) methods.

Example: task = matlab.buildtool.tasks.TestTask(LoggingLevel="detailed") creates a task that includes diagnostics logged at the matlab.automation.Verbosity.Detailed level and below.



Option to apply strict checks when running the tests, specified as a numeric or logical 0 (false) or 1 (true). If the value is true, the task produces a qualification failure when a test issues a warning. By default, the task does not apply strict checks when running the tests.



Since R2024a

Test results, returned as a row vector. You can set this property during creation of the task using a string vector, character vector, cell vector of character vectors, or vector.

The task can produce test results in various formats. Specify formats by using file extensions:

  • .html — Produce test results as a single-file HTML test report.

  • .pdf — Produce test results as a PDF test report.

  • .xml — Produce test results in JUnit-style XML format.

  • .mat — Save the matlab.unittest.TestResult array to a MAT-file.

  • .mldatx — Export Simulink Test Manager results in MLDATX format (requires Simulink Test). (since R2024a)

Example: task = matlab.buildtool.tasks.TestTask(TestResults="test-results/report.html") creates a task that produces a single-file HTML test report.

Example: task = matlab.buildtool.tasks.TestTask(TestResults=["test-results/results.xml" "test-results/results.mat"]) creates a task that produces test results in both JUnit-style XML and MAT-file formats.



Since R2024a

Code coverage results, returned as a row vector. You can set this property during creation of the task by assigning a string vector, character vector, cell vector of character vectors, or vector. Alternatively, you can set this property by using the addCodeCoverage method, which gives you more flexibility in producing code coverage results. For example, the method provides access to additional coverage metrics (requires MATLAB Test).

The task can produce code coverage results in various formats. Specify formats by using file extensions when you assign a value to the property:

  • .html — Produce an interactive HTML code coverage report.

  • .xml — Produce code coverage results in Cobertura XML format.

  • .mat — Save the matlab.coverage.Result array to a MAT-file.


To collect code coverage information, you must specify your MATLAB source code by setting the SourceFiles property.

Example: task = matlab.buildtool.tasks.TestTask(SourceFiles="mySource",CodeCoverageResults="code-coverage/report.html") creates a task that produces an interactive HTML code coverage report for the specified source code.

Example: task = matlab.buildtool.tasks.TestTask(SourceFiles="mySource",CodeCoverageResults=["code-coverage/results.xml" "code-coverage/results.mat"]) creates a task that produces code coverage results in both Cobertura XML and MAT-file formats for the specified source code.



Since R2024a

Model coverage results for the models in Simulink Test and MATLAB-based Simulink tests of the Tests property, returned as a row vector (requires Simulink Test and Simulink Coverage™). You can set this property during creation of the task by assigning a string vector, character vector, cell vector of character vectors, or vector. Alternatively, you can set this property by using the addModelCoverage method, which gives you more flexibility in producing model coverage results. For example, the method lets you customize the model coverage options instead of relying on the options already applied in Simulink Test.

The task can produce model coverage results in various formats. Specify formats by using file extensions:

  • .html — Produce an HTML model coverage report.

  • .xml — Produce model coverage results in Cobertura XML format.

Example: task = matlab.buildtool.tasks.TestTask(ModelCoverageResults="model-coverage/report.html") creates a task that produces an HTML model coverage report.

Example: task = matlab.buildtool.tasks.TestTask(ModelCoverageResults=["model-coverage/report.html" "model-coverage/results.xml"]) creates a task that produces an HTML model coverage report as well as model coverage results in Cobertura XML format.




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Run the tests in your project by using the TestTask class.

Open the example and then navigate to the test_task_example folder, which contains a build file, a source file named quadraticSolver.m, and a test file named SolverTest.m. For more information about the source and test files used in this example, see Write Simple Test Case Using Classes.

cd test_task_example

This code shows the contents of the build file. The build file contains one task that runs the tests in the current folder and its subfolders and fails the build if any of the tests fail.

function plan = buildfile
import matlab.buildtool.tasks.TestTask

% Create a plan with no tasks
plan = buildplan;

% Add a task to run the tests in the project
plan("test") = TestTask;

Run the "test" task. In this example, all the tests pass, and the task runs successfully.

buildtool test
** Starting test

Test Summary:
    Total Tests: 3
         Passed: 3
         Failed: 0
     Incomplete: 0
       Duration: 0.04164 seconds testing time.
** Finished test

Run your tests and generate test and coverage results by using the TestTask class.

Open the example and then navigate to the test_task_example1 folder, which contains a build file, a source file named quadraticSolver.m, and a test file named SolverTest.m. For more information about the source and test files used in this example, see Write Simple Test Case Using Classes.

cd test_task_example1

This code shows the contents of the build file. The build file contains one task that:

  • Runs the tests in the current folder and its subfolders and fails the build if any of the tests fail

  • Produces test results in JUnit-style XML format

  • Produces code coverage results in Cobertura XML format for the source code in quadraticSolver.m

function plan = buildfile
import matlab.buildtool.tasks.TestTask

% Create a plan with no tasks
plan = buildplan;

% Add a task to run tests and generate test and coverage results
plan("test") = TestTask(SourceFiles="quadraticSolver.m", ...
    TestResults="test-results/results.xml", ...

Run the "test" task. The task runs the tests and saves the test and coverage results to the specified locations in your current folder. In this example, all the tests pass, and the task runs successfully.

buildtool test
** Starting test

Test Summary:
    Total Tests: 3
         Passed: 3
         Failed: 0
     Incomplete: 0
       Duration: 0.023641 seconds testing time.

Test Results:
    JUnit: test-results\results.xml

Code Coverage:
    Cobertura: code-coverage\results.xml
** Finished test

More About

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  • A TestTask instance respects the build output verbosity level specified at run time using the -verbosity option of the buildtool command. The run-time verbosity level takes precedence over any values specified in the OutputDetail and LoggingLevel properties. (since R2024b)

  • You cannot overwrite or remove the actions of a built-in task, but you can specify additional task actions. For example, append an action to the Actions property of a built-in task.

    plan("myTask").Actions(end+1) = @myAction;

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

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