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Collaborate with Instructors

You might want to have teaching assistants or other instructors assist you with your course or collection. These participants can perform many of the same tasks as you, the original instructor; the only limitations are that they cannot delete a course or collection that they didn’t create.

To add instructors:

  1. From your MATLAB® Grader™ home page, select the course or collection you want to add people to.

  2. Navigate to the option to add instructors:

    • If you are in a MATLAB Grader Course, click Manage People. In the Enroll pull-down menu, select Instructor.

    • If you are in a MATLAB Grader Collection, click Collaborate with Instructors.

  3. Enter the email addresses of the instructors you want to add to the course or collection. Separate each email address with a comma. For example:,

  4. When you are finished entering email addresses, click Enroll.

    MATLAB Grader displays the additional instructors in the Instructors tab, below the enrollment entry field.

Any instructor added to a course can make a copy of the course from the Actions menu, which is to the right of the course title. If you need to change ownership of a course, Contact Support. Provide the URL to the course, the email associated with the current owner’s MathWorks® Account, and the email associated with the new owner’s MathWorks Account.

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