Create Courses and Coding Problems
Instructors: Develop content for MATLAB®
Grader™ and LMS courses
Create courses to run in MATLAB Grader. Create interactive problems, automatically grade learners' work, and provide feedback in a MATLAB Grader course or in any LTI-compliant learning environment.
To get started, watch the Guided Tour video. Then, add a problem. When you add a problem from MathWorks® Collections, you can select an example problem that illustrates good practices for writing problems and creating assessments.
- Create Collections to Store Coding Problems
Organize coding problems using collections and groups
- Create or Copy Coding Problems
Add coding problems and create assessment items to test learner solutions
- Create and Organize Courses
Create courses and organize assignments for courses hosted in MATLAB Grader
- Enroll Learners and Invite Instructors
Enroll learners in courses and collaborate with instructors on your courses and collections
- Monitor Learner Progress in a MATLAB
Grader Course
Monitor learner progress in a MATLAB Grader course