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Invoke Packaged MATLAB Functions

The connection between a Python® client and a MATLAB® Production Server™ instance is encapsulated in a matlab.production_server.client.MWHttpClient object. You invoke deployed MATLAB functions using the client connection object.

result1,...resultN = my_client.archive_name.function_name(in_args,
  • my_client — Name of client connection object

  • archive_name — Name of the deployable archive hosting the function

  • function_name — Name of the function to invoke

  • in_args — Comma-separated list of input arguments

  • nargs — Number of results expected from the server. The default value is 1.


If the function to invoke returns an output, each variable on the left side of the function call is populated with a single return value. If you provide less than nargs variables on the left side of the function call, the last listed variable contains a list of the remaining results. For example,

result1, result2 = myMagic.triple(5,nargout=3)

leaves result1 containing a single value and result2 containing a list with two values.

Invoke MATLAB Functions that Return Multiple Outputs

Receive Multiple Results as Individual Variables

To invoke the MATLAB function c1,c2 = copy(o1,o2) from the deployable archive copier, use this code:

>>> import matlab
>>> from production_server import client
>>> my_client = client.MWHttpClient("http://localhost:9910")
>>> c1,c2 = my_client.copier.copy("blue",10,nargout=2)
>>> print(c1)
>>> print(c2)

The variables c1 and c2 are populated with a single return value.

Receive Multiple Results as Single Object

To invoke the MATLAB function copies = copy(o1,o2) from the deployable archive copier, use this code:

>>> import matlab
>>> from production_server import client
>>> my_client = client.MWHttpClient("http://localhost:9910")
>>> copies = my_client.copier.copy("blue",10,nargout=2)
>>> print(copies)

The variable copies is populated with a list containing all of the returned values.

Invoke MATLAB Functions that Return Zero Outputs

To invoke the MATLAB function mutate(m1, m2, m3) from the deployable archive mutations, you use this code:

import matlab
from production_server import client

my_client = client.MWHttpClient("http://localhost:9910")

m1 = matlab.double(...)
m2 = matlab.double(...)
m3 = matlab.double(...)


Invoke MATLAB Functions that Return Single Output

To invoke the MATLAB function result = mutate(m1, m2, m3) from the deployable archive mutations, you use this code:

import matlab
from production_server import client

my_client = client.MWHttpClient("http://localhost:9910")

m1 = matlab.double(...)
m2 = matlab.double(...)
m3 = matlab.double(...)

result = my_client.mutations.mutate(m1,m2,m3)

See Also

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