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Extract simulation data from Cadence to Mixed Signal Analyzer app

Since R2022b


adeinfo2msa extracts simulation data from Cadence® ADE simulation runs to analyze them using the Mixed Signal Analyzer app.

You can use the name-value pair arguments to specify which simulation runs and tests to import from the Cadence ADE Assembler/Maestro. If no name-value arguments are defined, the function by default creates a .mat file where only metrics data from the latest Cadence simulation run is saved. The function then launches the Mixed Signal Analyzer app and loads the generated .mat file.



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You can export the Cadence® simulation run results to a .mat file after an interactive run result is created. The .mat file can then be imported to the Mixed-Signal Analyzer app. To export the data, launch MATLAB® from Cadence ADE by clicking the M button in the toolbar.

The MATLAB session that opens should have adeInfo in the base workspace.

Run the function adeinfo2msa. Since no name-value arguments are specified, the function creates a .mat file with only the metrics data from the latest Cadence simulation run. The .mat file is saved in the present working directory.

Once the .mat file is generated, the app automatically launches with the imported .mat file.

Use the name-value pair argument import2msa to determine whether to launch the app with the generated .mat file or just to save the .mat file in the present working directory. You can also specify the simulation run type, run name, and test name.

You can also specify the signalList argument to select a subset of probed signals to import.

adeinfo2msa(metricsOnly=false, signalList={'/ldo_out','/I_load'})

This command extracts the metrics data, probed signals ldo_out and I_load, and all the expression-based waveform data available in the Cadence simulation run to MAT files.

Input Arguments

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Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: adeinfo2msa(runName='Interactive.70',import2msa=false) imports the simulation data of the Cadence interactive run number 70, but does not launch the Mixed-Signal Analyzer app.

Determine whether to launch the Mixed-Signal Analyzer app after importing simulation data from Cadence. Setting it to true launches the app as well as creating the MAT file and saving it to the present working directory. Setting it to false only creates the MAT file and saves it to the present working directory, but does not launch the app.

Determine whether to import only the metrics or everything from the Cadence simulation data. Set it to false to import metrics, select probed signals and expression-based waveforms, at the cost of processing time.


If you set metricsOnly to false but do not provide the signalList argument, a pop-up window asks you to select the signals you want to import when the Mixed-Signal Analyzer app launches.

The test name as mentioned in Cadence ADE Maestro view. This is the test whose simulation data you want to import. You can import multiple tests using a cell array of strings.

The Cadence simulation run name. You can find it in the Cadence interactive run results history as Interactive.<runNumber>. You can import data for multiple runs using a cell array of strings.

Specify whether processing Interactive or Ocean simulation run results from Cadence.

Specify the name of the MAT file where the extracted Cadence simulation data is to be stored.

Specify the name of the probed signals to import to the Mixed-Signal Analyzer app. You can select multiple signals using a cell array of strings.


If you set metricsOnly to false but do not provide the signalList argument, a pop-up window asks you to select the signals you want to import when the Mixed-Signal Analyzer app launches.

More About

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Generated Simulation Data

The adeinfo2msa generates a .mat file to save the data from the Cadence simulation run and saves it in the current working directory. The Cadence simulation run is pointed by an adeInfo object in the MATLAB® base workspace. The .mat file contains the simulation results and metrics data. It also contains the information about individual waveform data if you select to save the waveform data.

You can select to save both the metrics data and waveforms by setting metricsOnly argument to false. In this case, the function creates a folder that contains the waveform data. The waveform data for each node per analysis is saved in its own .mat file in the folder. You can also select specific probed signals using the signalList argument. The function imports all expression-based waveforms.

Version History

Introduced in R2022b

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