reads data from the Galileo XML almanac file specified by data
= galalmanacread(filename
, and
returns the parameters of each associated satellite as a timetable.
In Almanac format, the week number is aligned with the Galileo system time (GST). The GST start epoch is 13 seconds before 00:00 UTC on Sunday 22nd August 1999 (midnight between 21st and 22nd August).
Read Navigation Data from Galileo Almanac File
Read navigation data from a Galileo almanac file and use the navigation data to:
Get satellite positions, velocities, and IDs at a given timestamp.
Compute satellite visibility and look angles for a given receiver position by using the extracted satellite positions.
First, read GPS navigation message data from a Galileo almanac file.
filename = "galAlmanac_2019-08-06.xml";
data = galalmanacread(filename)
data=22×16 timetable
Time SVID aSqRoot ecc deltai omega0 omegaDot w m0 af0 af1 iod t0a wna statusE5a statusE5b statusE1B
____________________ ____ ________ __________ __________ ________ ___________ ________ _________ ___________ ___________ ___ _________ ____ _________ _________ _________
06-Aug-2019 08:39:42 1 0.011719 0.00022888 0.0030518 -0.11984 -1.8626e-09 -0.81259 -0.053925 -0.00066185 -7.276e-12 4 2.04e+05 1041 0 0 0
06-Aug-2019 08:39:42 2 0.017578 0.00010681 0.0030518 -0.11984 -1.8626e-09 -0.50497 0.63766 7.2479e-05 0 4 2.04e+05 1041 0 0 0
06-Aug-2019 08:39:42 3 0.042969 0.00036621 -0.0076904 -0.78656 -1.7462e-09 -0.1449 0.94464 -0.00019646 -3.638e-12 4 2.04e+05 1041 0 0 0
06-Aug-2019 08:39:42 4 0.039062 0.00027466 -0.0076904 -0.78653 -1.7462e-09 -0.40698 -0.041412 -0.00033951 -7.276e-12 4 2.04e+05 1041 0 0 0
06-Aug-2019 08:39:42 5 0.042969 0.00021362 -0.0076904 -0.78656 -1.7462e-09 -0.33777 -0.61145 -0.00045967 3.638e-12 4 2.04e+05 1041 0 0 0
06-Aug-2019 08:39:42 7 0.042969 0.00041199 -0.0076904 -0.78656 -1.7462e-09 -0.285 0.58496 -0.00024033 -7.276e-12 4 2.04e+05 1041 0 0 0
06-Aug-2019 08:39:42 8 0.039062 0.00036621 -0.0057983 -0.789 -1.7462e-09 -0.19412 0.74414 0.0063114 -7.276e-12 4 2.04e+05 1041 0 0 0
06-Aug-2019 08:39:42 9 0.039062 0.00045776 -0.0057983 -0.789 -1.7462e-09 -0.21506 -0.4855 0.0063572 -1.0914e-11 4 2.04e+05 1041 0 0 0
06-Aug-2019 08:39:42 11 0.017578 0.00038147 0.0021973 0.54333 -1.7462e-09 0.28098 -0.3125 0.0056324 -1.0914e-11 4 2.04e+05 1041 0 0 0
06-Aug-2019 08:39:42 12 0.015625 0.0002594 0.0021973 0.54333 -1.7462e-09 0.10056 0.12363 0.0062618 -1.819e-11 4 2.04e+05 1041 0 0 0
06-Aug-2019 08:39:42 13 0.021484 1.5259e-05 0.0032349 0.54181 -1.7462e-09 0.23178 0.73837 0.00039101 0 4 2.04e+05 1041 0 0 0
06-Aug-2019 08:29:42 15 0.017578 3.0518e-05 0.0032349 0.54178 -1.7462e-09 -0.60843 -0.19565 0.00090027 0 3 2.034e+05 1041 0 0 0
06-Aug-2019 08:39:42 19 0.027344 0.00024414 -0.0058594 -0.78732 -1.7462e-09 -0.47565 0.30069 -3.8147e-06 0 4 2.04e+05 1041 0 0 0
06-Aug-2019 08:39:42 21 0.021484 0.00022888 0.0029297 -0.12067 -1.8626e-09 -0.91656 0.30164 -0.00054741 -3.638e-12 4 2.04e+05 1041 0 0 0
06-Aug-2019 08:39:42 24 0.011719 0.00024414 0.0022583 -0.11884 -1.8626e-09 0.27414 0.35886 0.0059395 -1.819e-11 4 2.04e+05 1041 0 0 0
06-Aug-2019 08:39:42 25 0.027344 0.00032043 0.0029297 -0.1207 -1.8626e-09 -0.7215 -0.89252 0.0017204 -1.0914e-11 4 2.04e+05 1041 0 0 0
Specify the timestamp for which to find the satellite positions, velocities, and IDs.
t = datetime(2021,06,24,01,59,44)
t = datetime
24-Jun-2021 01:59:44
Get the satellite positions, velocities, and IDs at the specified timestamp by using the gnssconstellation
[satPos,satVel,satID] = gnssconstellation(t,data,GNSSFileType="galalmanac");
Specify a receiver position in geodetic coordinates (latitude, longitude, altitude) to compute the satellite look angles and visibility.
recPos = [42.3013162 -71.3782972 0];
Specify the elevation mask angle for the receiver.
maskAngle = 5;
Compute the look angles and visibilities of satellite positions for the given receiver position. The vis
output indicates which satellites are visible. Get the total using nnz
[az,el,vis] = lookangles(recPos,satPos,maskAngle);
fprintf('%d satellites visible at %s.\n',nnz(vis),t)
10 satellites visible at 24-Jun-2021 01:59:44.
Plot the visible satellite positions with the elevation mask.
figure skyplot(az(vis),el(vis),satID(vis),MaskElevation=maskAngle)
Input Arguments
— Galileo XML almanac filename
string scalar | character vector
Galileo XML almanac filename, specified as a string scalar or character vector. The
filename can include an absolute path, relative path, or no path, but must include the
file extension .xml
Example: "galAlmanac_2023-02-17.xml"
Example: "mydir/galAlmanac_2023-02-17.xml"
Example: "C:/mydir/galAlmanac_2023-02-17.xml"
Data Types: char
| string
— Almanac file issue date
Almanac file issue date, specified as a datetime
. This value enables the computation of the actual week
Example: IssueDate=datetime("yesterday")
Data Types: datetime
Output Arguments
— Parameters of each satellite
Parameters of each satellite, returned as a timetable
with a row for each record and a column for each parameter in that
record. For more information on the Galileo almanac parameters definitions, see the
parameters table on the European GNSS Service Center site.
Parameter | Data Type | Description |
Time | datetime | UTC Time, calculated using actual week number and
SVID | double | Satellite vehicle ID. |
aSqRoot | double | Difference with respect to the square root of the nominal semimajor axis (29,600,000 m), in meters1/2. |
ecc | double | Eccentricity of the orbit. |
deltai | double | Inclination angle offset from the nominal orbital inclination of 56 degrees, in semicircles. |
omega0 | double | Longitude of the ascending node of the orbital plane at the weekly epoch, in semicircles. |
omegaDot | double | Rate of change in the measurement of the angle of right ascension, in semicircles per second. |
w | double | Argument of perigee, in semicircles. |
m0 | double | Satellite mean anomaly at reference time, in semicircles. |
af0 | double | Satellite clock correction bias (truncated), in seconds. |
af1 | double | Satellite clock correction linear (truncated), in seconds per second. |
iod | double | Almanac Issue of Data. |
t0a | double | Almanac reference time, in seconds. |
wna | double | Galileo week number, continuous, not
statusE5a | double | Satellite E5a signal health status. |
statusE5b | double | Satellite E5b signal health status. |
statusE1B | double | Satellite E1-B/C signal health status. |
[1] European GNSS Service Centre (GSC). "Galileo Open Service Signal-In-Space Interface Control Document." Accessed March 13, 2023.
[2] European GNSS Service Centre (GSC). "Galileo Almanac." Accessed March 13, 2023.
Version History
Introduced in R2023b
See Also
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