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Discrete signed distance map of 2-D region

Since R2023a


    Use the signedDistanceMap object to represent distances to surfaces or contours in space using signed distance functions. Query points return positive values if they lie outside an occupied region of space and negative if they lie inside a space. This map object also provides gradient information and the location to nearest occupied cell in the scene.




    map = signedDistanceMap creates an empty 2-D signed distance map object occupying 10-by-10 meters of space with a resolution of 1 cell per meter.

    map = signedDistanceMap(width,height) creates a map with the specified width width, and height height with a resolution of 1 cell per meter.

    map = signedDistanceMap(width,height,resolution) creates a map with the specified width width, and height height with a resolution of resolution cell per meter. The Resolution property is set to resolution.

    map = signedDistanceMap(width,height,resolution,"world") creates a map with a grid size of width-by-height in world coordinates. The Resolution property is set to resolution.

    map = signedDistanceMap(rows,cols,resolution,"grid") creates a map with a grid size of rows-by-cols in grid coordinates. The Resolution property is set to resolution.

    Other Maps

    map = signedDistanceMap(mapmatrix) creates a map of the same size and value as the matrix mapmatrix.


    map = signedDistanceMap(mapmatrix,resolution) creates a map from the values in the matrix or matrix array mapmatrix with a resolution resolution. The Resolution property is set to resolution.

    map = signedDistanceMap(sourcemap) creates a new object using the occupancy data copied from another signedDistanceMap object.

    map = signedDistanceMap(sourcemap,resolution) creates a new object using the occupancy data copied from another signedDistanceMap object but resamples the matrix to have the specified resolution resolution. The Resolution property is set to resolution.

    Additional Options

    map = signedDistanceMap(___,Name=Value) specifies property values using name-value arguments.

    For example, signedDistanceMap(__,LocalOriginInWorld=[15 20]) sets the local origin to a specific world location.

    Input Arguments

    expand all

    Width of map, specified as nonnegative numeric scalar, in meters.

    Height of map, specified as nonnegative numeric scalar, in meters.

    Number of rows in map, specified as nonnegative numeric scalar.

    Number of columns in map, specified as nonnegative numeric scalar.

    Occupancy map matrix, specified as a M-by-N binary-valued matrix, where each cell contains 1 for occupied and 0 for unoccupied.

    Signed distance map to copy values from, specified as a signedDistanceMap object.


    expand all

    Data type of the values stored in the map, specified as a character vector.

    This property is set based on the data type of the input p or the data type of DefaultValue. After you create the object, this property is read-only.

    Data Types: char

    Default value for unspecified map locations including areas outside the map, specified as a numeric scalar.

    Interpolation method for distance matrix, specified as a string scalar:

    • "none" — Distance is constant within cells. The gradient is NaN.

    • "linear" — Bilinearly interpolate distance. The gradient is piecewise continuous between cell-centers.

    Data Types: char | string

    Location of the bottom-left corner of the grid in world coordinates, specified as a two-element vector, [xWorld yWorld].

    You can set this property when you create the object.

    Location of the bottom-left corner of the grid in local coordinates, specified as a two-element vector, [xLocal yLocal].

    You can set this property when you create the object.

    Number of rows and columns in grid, stored as a two-element integer-valued vector representing the number of rows and columns, in that order.

    This property is set when you create the object based on the first two dimensions of the input matrix mapmatrix, the inputs width and height, or the inputs row and col.

    Name of map layer, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

    You can set this property as a name-value argument when you create the object. After you create the object, this property is read-only.

    Data Types: char | string

    Location of the local frame origin in world coordinates, specified as a two-element vector, [xLocal yLocal]. Use the move function to shift the local frame as your vehicle moves.

    You can set this property as a name-value argument when you create the object.

    This property is read-only.

    Grid resolution, specified as a positive numeric scalar in cells per meter representing the number and size of grid locations.

    You can set this property as a name-value argument when you create the object. After you create the object, this property is read-only.

    This property is read-only.

    Minimum and maximum values of x-coordinates in the local frame, stored as a two-element row vector of the form [min max]. Local frame is defined by the LocalOriginInWorld property.

    This property is read-only.

    Minimum and maximum values of y-coordinates in the local frame, stored as a two-element row vector of the form [min max]. Local frame is defined by the LocalOriginInWorld property.

    This property is read-only.

    Minimum and maximum values of x-coordinates of the world frame, stored as a two-element row vector representing the minimum and maximum values, in that order.

    This property is read-only.

    Minimum and maximum values of y-coordinates of the world frame, stored as a two-element row vector representing the minimum and maximum values, in that order.

    Object Functions

    copyCreate copy of 2-D signed distance map
    closestBoundaryGet nearest boundary to location
    distanceGet distance at locations
    getMapDataRetrieve data from map layer
    gradientGet gradient at locations
    grid2worldConvert grid indices to world coordinates
    grid2localConvert grid indices to local coordinates
    local2gridConvert local coordinates to grid indices
    local2worldConvert local coordinates to world coordinates
    moveMove map in world frame
    setMapDataAssign data to map layer
    showDisplay signed distance map
    syncWithSync map with overlapping map
    world2gridConvert world coordinates to grid indices
    world2localConvert world coordinates to local coordinates


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    Load the exampleMaps MAT file.

    load exampleMaps.mat

    Create a signed distance map using the simpleMap data.

    sdm = signedDistanceMap(simpleMap,InterpolationMethod="none");
    show(sdm,BoundaryColor=[0 0 0],Colorbar="on");

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X [meters], ylabel Y [meters] contains an object of type image.

    setMapData(sdm,[7 1],zeros(5,5))
    getMapData(sdm,[9 2])
    ans = logical
    show(sdm,BoundaryColor=[0 0 0],Colorbar="on");

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X [meters], ylabel Y [meters] contains an object of type image.

    Find the closest boundary to the coordinate, [16.25 6.25] and calculate the distance to the nearest boundary.

    coord = [16.25 6.25];
    boundary = closestBoundary(sdm,coord,"world")
    boundary = 
    boundary(:,:,1) =
    boundary(:,:,2) =
    dist = distance(sdm,coord)
    dist = 

    Plot the line between the queried point and the closest obstacle cell center

    hold on
    plot([coord(1) boundary(:,:,1)],[coord(2) boundary(:,:,2)],"-r",Marker=".",MarkerSize=10)

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel X [meters], ylabel Y [meters] contains 2 objects of type image, line.

    Note that even though distance from the queried point appears greater than 4 when plotted, the distance function calculates the distance from the nearest cell center of the queried point.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2023a

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