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Range and Doppler Estimation

Range and Doppler estimation, range-Doppler and range-angle processing, and FMCW range estimation

The Phased Array System Toolbox™ includes a System object and Simulink® block for range-Doppler processing. Utility functions let you compute range-Doppler coupling, convert beat-to-range.


phased.RangeAngleResponseRange-angle response
phased.DopplerEstimatorDoppler estimation
phased.RangeDopplerResponseRange-Doppler response
phased.AngleDopplerResponseAngle-Doppler response
phased.RangeEstimatorRange estimation
phased.RangeResponseRange response


Doppler EstimatorDoppler estimation
Range-Angle ResponseObtain range-angle response map for array
Range Doppler ResponseRange-Doppler response
Range EstimatorRange estimation
Range ResponseRange response


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beat2rangeConvert beat frequency to range
range2beatConvert range to beat frequency
rdcouplingRange Doppler coupling
stretchfreq2rngConvert frequency offset to range
bw2rangeresConvert bandwidth to range resolution (Since R2021a)
physconstPhysical constants
rangeres2bwConvert range resolution to bandwidth (Since R2021a)
bw2rangeresConvert bandwidth to range resolution (Since R2021a)
physconstPhysical constants
rangeres2bwConvert range resolution to bandwidth (Since R2021a)
range2tlCompute underwater sound transmission loss from range
sonareqslCompute source level using the sonar equation
sonareqsnrCompute SNR using the sonar equation
sonareqtlCompute transmission loss using the sonar equation
tl2rangeCompute range from underwater transmission loss


Sonar Equation Calculator Estimate maximum range, SNR, transmission loss and source level of a sonar system



Phased Array Conventions

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