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Plots reflectivity map

Since R2024a


    plotReflectivityMap(surface) plots the reflectivity map indices relative to the size and domain of the surface, where surface is a LandSurface or SeaSurface.


    plotReflectivityMap(surface,Parent=HAX) specifies the plot axes, HAX, for the reflectivity plot of the surface, where surface is a LandSurface or SeaSurface.

    HAX = plotReflectivityMap(___) returns the handle to the axes in the figure.


    collapse all

    This example shows how to plot the reflectivity map for a land surface composed of woods and rolling hills.

    Create Land Surface and Plot

    Create a land surface composed of two different materials and plot the reflectivity map.

    % Create a scenario
    scene = radarScenario;   
    % Specify custom reflectivity table with two surface types
    bnds        = [-50 50; -50 50];
    grazTable   = 20:0.1:60;
    freqTable   = [1e9 10e9];
    numSurfaces = 2;
    reflTypes   = zeros(numel(grazTable),numel(freqTable), ...
    reflTypes(:,:,1) = landreflectivity("Woods", ...
    reflTypes(:,:,2) = landreflectivity("RollingHills", ...
    reflMap           = ones(size(hmap));
    reflMap(hmap > 4) = 2;
    refl = surfaceReflectivity("Custom", ...
        Frequency=freqTable, ...
    % Create land surface
    srf = landSurface(scene,Terrain=hmap,Boundary=bnds, ...
    % Plot reflectivity map

    Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Reflectivity Map, xlabel X (m), ylabel Y (m) contains 2 objects of type surface, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Surface, specified as a LandSurface object created by landSurface or SeaSurface object created by seaSurface.

    Handle to plot axes, specified as an Axes object. Use the gca function to get and set properties of the current axes.

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Handle to the axes displayed in the figure, returned as an Axes object.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024a

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