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Modify the learnable parameters of one approximator towards the learnable parameters of another approximator

Since R2022a


    zFcnAppx = syncParameters(xFcnAppx,yFcnAppx,smoothFactor) returns an updated function approximator object of the same type and configuration of xFcnAppx, but with its learnable parameters updated towards yFcnAppx, according to the smooth factor smoothFactor.



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    For this example, create two value function critics and sync their parameters.

    First, create an finite set observation specification for a scalar that can have four different values.

    obsInfo = rlFiniteSetSpec(1:4);

    Create a table object. Table values are initialized to zero by default.

    table = rlTable(obsInfo);

    Create a base critic.

    Vx = rlValueFunction(table,obsInfo);

    Set the table values to different values.

    table.Table = [1 -1 -10 100]';

    Use the updated table to create a new critic.

    Vy = rlValueFunction(table,obsInfo);

    Sync the parameter values of the base critic Vx, moving them by one fifth of the way towards the parameter values of the new critic Vy.

    Vz = syncParameters(Vx,Vy,0.2);

    Display the learnable parameters of the new critic Vz.

    ans = 
      4x1 dlarray

    Input Arguments

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    Base function approximator object, specified as one of the following:

    To create an actor or critic function object, use one of the following methods.

    • Create the function approximator object directly.

    • Obtain the existing critic from an agent using getCritic.

    • Obtain the existing actor from an agent using getActor.

    New actor or critic object, specified as a function approximator object with a parameter cell array having the same dimensions as the one of xFcnAppx.

    Smooth factor, specified as a positive scalar smaller than one. This factor regulates the extent to which the parameters of xFcnAppx are updated towards the parameters of yFcnAppx. This operation is akin to a single step of a first order low-pass filter update on the xFcnAppx learnable parameters.

    Specifically, if Pz is the parameter vector of zFcnAppx, then:

    Pz = sPy + (1-s)Px

    where Py and Px are the parameter vectors of yFcnAppx and xFcnAppx, respectively.

    For example, if you use a smooth factor of 1, the parameters of zFcnAppx are equal to the parameters of yFcnAppx. If you use a smooth factor of 0.5, parameters of zFcnAppx are equal to the average between the parameters of yFcnAppx and xFcnAppx.

    Output Arguments

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    Updated target actor or critic object, returned as a function approximator object of the same type as xFcnAppx. The learnable parameter values of zFcnAppx are set as a convex combination between the ones in xFcnAppx and the ones in yFcnAppx. For example, as specified in the description of smoothFactor, using a smooth factor of 1 results in zFcnAppx parameters equal to yFcnAppx parameters, while using a smooth factor of 0.5 results in zFcnAppx parameters equal to the average between parameters in xFcnAppx and yFcnAppx.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2022a

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