Stochastic Gaussian transition function approximator object for neural network-based environment
Since R2022a
When creating a neural network-based environment using rlNeuralNetworkEnvironment
, you can specify stochastic transition function
approximators using rlContinuousDeterministicTransitionFunction
A transition function approximator object uses a deep neural network as internal approximation model to predict the next observations based on the current observations and actions.
To specify deterministic transition function approximators, use rlContinuousGaussianTransitionFunction
creates the stochastic transition function approximator object
= rlContinuousGaussianTransitionFunction(net
using the deep neural network net
and sets the ObservationInfo
and ActionInfo
When creating a stochastic transition function approximator, you must specify the
names of the deep neural network inputs and outputs using the
, ActionInputNames
, and
name-value pair
You can also specify the PredictDiff
properties using optional name-value pair arguments. For
example, to use a GPU for prediction, specify UseDevice="gpu"
Input Arguments
— Deep neural network
Deep neural network, specified as a dlnetwork
The input layer names for this network must match the input names specified using
. The dimensions of the input layers must match
the dimensions of the corresponding observation and action specifications in
and ActionInfo
The output layer names for this network must match the output names specified
using NextObservationOutputNames
. The dimensions of the input
layers must match the dimensions of the corresponding observation specifications in
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Example: ObservationInputNames="velocity"
— Observation input layer names
string | string array
Observation input layer names, specified as a string or string array.
The number of observation input names must match the length of
and the order of the names must match the
order of the specifications in ObservationInfo
— Action input layer names
string | string array
Action input layer names, specified as a string or string array.
The number of action input names must match the length of
and the order of the names must match the order of
the specifications in ActionInfo
— Next observation mean output layer names
string | string array
Next observation mean output layer names, specified as a string or string array.
The number of next observation mean output names must match the length of
and the order of the names must match the
order of the specifications in ObservationInfo
— Next observation standard deviation output layer names
string | string array
Next observation standard deviation output layer names, specified as a string or string array.
The number of next observation standard deviation output names must match the
length of ObservationInfo
and the order of the names must match
the order of the specifications in ObservationInfo
— Option to predict the difference between the current observation and the next observation
(default) | true
Option to predict the difference between the current observation and the next observation, specified as one of the following logical values.
— Select this option ifnet
outputs the value of the next observation.true
— Select this option ifnet
outputs the difference between the next observation and the current observation. In this case, thepredict
function computes the next observation by adding the current observation to the output ofnet
Example: true
— Observation specifications
object | array of rlNumericSpec
Observation specifications, specified as an rlNumericSpec
object or an array of such objects. Each element in the array defines the properties of
an environment observation channel, such as its dimensions, data type, and name.
When you create the approximator object, the constructor function sets the
property to the input argument
You can extract observationInfo
from an existing environment,
function approximator, or agent using getObservationInfo
. You can also construct the specifications manually
using rlNumericSpec
Example: [rlNumericSpec([2 1]) rlNumericSpec([1 1])]
— Action specifications
object | rlNumericSpec
Action specifications, specified either as an rlFiniteSetSpec
(for discrete action spaces) or rlNumericSpec
(for continuous action spaces) object. This object defines the properties of the
environment action channel, such as its dimensions, data type, and name.
For this approximator object, only one action channel is allowed.
When you create the approximator object, the constructor function sets the
property to the input argument
You can extract ActionInfo
from an existing environment or agent
using getActionInfo
. You can also construct the specifications manually using
or rlNumericSpec
Example: rlNumericSpec([2 1])
— Normalization method
(default) | string array
Normalization method, returned as an array in which each element (one for each input
channel defined in the observationInfo
properties, in that order) is one of the following
— Do not normalize the input."rescale-zero-one"
— Normalize the input by rescaling it to the interval between 0 and 1. The normalized input Y is (U–Min
), where U is the nonnormalized input. Note that nonnormalized input values lower thanLowerLimit
result in normalized values lower than 0. Similarly, nonnormalized input values higher thanUpperLimit
result in normalized values higher than 1. Here,UpperLimit
are the corresponding properties defined in the specification object of the input channel."rescale-symmetric"
— Normalize the input by rescaling it to the interval between –1 and 1. The normalized input Y is 2(U–LowerLimit
) – 1, where U is the nonnormalized input. Note that nonnormalized input values lower thanLowerLimit
result in normalized values lower than –1. Similarly, nonnormalized input values higher thanUpperLimit
result in normalized values higher than 1. Here,UpperLimit
are the corresponding properties defined in the specification object of the input channel.
When you specify the Normalization
property of
, normalization is applied only to
the approximator input channels corresponding to rlNumericSpec
specification objects in which both the
and LowerLimit
are defined. After you create the agent, you can use setNormalizer
to assign normalizers that use any normalization
method. For more information on normalizer objects, see rlNormalizer
Example: "rescale-symmetric"
— Computation device used for training and simulation
(default) | "gpu"
Computation device used to perform operations such as gradient computation, parameter
update and prediction during training and simulation, specified as either
or "gpu"
The "gpu"
option requires both Parallel Computing Toolbox™ software and a CUDA® enabled NVIDIA® GPU. For more information on supported GPUs see GPU Computing Requirements (Parallel Computing Toolbox).
You can use gpuDevice
(Parallel Computing Toolbox) to query or select a local GPU device to be
used with MATLAB®.
Training or simulating an agent on a GPU involves device-specific numerical round-off errors. Because of these errors, you can get different results on a GPU and on a CPU for the same operation.
To speed up training by using parallel processing over multiple cores, you do not need
to use this argument. Instead, when training your agent, use an rlTrainingOptions
object in which the UseParallel
option is set to true
. For more information about training using
multicore processors and GPUs for training, see Train Agents Using Parallel Computing and GPUs.
Example: "gpu"
— Learnable parameters of approximator object
cell array of dlarray
Learnable parameters of the approximator object, specified as a cell array of
objects. This property contains the learnable parameters of
the approximation model used by the approximator object.
Example: {dlarray(rand(256,4)),dlarray(rand(256,1))}
— State of approximator object
cell array of dlarray
State of the approximator object, specified as a cell array of
objects. For dlnetwork
-based models, this
property contains the Value
column of the
property table of the dlnetwork
The elements of the cell array are the state of the recurrent neural network used in the
approximator (if any), as well as the state for the batch normalization layer (if
For model types that are not based on a dlnetwork
object, this
property is an empty cell array, since these model types do not support states.
Example: {dlarray(rand(256,1)),dlarray(rand(256,1))}
Object Functions
rlNeuralNetworkEnvironment | Environment model with deep neural network transition models |
Create Stochastic Transition Function and Predict Next Observation
Create an environment interface and extract observation and action specifications. Alternatively, you can create specifications using rlNumericSpec
and rlFiniteSetSpec
env = rlPredefinedEnv("CartPole-Continuous");
obsInfo = getObservationInfo(env);
actInfo = getActionInfo(env);
Define the layers for the deep neural network. The network has two input channels, one for the current observations and one for the current actions. The output of the network is the predicted Gaussian distribution for each next observation. The two output channels correspond to the means and standard deviations of these distribution.
% Define paths. statePath = featureInputLayer(obsInfo.Dimension(1),Name="obs"); actionPath = featureInputLayer(actInfo.Dimension(1),Name="act"); commonPath = [ concatenationLayer(1,2,Name="concat") fullyConnectedLayer(32,Name="fc") reluLayer(Name="CriticRelu1") fullyConnectedLayer(32,Name="fc2") ]; meanPath = [ reluLayer(Name="nextObsMeanRelu") fullyConnectedLayer(obsInfo.Dimension(1),Name="nextObsMean") ]; stdPath = [ reluLayer(Name="nextObsStdRelu") fullyConnectedLayer(obsInfo.Dimension(1),Name="nextObsStdReluFull") softplusLayer(Name="nextObsStd") ]; % Create dlnetwork object and add layers tsnNet = dlnetwork; tsnNet = addLayers(tsnNet,statePath); tsnNet = addLayers(tsnNet,actionPath); tsnNet = addLayers(tsnNet,commonPath); tsnNet = addLayers(tsnNet,meanPath); tsnNet = addLayers(tsnNet,stdPath); % Connect paths. tsnNet = connectLayers(tsnNet,"obs","concat/in1"); tsnNet = connectLayers(tsnNet,"act","concat/in2"); tsnNet = connectLayers(tsnNet,"fc2","nextObsMeanRelu"); tsnNet = connectLayers(tsnNet,"fc2","nextObsStdRelu"); % Plot network. plot(tsnNet)
Initialize network and display the number of weights.
tsnNet = initialize(tsnNet); summary(tsnNet)
Initialized: true Number of learnables: 1.5k Inputs: 1 'obs' 4 features 2 'act' 1 features
Create a stochastic transition function object.
tsnFcnAppx = rlContinuousGaussianTransitionFunction(tsnNet, ... obsInfo,actInfo, ... ObservationInputNames="obs",... ActionInputNames="act",... NextObservationMeanOutputNames="nextObsMean",... NextObservationStandardDeviationOutputNames="nextObsStd");
Using this transition function object, you can predict the next observation based on the current observation and action. For example, predict the next observation for a random observation and action. The next observation values are sampled from Gaussian distributions with the means and standard deviations output by the transition network.
observation = rand(obsInfo.Dimension); action = rand(actInfo.Dimension); nextObs = predict(tsnFcnAppx,{observation},{action})
nextObs = 1x1 cell array
{4x1 single}
ans = 4x1 single column vector
You can also obtain the mean value and standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution of the predicted next observation using evaluate
nextObsDist = evaluate(tsnFcnAppx,{observation,action})
nextObsDist=1×2 cell array
{4x1 single} {4x1 single}
Version History
Introduced in R2022a
See Also
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