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Create T-parameter object


tobj = tparameters(filename) creates a T-parameter object, ht by importing data from the Touchstone file specified by filename. All data is stored in real/imag format.


tobj = tparameters(tobj_old,z0) converts a T-parameter data in tobj_old to the new impedance z0. z0 is optional, and if not provided, tparam_data is copied instead of converted.


tobj = tparameters(rftbx_obj) extracts S-parameter network data from object, an object, or any analyzed network object, and then converts the data to T-parameter data.

tobj = tparameters(hnet, z0) converts the network parameter data in hnet into T-parameter data.

tobj = tparameters(paramdata,freq,z0) creates T-parameter object directly from the specified data, paramdata using specified frequency and impedance.


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Read S-parameter data from a Touchstone file and convert the data to T-parameters

T1 = tparameters('passive.s2p');
  tparameters with properties:

      Impedance: 50
       NumPorts: 2
     Parameters: [2x2x202 double]
    Frequencies: [202x1 double]

Change the impedance of T-parameters to 100 ohms.

T1 = tparameters('passive.s2p');
  tparameters with properties:

      Impedance: 50
       NumPorts: 2
     Parameters: [2x2x202 double]
    Frequencies: [202x1 double]
T2 = tparameters(T1,100); 
  tparameters with properties:

      Impedance: 100
       NumPorts: 2
     Parameters: [2x2x202 double]
    Frequencies: [202x1 double]

Input Arguments

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T-parameter object, specified as a scalar handle.

Input T-parameter data, specified as 2N-by-2N-by-K array of complex numbers (since R2023a). The function uses this input argument to set the value of the Parameters property of ht.

Touchstone data file, specified as a character vector. filename can be the name of a file on the MATLAB® path or the full path to a file.

Example: ht = tparameters('defaultbandpass.s2p');

T-parameter frequencies, specified as a vector of positive real numbers. The frequencies are sorted from smallest to largest. The function uses this input argument to set the value of the Frequencies property of ht.

Reference impedance in ohms, specified as one of the following:

  • Positive real scalar when you want the reference impedance of all ports of the network to be equal.

  • Positive real vector of length N when you want the reference impedance of each port of the N-port network to be different. (since R2023a)

  • Positive real vector of length K when you want the reference impedance of each of the K frequencies of the data to be different. (since R2023a)

If the reference impedance is a vector and the number of ports N equals the number of data frequencies K, N == K, then the sparameters object will assign each element of the vector to each port of the network. To specify reference impedances for each frequency in this case, specify Z0 as a 3-D vector of length 1-by-1-by-K.

You cannot specify Z0 if you are importing data from a file. The argument Z0 is optional and is stored in the Impedance property.

Network parameter data, specified as a scalar handle. If hnet is a T-parameter object, then tobj is a deep copy of hnet. Otherwise, the function performs a network parameter conversion to create tobj. Specify hnet as one of the following types: sparameters, yparameters, gparameters, hparameters, zparameters, or abcdparameters.

Network object, specified as a scalar handle. You can specify rftbxobj as one of the following types: object, object, or as any analyzed rfckt type.

Output Arguments

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T-parameter data, returned as a scalar handle. disp(ht) returns the properties of the object:

  • NumPorts — Number of ports, specified as an integer. The function calculates this value automatically when you create the object.

  • Parameters — T-parameter data, specified as a 2N-by-2N-by-K array of complex numbers (since R2023a). The 2N-by-2N T-parameter data is specified for each frequency in the “Frequencies” property. The function sets this property from the filename or paramdata input arguments.

  • Impedance — Characteristic impedance used to measure the T-Parameters, specified as a numeric positive real scalar.

  • Frequencies — T-parameter frequencies, specified as a K-by-1 vector of positive real numbers sorted from smallest to largest. The function sets this property from the filename or freq input arguments.

Version History

Introduced in R2015a

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