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Compute zeros, poles, and gain of rational object

Since R2020a



[z,p,k,dcgain] = zpk(fit) returns the zeros, poles, gain, and DC gain of a rational object.


collapse all

Create an S-Parameters object from the file named default.s2p. Perform rational fitting of the S-Parameters.

S = sparameters('default.s2p');
fit = rational(S,Display='plot')

fit = 
  rational with properties:

      NumPorts: 2
      NumPoles: 52
         Poles: [52x1 double]
      Residues: [2x2x52 double]
    DirectTerm: [2x2 double]
         ErrDB: -22.6872

Calculate the zeros, poles, gain, and DC gain of the rational object.

[z,p,k,dcgain] = zpk(fit)
z=2×2 cell array
    {51x1 double}    {51x1 double}
    {51x1 double}    {51x1 double}

p=2×2 cell array
    {52x1 double}    {52x1 double}
    {52x1 double}    {52x1 double}

k = 2×2
1010 ×

    1.0544   -0.0194
    0.9158    0.0377

dcgain = 2×2

    0.1289   -0.0838
   -0.1209    0.7649

Input Arguments

collapse all

Rational fit, specified as a rational or rfmodel.rational object.

Output Arguments

collapse all

Zeroes of the fit, returned as a 1-D array of doubles or a 3-D array of doubles.

Poles of the fit, returned as a 1-D array of doubles or a 3-D array of doubles.

Gain of the fit, returned as a 2-D array of doubles. k is the coefficient of the rational function when poles and zeros are expressed as monic polynomials in S.

DC gain of the fit, returned as 2-D array of doubles for zero frequency response.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a