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Specify matrix variables in LMI problem


X = lmivar(type,structure) defines a new matrix variable in the LMI system currently described. The array structure specifies the structure of the variable. The optional output X is an identifier that can be used for subsequent reference to the variable. Before using lmivar to create any variables, initialize the LMI system using setlmis.


[X,n,sX] = lmivar(type,structure) returns the total number of decision variables in the problem thus far, and a matrix indicating the dependence of X on the decision variables.



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Consider an LMI system with three matrix variables X1, X2, and X3 such that:

  • X1 is a 3-by-3 symmetric matrix (unstructured)

  • X2 is a 2-by-4 rectangular matrix (unstructured)

  • X3 =


where Δ is an arbitrary 5-by-5 symmetric matrix, δ1 and δ2 are scalars, and I2 denotes the identity matrix of size 2.

Define these three variables using lmivar.

X1 = lmivar(1,[3 1]);          % Type 1 
X2 = lmivar(2,[2 4]);          % Type 2 of dimension 2-by-4 
X3 = lmivar(1,[5 1;1 0;2 0]);  % Type 1

The last command defines X3 as a variable of Type 1 with one full block of size 5 and two scalar blocks of sizes 1 and 2.

Combined with the extra outputs n and sX of lmivar, Type 3 allows you to specify fairly complex matrix variable structures. For instance, consider a matrix variable X with structure given by


where X1 and X2 are 2-by-3 and 3-by-2 rectangular matrices, respectively. Specify this structure as follows.

Define the rectangular variables X1 and X2.

[X1,n,sX1] = lmivar(2,[2 3]); 
[X2,n,sX2] = lmivar(2,[3 2]);

The outputs sX1 and sX2 give the decision variable content of X1 and X2.

sX1 = 2×3

     1     2     3
     4     5     6

sX2 = 3×2

     7     8
     9    10
    11    12

For instance, sX2(1,1) = 7 means that the (1,1) entry of X2 is the seventh decision variable.

Next, use Type 3 to specify the matrix variable X and define its structure in terms of the structures of X1 and X2.

[X,n,sX] = lmivar(3,[sX1,zeros(2);zeros(3),sX2]);

Confirm that the result X has the desired structure.

sX = 5×5

     1     2     3     0     0
     4     5     6     0     0
     0     0     0     7     8
     0     0     0     9    10
     0     0     0    11    12

Input Arguments

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Matrix variable type, specified as 1, 2, or 3.

  • 1 — Symmetric matrix with a block diagonal structure. Use structure to specify the size and structure of the diagonal blocks.

  • 2 — Full rectangular matrix. Use structure to specify the dimensions of the matrix.

  • 3 — Other structure. Use structure to provide further information about the structure of the variable.

Matrix variable structure, specified as an array. How you specify the structure depends on the variable type.

type = 1

For a matrix variable with N diagonal blocks, specify structure as an N-by-2 matrix, where the ith row describes the ith diagonal block.

  • structure(i,1) specifies the block size.

  • structure(i,2) specifies the block type.

    • structure(i,2) = 0 for a scalar block (a scalar multiple of the identity matrix).

    • structure(i,2) = 1 for a full block (arbitrary symmetric matrix).

    • structure(i,2) = -1 for a zero block.

For instance, if the first block of X is a single scalar value and the second block of X is a 3-by-3 full block, then specify structure as [1 0; 3 1].

type = 2

For a full rectangular m-by-n matrix variable, specify structure = [m,n].

type = 3

You can use Type 3 to specify sophisticated matrix variable structures. To specify a variable X of Type 3, first identify how many free independent entries are involved in X. These entries constitute the set of decision variables associated with X. If the problem already involves n decision variables, label the new free variables as xn+1, . . ., xn+p. You then specify the structure of X in terms of those free variables. To do so, specify structure as a matrix of the same dimensions as X, where structure(i,j) is:

  • 0, if X(i,j) = 0.

  • k, if X(i,j) is the kth decision variable.

  • -k, if X(i,j) is (-1) times the kth decision variable.

To help specify matrix variables of Type 3, use the n and sX output variables of lmivar to check the number of decision variables and entry-wise dependence of X on the decision variables, respectively.

For examples specifying Type 3 LMI variables, see Type 3 Matrix Variables and Advanced LMI Techniques.

Output Arguments

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Identifier for the matrix variable, returned as a positive integer. The value of this identifier is k, where k-1 is the number of matrix variables previously declared in this LMI problem. The value of this identifier is not affected by subsequent modifications of the LMI system.

Number of decision variables in the system so far, returned as a positive integer. This value includes the decision variables in X and those in previously defined LMI variables.

Dependence of X on decision variables, returned as a matrix. Each entry in sX is either 0, the index of a decision variable, or minus the index of a decision variable. For instance, suppose that X depends on two decision variables, x1 and x1, as follows:


When you create the variable X, the lmivar command returns the following value for sX.

sX = 2×2

     0   -1
     2    0

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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