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Gaussian monopulse


y = gmonopuls(t,fc) returns samples of the unit-amplitude Gaussian monopulse with center frequency fc at the times indicated in array t.


tc = gmonopuls('cutoff',fc) returns the time duration between the maximum and minimum amplitudes of the pulse.



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Consider a Gaussian monopulse with center frequency fc=2 GHz and sampled at a rate of 100 GHz. Determine the cutoff time tc using the 'cutoff' option and compute the monopulse between -2tc and 2tc.

fc = 2e9;
fs = 100e9;

tc = gmonopuls('cutoff',fc);
t  = -2*tc:1/fs:2*tc;

y = gmonopuls(t,fc);

The monopulse is defined by the equation


where σ=tc/2=1/(2πfc) and the exponential factor is such that y(σ)=1. Plot the two curves and verify that they match.

sg = 1/(2*pi*fc);

ys = exp(1/2)*t/sg.*exp(-(t/sg).^2/2);


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains 2 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent gmonopuls, Definition.

Consider a Gaussian monopulse with center frequency fc=2 GHz and sampled at a rate of 100 GHz. Use the monopulse to construct a pulse train with a spacing of 7.5 ns.

Determine the width tc of each pulse using the 'cutoff' option. Set the delay times to be integer multiples of the spacing.

fc = 2e9;
fs = 100e9;

tc = gmonopuls('cutoff',fc);
D = ((0:2)*7.5+2.5)*1e-9;

Generate the pulse train such that the total duration is 150tc. Plot the result.

t  = 0:1/fs:150*tc;
yp = pulstran(t,D,'gmonopuls',fc);


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object contains an object of type line.

Input Arguments

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Time values at which the unit-amplitude Gaussian monopulse is calculated, specified as a vector.

Center frequency, specified as a real positive scalar expressed in hertz. By default, fc = 1000 Hz.

Output Arguments

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Monopulse of unit amplitude, returned as a vector.

Time duration between the maximum and minimum amplitudes of the pulse, returned as a scalar.


Default values are substituted for empty or omitted trailing input arguments.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a